Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Interview Q and A for Oracle Remain Topic Part - 2


62. How do you refresh a snapshot remotely?
You can use DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE in a local procedure that will change the time of the snapshot's refresh to do it almost immediately.  Note 1031959.6

63. Why do I have multiple entries in DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for the same table?
There are as many entries in DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for the same master table as there are snapshots that are refreshing against that master table. Note 1024394.6

64. Can you put triggers on snapshots?
Triggers on snapshots are not supported primarily because Oracle cannot  Note 67424.1

65. What is the maximum number of snapshots in a refresh group?
100    Note 1022286.6

66. How do you offline instantiate a snapshot earlier than 7.3.x using export/import?
This is NOT supported prior to 7.3.x, however there are circumstances that might justify doing this (see Note 1021306.6).

67. What is the refsnap refresh utility?
The refresh utility referred to in the Administration Manual is "refsnap". This utility was used to automatically refresh snapshots.
should be used instead to allow for SNP processes.

68. What are read-only snapshots?
Oracle7 has introduced the table snapshot feature that allows replication of a master table by an unlimited number of snapshots
existing on different nodes in a distributed network. The snapshot cannot be updated. It is a read-only kind of table.

69. Can you have synonym-based snapshots?
NO. This is not supported.

70. What is locked during a snapshot refresh?
SYS.SNAP$ base table and the snapshot's base table

71. How do you avoid complete loss of data if a complete refresh fails?
A complete refresh truncates the snapshot's base table first.
If the actual refresh fails, you would have lost the data.
You can avoid this by creating a refresh group since the group will do a
delete from the base table instead of a truncate. Note 1029824.6

72. Can you create unique indexes on snapshots?
No, it is not supported.
You face the following risks:
1) You risk changing the execution plan of the queries performed during fast refresh. This can result in extremely poor
refresh performance.
2) Operations performed during refresh may temporarily violate the constraint. Violation of the constraint would abort
your refresh. We only guarantee that the snapshot will be a read-consistent view of the master after refresh. We
don't have any guarantee on how that is achieved.  Note 67424.1

73. Can you create a snapshot off of a snapshot?
No. Please note in Oracle8i / Oracle9i a number of these restrictions have been removed.


74. What is the LogMiner utility?
The Oracle LogMiner utility enables you to query redo log files through a SQL interface. Redo log files contain information about the history of activity on a database including every change made to user data and to the data dictionary in a database. Therefore, redo log files are the only source that contains all the necessary information to perform recovery operations. Because redo log data is often kept in archived files, the data is already available. There should be no additional operations needed to obtain the data that LogMiner uses. Note 62508.1 The LogMiner Utility

75. What versions of Oracle support LogMiner?
The LogMiner utility was shipped with the Oracle8i and Oracle9i databases.

76. Can LogMiner be used against Oracle8 (8.0.x) logs?
Yes - both the Oracle8i and Oracle9i LogMiner utilities can be used against Oracle 8.0.x redo logs. However, some of the LogMiner release 9.0.1 features only work with redo log files produced on an Oracle9i or later database.
Note 74988.1 How to Build an Oracle 8.0 LogMiner Dictionary

78. Can LogMiner be used against Oracle7 logs?
No - the Oracle8i and Oracle9i LogMiner utilities cannot read Oracle7 redo logs.

79. What datatypes are supported by LogMiner?
LogMiner has the following restrictions:
In 8.x and 9.0.x LogMiner cannot be used with the following:
- Data types LONG and LOB
- Simple and nested abstract data types (ADTs)
- Collections (nested tables and VARRAYS)
- Object Refs
- Index Organized Tables (IOTs)
In 9.2.x, LogMiner can be used with LONG and LOB, but it cannot be used with:
- Simple and nested abstract data types (ADTs)
- Collections (nested tables and VARRAYS)
- Object Refs
- Index Organized Tables (IOTs)
For a complete list of restrictions, please view the LogMiner documentation located in the Database Administrator's Guide.

80. How does LogMiner handle Chained Rows?
The Oracle8i LogMiner utility does not support Chained Rows. Even though this is not supported, there is a document available on this subject: Note 74750.1 LogMiner Analysis of DML on Chained Rows
The Oracle9i LogMiner utility does support extracting information on Chained Rows against Oracle9i log files only. See:
Note 148616.1 Oracle9i LogMiner New Features

81. Is there a GUI interface for LogMiner available anywhere?
Yes - for Oracle9i the LogMiner Viewer is available in Enterprise Manager.
Note 170484.1 Overview of the LogMiner Viewer 9.0.1 Used to Query Redo Log Files
Note 170054.1 How To Create a Standalone LogMiner Viewer Repository
Note 151365.1 How to Configure the EM Log Miner Viewer 9.0.1 Feature

82. Can LogMiner extract DDL too?
Oracle8i - No. In this version LogMiner only supports obtaining information about DML on conventional tables. Since only the internal operations to the data dictionary are recorded and it is difficult to track these operations.
However you can determine the time of some DDL operations.

Fail Safe

83. What is Oracle Fail Safe?
Oracle Fail Safe is software that works with Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) to provide highly available business solutions on Microsoft clusters. Oracle Fail Safe works with MSCS cluster software to provide high availability for applications and single-instance databases running on a cluster. With Oracle Fail Safe, you can reduce downtime for single-instance Oracle databases and almost any application that can be configured as a Microsoft Windows service.
Oracle Fail Safe consists of two main components: Oracle Services for MSCS and Oracle Fail Safe Manager. Oracle Services for MSCS works with the MSCS software to configure fast, automatic failover during planned and unplanned outages for resources configured for high availability. Oracle Fail Safe Manager provides a user-friendly interface and wizards that help you to configure and manage cluster resources, and troubleshooting tools that help you to diagnose problems.
Together, these components enable rapid deployment of highly available database, application, and Internet business solutions. No changes are required to existing applications to access Oracle Fail Safe databases.
Oracle Fail Safe offers these features:
- Highly Available Resources and Applications (Fast automatic Failover).
- Easy to Use and Support (GUI, Wizards, Configuration replication)
- Easy to Integrate with OCI and ODBC Applications
Note: Oracle Services for MSCS was referred to as Oracle Fail Safe Server in previous releases of Oracle Fail Safe.

84. What are the prerequisites for using Oracle Fail Safe?
Oracle Fail Safe runs under Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 EE. Windows NT
Enterprise Edition requires Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) Version 1.0, where as MSCS is included with
Windows 2000/2003. MSCS is the cluster software that Oracle Fail Safe uses. Currently, MSCS (and thus,
Oracle Fail Safe) supports upto 8 nodes in a cluster system.
Cluster Nodes:
1. On each cluster node, install:
a. Microsoft Windows on a private (system) disk.
b. Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) on a private disk if you installed Microsoft Windows NT in step a.
(MSCS is included in Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 installations.)
2. Validate that the IP addresses and hostnames resolve properly across the cluster.
3. On each cluster node for each Oracle product that you intend to install, create an Oracle home on a private disk. Ensure that the Oracle homes on each cluster node have the same name.
4. On each cluster node, install into the Oracle home (or homes) the optional Oracle software (Oracle Database, Oracle HTTP Servers, and other applications) that you plan to use with Oracle Fail Safe.
Client Nodes (running Oracle Fail Safe Manager):
On one or more client systems, optionally, install Oracle Fail Safe Manager. Client nodes where you will be running Oracle Fail Safe Manager need to be running WindowsNT or Windows server 2000/2003 respectively.

85. Does Fail Safe support multiple Oracle homes?
Oracle Fail Safe supports Oracle databases in multiple homes under these conditions:
· Install Oracle Services for MSCS in any one Oracle home on all cluster nodes. Only one version of Oracle Services for MSCS can be installed and running on a node.
Fail Safe can be installed in any Oracle home but only once on each node.
If a database is to be made Fail Safe (added to a Fail Safe group), the database must exist on both  nodes. Any Oracle home that is to be used with Fail Safe must be symmetrical on the cluster (i.e. same home name and Oracle version).
All resources in a Fail Safe group must reside in the same Oracle home. EX: You cannot add a database from one home and another database from another home into the same Fail Safe group.
You can install multiple versions of Oracle Fail Safe Manager on a system, but each version must be installed in a different Oracle home, and the latest release of Oracle Fail Safe Manager must be installed last.

86. In what types of situations is Oracle Fail Safe useful?
Fail Safe has two principal uses:
Allows an Oracle database, Oracle Forms, or Oracle Reports to run on either node of a cluster, for continued availability in the event of node downtime.
Shares workload between the cluster nodes, eliminating the need to have a standby machine that, typically, is idle and thus underutilized.

87. How is Oracle Fail Safe installed and managed?
Oracle Fail Safe has been designed to be easy to install and manage. A component called Oracle Fail Safe Manager acts as a console, allowing standard Windows operations such as drag-and-drop capabilities to be used in management.
There is also a command-line interface in Fail Safe (FSCMD) to support scripting and batch automation of administration tasks (such as backups).
A powerful set of verification troubleshooting tools is provided with release 2.1.2 and above. Verify Cluster, Verify Group, and Verify Standalone Database enable the system manager or DBA to check the health of a Fail Safe installation, monitor the progress of configuration changes and quickly identify the source of any problems.

88. What terminology does Fail Safe introduce?
There are a number of terms specific to Oracle Fail Safe and cluster systems:
Cluster Alias:
The cluster alias is a node-independent network name that identifies a cluster and is used for cluster-related system management. MSCS creates a group called the Cluster Group, and the cluster alias is the virtual address of this group. Oracle Fail Safe Manager interacts with the cluster components and MSCS using the cluster alias. Clients do not connect to the cluster alias.
Fail Safe Group:
A logical collection of cluster resources that forms a minimal unit of failover.Minimally, a Fail Safe group consists of a virtual server, network name (chosen when Oracle Fail Safe is installed) and an IP address, which is used by clients to access the service provided by the Fail Safe group. A Fail Safe group runs on only one cluster node at a time. A Fail Safe group and a virtual server are synonymous.
The process by which a Fail Safe group (virtual server) is made available on the surviving node.
Failover Time:
The total time taken between the database becoming unavailable on the failed node and available on the surviving node.
The process by which a database is (optionally) made available again on the first node, after the reason failover took place has been rectified.
Virtual Server:
A collection of services that gives the appearance of a physical Windows server to clients, regardless of the actual physical node on which the services are running. (To clients accessing the Fail Safe resources, the virtual server looks like a physical node.) A virtual server contains all of the resources necessary to run a particular application, including a network name and an IP address resource. Thus, you may have several virtual servers--one for each of the Fail Safe (failover) groups. A Fail Safe group and a virtual server are synonymous.

89. What happens when database failover occurs?
The sequence of events depends on whether the failover is planned or unplanned.
Failover events in a planned failover:
Oracle Fail Safe initiates a checkpoint, and, when it is complete,
1.  shuts down the database.
2. Oracle Fail Safe requests MSCS to move the Fail Safe group resources to the other cluster node.
3. MSCS starts the instance on the second node.
4.Client applications can then connect to the Oracle Fail Safe database on the second node, using the same virtual server address.
Failover events in an unplanned failover:
1. MSCS detects that a problem has occurred on one node.
A predetermined failover policy for the Fail Safe group is followed. Often, one or more attempts will be made to restart the database rather than fail it over, in case the problem was transitory.
2. If failover is activated, MSCS starts the database instance on the surviving node.
3. Instance recovery takes place.
4. Client applications then can connect to the Oracle Fail Safe database on the second node, using the same virtual server address.

90. Does Fail Safe work only with databases?
No. Fail Safe can also work with Oracle and limited support for third-party applications. We have worked with vendors to make sure that third-party applications can work with a Fail Safe Database. However, we don't support configuring the third party applications.
The current releases provide support for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports.

91. Can Fail Safe be used to share a cluster workload?
Yes. Oracle Fail Safe minimizes the need to have a standy machine that is idle until a failover occurs. However, care is needed in capacity planning. If both cluster nodes perform useful work (this is called an active/active configuration), loading may be such that the surviving node may be unable to cope effectively with the workload. A compromise would be to plan for both nodes to be, say, 75% utilized under normal operation, so after failover, performance of the surviving node would be slower but hopefully acceptable.

92. How do I make an Oracle database into a Fail Safe database?
Take the following steps to create a Fail Safe database:
Create a database on either cluster node, placing the data files, log files and control files on the shared cluster disks. Database files such as the initialization file can reside on a private (non-cluster) disk.
1. Create a Fail Safe Group using Oracle Fail Safe Manager, supplying a virtual server network name and IP address.
2. Drag the standalone database to the Fail Safe Group to invoke the Add Resource to Group Wizard. The wizard will then determine the disks used by the database, add them to the Fail Safe group, configure SQL*Net V2 or Net8 files to work with the virtual server, and test that the Fail Safe database works correctly on each node.
3. Configuring a Fail Safe database is an example of a long-running operation that take several minutes to complete because such operations typically are performed on both nodes in the cluster. During long-running operations, a window displays the progress of the operation. This window can provide useful diagnostic information in the event of a problem occurring.

93. How long does it take to fail over a database?
In tests using Oracle databases with SAP R/3, both planned and unplanned failovers took between about 30 seconds on systems with a few users, to about a minute on systems with 300 users. For database failover, the Oracle8 and above releases allow users to connect before recovery is complete.

94. Can Oracle Fail Safe support applications that use OCI or ODBC?
An application perceives failover as a network problem. There are two issues:
How to re-establish the connection to the database
How to re-establish the state of the application after failover has taken place
If you want to configure an existing application to access databases or other applications configured with Oracle Fail Safe, then few or no changes are required. Because applications always access cluster resources at the same virtual address, applications treat failover as a quick node restart. After a failover occurs, database clients or users must reconnect and replay any transactions that were left undone (such as database transactions that were rolled back during instance recovery). Applications developed with OCI (including ODBC clients that use the Oracle ODBC driver) can take advantage of automatic reconnection after failover.
With transparent application failover, clients do not need to explicitly reconnect after a group fails over. The OCI connection handles reconnection and state recovery automatically for the client application. In fact, applications that are not actively updating the database at the time of a failure may not notice that failover is occurring.
The transparent application failover feature is supported for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. For Oracle Database 10g Release and later, the transparent application failover feature is also supported for Oracle Database 10g Standard Edition.

95. In what state are transactions left after failover?
When failover occurs, the database running on the failed node is shut down using Abort mode. Thus, any active transactions will be rolled back when recovery takes place on the second node (but also see the next question).

96. What does the Oracle Resource DLL do?
This DLL is the heart of Oracle Fail Safe. Its main tasks include the following:
Bring the database server online and take it offline
Act as a bridge between MSCS and the database
Perform "Is Alive" polling to test queries against the database to check all is well.
Change the timing parameters (Pending Timeout, etc) based on database workload

97. What SQL*Net changes are needed to use Fail Safe?
Oracle Fail Safe automatically updates the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files on all cluster nodes (that are possible owners for the single-instance database) and on the client node where you are running Oracle Fail Safe Manager. If you need to enable remote clients (that are not running Oracle Fail Safe) to process work against a single-instance Oracle database through a cluster node, you must edit the tnsnames.ora files to update the host name with the virtual address information. Edit each client's local tnsnames.ora file using a network configuration tool.
When you configure a Fail Safe group, the most important information that you supply is the group name and the associated virtual server address. The host name, database instance, SID entry, and protocol information must match on both cluster nodes and on each client system that is running Oracle Fail Safe Manager. Add a single-instance database to the group procedure updates the net service name entry in the tnsnames.ora file for the database to use the virtual addresses of the group. If there are multiple Oracle homes on the node, then all tnsnames.ora files are updated.
Oracle Fail Safe checks the tnsnames.ora file for an existing entry with the same name and updates the tnsnames.ora file. If an entry for the net service name exists, then Oracle Fail Safe updates the tnsnames.ora file otherwise it will write a new entry.
Oracle Fail Safe also creates a new Oracle Fail Safe listener that is configured to listen on the virtual address associated with the single-instance database and automatically adds it to the failsafe group.

98. How does Oracle Fail Safe differ from Microsoft Cluster Server?
Oracle Fail Safe has built-in knowledge of Oracle resources (databases, Reports, Forms) and how they work on shared nothing cluster systems. MSCS is not adequate for configuration and management of Oracle resources.

99. How does Fail Safe compare to RAC?
There are some similarities between Oracle Fail Safe and RAC, but there are a greater number of differences.
Both products support Oracle databases on more than one node. Oracle Fail Safe currently supports upto eight nodes(limitation of MSCS cluster), whereas RAC can, depending on the vendor, support larger numbers of nodes. The key differences are in cost and scalability: Oracle Fail Safe is a much lower-cost solution than RAC, but does not offer the scalability of RAC for expanding the cluster and its workload as a business' needs grow.
Other differences lie in the technology used. Oracle Fail Safe uses the MSCS clustering software, which means the cluster nodes share no resources. RAC uses shared disks and all nodes have concurrent access to the data on all disks. Sophisticated lock and cache management technologies used in conjunction with partners disk cluster technologies, allow RAC to offer a highly available, highly scalable solution for WINDOWS clusters.
Fail Safe is suited for easily partitioned workloads and data for customers who:
Require high availability for the database, and a single-instance Oracle will suffice.
Expect most configuration and management of clusters and Oracle databases to be handled automatically.
Expect tuning and management of Oracle Fail Safe databases to be the same as single instance Oracle10g/Oracle11g databases.
Real Application Clusters is suited for corporate database customers who:
Require parallel access to a single database by multiple systems
Have access to multi-instance Oracle database and cluster tuning and configuration knowledge

100. When will Fail Safe support more than two nodes?
This depends entirely on how many nodes will MSCS support. For now both Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition and Datacenter Edition will support server cluster configurations of up to 8 nodes.

101. Is Fail Safe always going to use Enterprise Manager?
Oracle Fail Safe Manager also works with Oracle Enterprise Manager-the needed software is included on the Oracle Fail Safe CD. Oracle Enterprise Manager is not a requirement for Oracle Fail Safe but you can use Enterprise Manager for routine database administration tasks (such as database backup and restore operations, or SGA analysis) on Fail Safe databases.
Integration with Oracle Fail Safe Manager became optional starting with the 2.1.3 release. Prior to 2.1.3, Oracle Enterprise Manager was required in order to discover any standalone databases running on the cluster nodes. This discovery is performed directly by Oracle Fail Safe server starting with the 2.1.3 release.
Enterprise Manager can be used (optionally) to help you with managing events and jobs in the cluster.

102. Oracle Fail Safe Release Oracle Enterprise Manager Integration
Oracle Fail Safe 3.4.1 Release 9.2.0 and 10.1.0
Oracle Fail Safe 3.3.x OEM 1.5
Oracle Fail Safe 2.1.3 OEM 1.6 (optional)

103. Does Fail Safe support rolling upgrades and patches?
Yes, Fail safe supports rolling upgrades. OFS allows a cluster system to continue to provide service while the software is being upgraded to the next release. During the process you need to perform a planned failover to make the cluster resources running on one node move to another node. This requires a brief downtime, typically less than 1minute.


104. What is streams ?
OracleStreams is an information sharing feature that provides replication, message queuing, data warehouse loading, and event notification. It is also the foundation behindOracleAdvanced Queuing andOracleData Guard SQL Apply.
Streams is extremely flexible. Using the Streams components in different combinations, Streams can also be used to minimize downtime during application upgrades, audit DML/DDL activity within theOracledatabase.

105. Architecture / Components of streams
Captures the database changes, and application generated messages into the staging area(Queue).
Changes are captured in two ways.
With implicit capture, the server captures DML and DDL events at a source database.
Explicit capture allows applications to explicitly generate events and place them in the staging area.
Implicit capture mines redo log, either by hot mining the online redo log or, if necessary, by mining archived log files.
After retrieving the data, the capture process formats it into a Logical Change Record (LCR) and places it in a staging area for further processing.
The capture process can intelligently filter LCRs based upon defined rules. Thus, only changes to desired objects are captured.
User applications can explicitly enqueue user messages representing events into the staging area.
These messages can be formatted as LCRs, which will allow them to be consumed by the apply engine, or they can be formatted for consumption by another user application.
Once captured, events are placed in a staging area. The staging area is a queue that provides a service to store and manage captured events.
Subscribers examine the contents of the staging area and determine whether or not they have an interest in an event.A subscriber can either be a user application, another staging area, usually on another system, or the default apply process.
If the subscriber is another staging area, the event is propagated to the other staging area, either within the same database or in a remote database, as appropriate.
To simplify network routing and reduce WAN traffic, events need not be sent to all databases and applications. Rather,they can be directed through staging areas on one or more systems until they reach the subscribing system. For example, an event may propagate via a hub database that does not actually apply the event. A single staging area can stage events from multiple databases, simplifying setup and configuration.
Events in a staging area are consumed by the apply engine, where the changes they represent are applied to a database, or they are consumed by an application. Oracle Streams includes a flexible apply engine, that allows use of a standard or custom apply function. This enables data to be transformed when necessary. Support for explicit dequeue allows application developers to use Oracle Streams to notify applications of changes to data, while still leveraging the change capture and propagation features of Oracle Streams.
Default Apply
The default apply engine applies DML changes and DDL changes represented by implicitly or explicitly captured LCRs.
The default apply engine will detect conflicts where the destination row has been changed and does not contain theexpected values. If a conflict is detected, then a resolution routine may be invoked.
User-Defined Function Apply
The apply engine can pass the LCR or a user message to a user-defined function. This provides the greatest amount of flexibility in processing an event. A typical application of a user-defined function would be to reformat the data represented by the LCR before applying it to a local table, for example, field format, object name and column name mapping transformations. A user-defined function could also be used to perform column subsetting, or to update other objects that may not be present in the source atabase.
Explicit Dequeue
User applications can explicitly dequeue LCRs or user messages from the receiving staging area. This allows a user application to efficiently access the data in a Streams' staging are. Streams can send notifications to registered PL/SQL or OCI functions, giving the applications an alternative to polling for new messages. Of course, applications can still poll, or even wait, for new subscribed messages in the staging area to become available.

106. What are Rules & Rule sets ?
Streams lets users control which information to share and where to send it by specifying rules. At the highest level,users can indicate if they want to capture, propagate or apply changes at the table, schema, or global (database) level.
For more complex requirements, for example, to apply only a particular subset of data at a given location, users can specify a rule condition similar to the condition in the WHERE clause of a SQL query. If necessary, related rules can be grouped into rule sets

107. What are transformations ?
A transformation is a change in the form of an object participating in capture and apply or a change in the data it holds. Transformations can include changing the datatype representation of a particular column in a table at a particular site, adding a column to a table at one site only, or including a subset of the data in a table at a particular site.
A transformation can be specified during enqueue, to transform the message to the correct type before inserting it into the staging area. It can also be specified for propagation, which may be useful for subsetting data before it is sent to a remote site. Finally, it can be specified at dequeue or local apply, which can be useful for formatting a message in a manner appropriate for a specific destination.

108. Why we need streams ?
Replication of data across different sites.
Message Queuing
Datawarehouse loading.
Event Management and Notification.
Data Protection.
Database Availability During Upgrade and Maintenance Operations

109. What are the advantages of streams over Advanced Replication ?
Streams provides enhanced functionality and flexibility, when compared to Advanced Replication.
Streams provides some features that are not provided in Advanced Replication:
No quiesce for DDL changes
Setting up Streams is online, whereas Advanced Replication requires a minimal downtime on source
Streams can have different structure for tables on source & target(even the schema can be different), which is not possible on Advanced Replication.
Streams captures the transaction by mining redo logs, whereas Advanced Replication used triggers, which has performance overhead.
Streams can be used to replicate only a subset of data
Streams can be used for heterogeneous support.

110. What are the different types of Streams Configuration ?
Unidirectional Streams
Bi-directional Streams
Hub-spoke Configuration
Downstream Capture
Real time Downstream Capture

111. What is Spilling ?
The logical change records are staged in a memory buffer associated with the queue, they are not ordinarily written to disk.
If the messages/LCR's staged in the buffer for a period of time without being dequeued, or if there is not enough space in
memory to hold all of the captured events, then they are spilled to disk.
AQ$_QUEUE_TABLE_NAME_P, a table for storing the captured events that spill from memory

112. CanOracleStreams be used between different hardware platforms and OS versions?
Streams can be used across different hardware, different OS & differentOracleVersions.

113. What is Streams tags ?
Every redo entry in the redo log has a tagassociated with it. The datatype of the tagis RAW. By default, when a user or application generates redo entries, the value of the tagis NULL for each redo entry, and a NULL tagconsumes no space in the redo entry. The size limit for a tagvalue is 2000 bytes.
In Streams, rules can have conditions relating to tag values to control the behavior of Streams clients. For example, a tag can be used to determine whether an LCR contains a change that originated in the local database or at a different database, so that you can avoid change cycling (sending an LCR back to the database where it originated). Also, a tag can be used to specify the set of destination databases for each LCR. Tags can be used for other LCR tracking purposes as well.
You can specify Streams tags for redo entries generated by a certain session or by an apply process. These tags then become part of the LCRs captured by a capture process. Typically, tags are used in Streams replication environments, but you can use them whenever it is necessary to track database changes and LCRs.
You can control the value of the tags generated in the redo log in the following ways:
1. Use the DBMS_STREAMS.SET_TAG procedure to specify the value of the redo tags generated in the current session.
When a database change is made in the session, the tag becomes part of the redo entry that records the change.
Different sessions can have the same tag setting or different tag settings.
2. Use the CREATE_APPLY or ALTER_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package to control the value of the redo tags generated when an apply process runs. All sessions coordinated by the apply process coordinator use this tag setting. By default, redo entries generated by an apply process have a tag value that is the hexadecimal equivalent of '00' (double zero).

114. Streams Heterogeneous services
OracleStreams is an open information sharing solution. Each element supports industry standard languages and standards. Streams supports capture and apply fromOracleto non-Oraclesystems. Changes can be applied to a non- Oraclesystem via a transparent gateway. Streams also includes an API to allow non-Oracledata sources to easily submit or receive change records, allowing for heterogeneous data movement in both directions. In addition, messages can be sent to and received from other message queuing systems such as MQ Series via the Message Gateway.

115. What are the different SCN's with respect to Streams ?
First SCN
The first SCN is the lowest SCN in the redo log from which a capture process can capture changes. If you specify a first SCN during capture process creation, then the database must be able to access redo data from the SCN specified and higher.
Start SCN
The start SCN is the SCN from which a capture process begins to capture changes. You can specify a start SCN that is different than the first SCN during capture process creation, or you can alter a capture process to set its start SCN. The start SCN does not need to be modified for normal operation of a capture process. Typically, you reset the start SCN for a capture process if point-in-time recovery must be performed on one of the destination databases that receive changes from the capture process. In these cases, the capture process can be used to capture the changes made at the source database after the point-in-time of the recovery.
captured SCN
The system change number (SCN) that corresponds to the most recent change scanned in the redo log by a capture process.
applied SCN
A system change number (SCN) relating to a capture process that corresponds to the most recent message dequeued by an apply process that applies changes captured by the capture process.
Required Checkpoint SCN
The SCN that corresponds to the lowest checkpoint for which a capture process requires redo data is the required checkpoint SCN. The redo log file that contains the required checkpoint SCN, and all subsequent redo log files, must be available to the capture process. If a capture process is stopped and restarted, then it starts scanning the redo log from the SCN that corresponds to its required checkpoint SCN. The required checkpoint SCN is important for recovery if a database stops unexpectedly. Also, if the first SCN is reset for a capture process, then it must be set to a value that is less than or equal to the required checkpoint SCN for the captured process. You can determine the required checkpoint SCN for a capture process by querying the REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN column in the DBA_CAPTURE data dictionary view.
Instantiation SCN
The system change number (SCN) for a table which specifies that only changes that were committed after the SCN at the source database are applied by an apply process.

116. How are LOBs queued and propagated? What happens when there is an update/insert operation
involving 1GB sized LOB?
A single Logical Change Record (LCR) for all non-LOB columns is queued. For each LOB column, LCRs based on the chunk-size of the LOB indicated in the redo log is queued. The number of LCRs queued is dependent on the size of the blob and the chunk size indicated. As an implementation detail: Streams uses a queue buffer and we may buffer all lob chunks - this may cause spill-over to disk.

117. When does Streams read the Oracle on-line Redo Logs? Does the presence of Stream replication
affect log-switching/archiving mechanism?
Streams Capture reads the changes after they are written to the redo log. Streams is independent of the log-switching and archiving mechanism. Streams can seamlessly switch between reading the archived logs to online logs, and back again, if necessary.
In Streams, Logical Change Records (LCRs) are eagerly captured and propagated. Each captured change is staged and propagated independent of the transaction boundary. The APPLY process, however, only applies committed transactions.

118. Can I still use Streams if I can't set the init.ora parameter GLOBAL_NAMES to TRUE?
The init.ora parameter, GLOBAL_NAMES, should be set to TRUE in any distributed system. This parameter requires that
the GLOBAL_NAME (from the GLOBAL_NAME view) for the dblink target database match the database link name.
Streams does not enforce this setting and will run independent of this setting. In a replicated scenario, setting this parameter to TRUE is an additional confirmation that the correct database is being updated.

119. Can Streams be used to maintain availability during migrations between platforms or database upgrades?
Yes, Streams can be used to ensure database availability to users while a database maintenance or migration is in progress.

120. How to remove the Streams configuration ?
Note.276648.1 Remove Streams Procedure for 9.2.0.X
In 10g there is a procedure that enables you to remove the entire Streams configuration locally.
It is part of the dbms_streams_adm package and is run simply as-is:
SQL> connect / as sysdba
You can run this multiple times so if the procedure fails to complete, there is no harm in running it again.
Note that the procedure will not remove the STRMADMIN user and will need to be run separately, once at each database where a Streams environment resides.

121. Supplied PL/SQL packages for administering Streams.

122. As with capture process in Streams is identified in format 'cnnn', is there an equivalent 'apply' background process ?
Yes the apply process is an optional Oracle background process that dequeues logical change records (LCRs)
and is denoted as A001(Annn) in alert logfile....
In alert logfile you couls see messages like the following:
Streams APPLY A001 started with pid=22, OS id=2176
Streams Apply Reader P000 started with pid=23 OS id=2008
Streams Apply Server P001 started with pid=24 OS id=2524
Streams Apply Reader P000 pid=23 OS id=2008 stopped
Streams Apply Server P001 pid=24 OS id=2524 stopped
Streams Apply Server P000 pid=23 OS id=2008 stopped
Streams Apply Server P001 pid=24 OS id=2524 stopped
And when the first message received at the destination site (Apply site)
a trace file will be generated in udump destination...
*** SERVICE NAME:(orcl) 2004-05-09 12:40:36.849
*** SESSION ID:(131.1073) 2004-05-09 12:40:36.849
05/09/2004 12:40:36
kpoaqxeq: received first msg

123.  If using Streams to replicate on SCHEMA level, what type of supplemental logging is needed?
Is there a performance degradation associated, if we enable DATABASE supplemental logging ?
Yes preferable you enable the supplemental logging at the table level..(First priority)
Enabling database level will not have much of overhead or major impact on the database but more redo will be generated.

124. What are full options available to enable 3rd party replication product called SHARPLEX and other supported replication of datatypes, DML and DDL .
The options for Sharplex are same as used in Oracle database..
Note 238457.1 What DML and DDL is Captured by Streams
Note 238455.1 Streams Supported and Unsupported Datatypes (ORA-902 Invalid Datatype)
Also the documentation of Streams can be obtained from otn.oracle.com site.
The Second Chapter 2 Streams Capture Process gives the details about the configuration.
Demo and examples can be obtained from Oracle􀳦 Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide Reference Release 10.1 Part Number B10785-01

125.  How to do an evaluation on setup/admin using OEM.?
Kindly refer Note:206018.1 Configuring Streams 9.2 Using Oracle Enterprise Manager 9.2.0 . The note applies even for 10G...

126.  Capture processes has aborted and been undetected for a period of time.
The archivelogs have expired and been removed from disk.
What are the steps to take, to resync the CAPTURE and APPLY process?
+ stop apply
+ delete the apply errors
+ stop the capture process
+ recreate the capture
+ instantiate the tables
+ start apply
+ start the capture

127.  Can Streams be used to replicate between 9i -> 10g and in a vice versa configuration
(provided the datatypes exist in the 2 different versions of database).Are there any limitations/problems ?
Yes, you can replicate between patchset 9.2. and 10g (both ways),provided you apply the atleast patchset
There are no known problems with this configuration. See Note:742060.1 Release Schedule of Current Database Patch Sets

128. The "Capture" and "apply" processes are meant to resume their previous STATE after DB  shutdown /startup. After recreation of the controlfile - how does one resync up the "capture" and "apply" processes?
Yes,"Capture" and "apply" processes will maintain the state
Drop and recreate the capture process using DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.STop_CAPTURE and DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.drop_CAPTURE
A capture process reads online redo logs whenever possible and archived redo logs otherwise.
For this reason, the database must be running in ARCHIVELOG mode when a capture process is configured to capture changes. You must keep an archived

129. If drop/recreate my capture process, how can I ensure that I retain all the rules associated with it previously?
When you drop the capture processes alone the associated rules and rulessets are also removed.
You could check from dba_rules,dba_Capture and DBA_RULE_SET the names of the rules.

130.  From which query can I find out the start and end SCN for each of the archivelogs that I presently have on disk?
FIRST_CHANGE# and NEXT_CHANGE# from V$log_history will give the start and end SCN...

131. APPLY process has shown apply errors on Target database, is there any method of identifying the DML or DDL that was executed on the Source database to differentiate the data difference?
Use dba_apply_error for checking the error message
See Chapter 17 of streams manual has the print lcr procedure that can be used to view details
Refer :Note 265201.1 Troubleshooting Streams Apply Error ORA-1403, ORA-26787 or ORA-26786

132. How to monitor my environment and ensure everything Streams is functioning properly?
a) Check alert logfile from source and Target database for any errors
b) Check capture Cnnn.trc at source and Annn.trc at target for warnings and errors
c) Check diagnostic views from of Note.231226.1 Capture Process Diagnostic
SQL Queries and Note.231350.1 Sreams: Apply Process Diagnostic SQL Queries
d) Review output from Heathcheckup script from both sites Note 273674.1 Streams Configuration Report and Health Check Script
e) Monitor OEM alerts and STRMMON can be used Note.290605.1 Oracle Streams STRMMON Monitoring Utility
f) To make sure data is in sync run the following query from source site:
SELECT capture_name, queue_owner, queue_name, rule_set_name, status, start_scn,required_checkpoint_scn,max_checkpoint_scn,
captured_scn, applied_scn FROM dba_capture;
Make sure captured_scn and applied_scn are moving and are same .

133. Do all instances in streams environment need to be running on archivelog mode?
In a Unidirectional Replication,the source must be in archivelog mode
In a Bidirectional replication,the source and target must be in archivelog mode.
In a downstreams setup,we need to copy the archived logs from source to this directory in the downstreams server.

134. Can we implement streams between different platforms
Yes you can implement streams between different platforms?

135. What is difference between Streams and Advanced replication?
See 370850.1 Comparison Between Features RAC, Dataguard, Streams, Advanced Replication and Basic Replication.

136. How can we remove/clean Streams completely
See 260028.1 Remove Streams in 10g

138. Can we implement downstreams between different platforms?

For downstreams database the platforms must match

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