101. What is Log Switch
The point at which ORACLE
ends writing to one online redo log file and begins writing to another is
called a log switch.
102. What are the steps
involved in Instance Recovery ?
R_olling forward to recover
data that has not been recorded in data files, yet has been recorded in the
on-line redo log, including the contents of rollback segments.
Rolling back transactions
that have been explicitly rolled back or have not been committed as indicated
by the rollback segments regenerated in step a. Releasing any resources (locks)
held by transactions in process at the time of the failure. Resolving any
pending distributed transactions undergoing a two-phase commit at the time of
the instance failure.
103. What is a Database
instance ? Explain
A database instance (Server)
is a set of memory structure and background processes that access a set of
database files. The process can be shared by all users. The memory structure that
are used to store most queried data from database. This helps up to improve
database performance by decreasing the amount of I/O performed against data
104. What are the basic
element of Base configuration of an oracle Database ?
It consists of one or more
data files. one or more control files. two or more redo log files. The Database
contains multiple users/schemas, one or more rollback segments, one or more tablespaces,
Data dictionary Tables, User objects (table,indexes,views etc.,), The server
that access the database consists of SGA (Database buffer, Dictionary Cache
Buffers, Redo log buffers, Shared SQL pool), SMON (System MONito) PMON (Process
MONitor) LGWR (LoG Write) DBWR (Data Base Write) ARCH (ARCHiver) CKPT (Check
Point) RECO Dispatcher, User Process with associated PGS,
105. What is a deadlock
? Explain .
Two processes wating to
update the rows of a table which are locked by the other process then deadlock
arises. In a database environment this will often happen because of not issuing
proper row lock commands. Poor design of front-end application may cause this
situation and the performance of server will reduce drastically. These locks
will be released automatically when a commit/rollback operation performed or
any one of this processes being killed externally.
106. What are the
factors causing the reparsing of SQL statements in SGA?
Due to insufficient Shared
SQL pool size. Monitor the ratio of the reloads takes place while executing SQL
statements. If the ratio is
greater than 1 then increase
107. What is Database
Buffers ?
Database buffers are cache in
the SGA used to hold the data blocks that are read from the data segments in
the database such as tables, indexes and clusters DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter in
INIT.ORA decides the size.
108. What is dictionary
cache ?
Dictionary cache is
information about the databse objects stored in a data dictionary table.
109. What is meant by
recursive hints ?
Number of times processes
repeatedly query the dictionary table is called recursive hints. It is due to
the data dictionary cache is too small. By increasing the SHARED_POOL_SIZE
parameter. we can optimize the size of Data Dictionary Cache.
110. What is meant by
redo log buffer ?
Change made to entries are
written to the on-line redo log files. So that they can be used in roll forward
operations during database recoveries. Before writing them into the redo log
files, they will first brought to redo log buffers in SGA and LGWR will write
into files frequently. LOG_BUFFER parameter will decide the size
111. List the Optional
Flexible Architecture (OFA) of Oracle database ? or How can we organise the
tablespaces in Oracle database to have maximum performance ?
SYSTEM - Data dictionary
tables. DATA - Standard operational tables. DATA2- Static tables used for
standard operations INDEXES - Indexes for Standard operational tables. INDEXES1
- Indexes of static tables used for standard operations. TOOLS - Tools table.
TOOLS1 - Indexes for tools table. RBS - Standard Operations Rollback Segments,
RBS1,RBS2 - Additional/Special Rollback
segments. TEMP - Temporary
purpose tablespace TEMP_USER - Temporary tablespace for users. USERS - User
112. How will you force
database to use particular rollback segment ?
SEGMENT rbs_name.
113. What is meant by
free extent ?
A free extent is a collection
of continuous free blocks in tablespace. When a segment is dropped its extents
are reallocated and are marked as free.
114. How free extents
are managed in Ver 6.0 and Ver 7.0 ?
Free extents cannot be merged
together in Ver 6.0. Free extents are periodically coalesces with the
neighboring free extent in Ver 7.0
115.Which parameter in
Storage clause will reduce no. of rows per block?
PCTFREE parameter Row size also
reduces no of rows per block.
116. What is the
significance of having storage clause ?
We can plan the storage for a
table as how much initial extents are required, how much can be extended next,
how much % should leave free for managing row updations etc.,
117. How does Space
allocation table place within a block ?
Each block contains entries
as follows, Fixied block header, Variable block header, Row Header,row date
(multiple rows may exists), PCTEREE (% of free space for row updation in
118. What is the role of
PCTFREE parameter is Storage clause ?
This is used to reserve
certain amount of space in a block for expansion of rows.
119. What is the OPTIMAL
parameter ?
It is used to set the optimal
length of a rollback segment.
120. What is the
functionality of SYSTEM table space ?
To manage the database level
transactions such as modifications of the data dictionary table that record
information about the free space usage.
121. How the space
utilization takes place within rollback segments ?
It will try to fit the
transaction in a cyclic fashion to all existing extents. Once it found an
extent is in use then it forced to acquire a new extent (No. of extents is
based on the optimal size)
122. Why query fails
sometimes ?
Rollback segment dynamically
extent to handle larger transactions entry loads. A single transaction may
wipeout all avaliable free space in the Rollback Segment Tablespace. This
prevents other user using Rollback segments.
123. How will you
monitor the space allocation ?
By quering DBA_SEGMENT
124. How will you
monitor rollback segment status ?
Querying the
DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS view, IN USE - Rollback Segment is on-line. AVAILABLE -
Rollback Segment available but not on-line. OFF-LINE - Rollback Segment off-line,
INVALID - Rollback Segment Dropped. NEEDS RECOVERY - Contains data but
need recovery or corupted.
PARTLY AVAILABLE - Contains data from an unresolved transaction involving a
distributed database.
125. List the sequence
of events when a large transaction that exceeds beyond its optimal value when
an entry wraps and causes the rollback segment to expand into another extend.
Transaction Begins. An entry
is made in the RES header for new transactions entry, Transaction acquires
blocks in an extent of RBS The entry attempts to wrap into second extent. None
is available, so that the RBS must extent. The RBS checks to see
if it is part of its OPTIMAL
size. RBS chooses its oldest inactive segment. Oldest inactive segment is
eliminated. RBS extents. The Data dictionary table for space management are
updated. Transaction Completes.
126. How can we plan
storage for very large tables ?
Limit the number of extents
in the table
Separate Table from its
Allocate Sufficient temporary
127. How will you
estimate the space required by a non-clustered tables?
Calculate the total header
size, Calculate the available dataspace per data block, Calculate the combined
column lengths of the average row. Calculate the total average row size.
Calculate the average number rows that can fit in a block. Calculate the number
of blocks and bytes required for the table. After arriving the calculation, add
10 % additional space to calculate the initial extent size for a working table.
128. It is possible to
use raw devices as data files and what is the advantages over file. system
files ?
Yes. The advantages over file
system files. I/O will be improved because Oracle is byepassing the kernnel
which writing into disk. Disk Corruption will be very less.
129. What is a Control
file ?
Database's overall physical
architecture is maintained in a file called control file. It will be used to
maintain internal consistency and guide recovery operations. Multiple copies of
control files are advisable.
130. How to implement the
multiple control files for an existing database ?
Shutdown the databse. Copy
one of the existing control file to new location. Edit lnlt ora file by adding
new control file.name. Restart the database.
131. What is meant by
Redo Log file mirrorring ? How it can be achieved?
Process of having a copy of
redo log files is called mirroring. This can be achieved by creating group of
log files together, so that LGWR will automatically writes them to all the
members of the current on-line redo log group. If any one group fails then database
automatically switch over to next group. It degrades performance.
132. What is advantage
of having disk shadowing/ Mirroring ?
Shadow set of disks save as a
backup in the event of disk failure. In most Operating System if any disk
failure occurs it automatically
switchover to place of failed disk. Improved performance because most OS
support volume shadowing can direct file I/O request to use the shadow set of
files instead of the main set of files. This reduces I/O load on the main set
of disks.
133. What is use of
Rollback Segments In Database ?
They allow the database to
maintain read consistency between multiple transactions.
134. What is a Rollback
segment entry ?
It is the set of before image
data blocks that contain rows that are modified by a transaction. Each Rollback
Segment entry must be completed within one rollback segment. A single rollback
segment can have multiple rollback segment entries.
135. What is hit ratio ?
It is a measure of well the
data cache buffer is handling requests for data. Hit Ratio =
(Logical Reads - Physical
Reads - Hits Misses)/ Logical Reads.
136. When will be a
segment released ?
When Segment is dropped. When
Shrink (RBS only). When truncated (TRUNCATE used with drop storage option).
137. What are
disadvanteges of having raw devices ?
We should depend on
export/import utility for backup/recovery (fully reliable). The tar command
cannot be used for physical file backup, instead we can use dd command which is
less flexible and has limited recoveries.
138. List the factors
that can affect the accuracy of the estimations ?
The space used transaction
entries and deleted records does not become free immediately after completion
due to delayed cleanout. Trailling nulls and length bytes are not stored.
Inserts of, updates to and deletes of rows as well as columns larger
than a single datablock, can
cause fragmentation an chained row pieces.
139. What is user
Account in Oracle database ?
An user account is not a
physical structure in Database but it is having important relationship to the
objects in the database and will be having certain privileges.
140. How will you
enforce security using stored procedures ?
Don't grant user access
directly to tables within the application. Instead grant the ability to access
the procedures that access the tables. When procedure executed it will execute
the privilege of procedures owner. Users cannot access tables except via the
141. What are the
dictionary tables used to monitor a database spaces ?
142. What are the
responsibilities of a Database Administrator ?
Installing and upgrading the
Oracle Server and application tools. Allocating system storage and planning
future storage requirements for the database system. Managing primary database structures
(tablespaces). Managing primary objects (table,views,indexes). Enrolling users
and maintaining system security. Ensuring compliance with Oralce license
agreement. Controlling and monitoring user access to the database. Monitoring
and optimising the performance of the database. Planning for backup and
recovery of database information. Maintain archived data on tape. Backing up
and restoring the database. Contacting Oracle Corporation for technical support.
143. What are the roles
and user accounts created automatically with the database ?
DBA - role Contains all
database system privileges. SYS user account - The DBA role will be assigned to
this account. All of the basetables and views for the database's dictionary are
store in this schema and are manipulated only by ORACLE.
SYSTEM user account - It has
all the system privileges for the database and additional tables and views that
display administrative information and internal tables and views used by oracle
tools are created using this username.
144. What are the
database administrators utilities avaliable ?
SQL * DBA - This allows DBA
to monitor and control an ORACLE database.
SQL * Loader - It loads data
from standard operating system files (Flat files) into ORACLE database tables.
Export (EXP) and Import (imp)
utilities allow you to move existing data in ORACLE format to and from ORACLE
145. What are the
minimum parameters should exist in the parameter file (init.ora) ?
DB NAME - Must set to a text
string of no more than 8 characters and it will be stored inside the datafiles,
redo log files and control files and control file while database creation.
DB_DOMAIN - It is string that
specifies the network domain where the database is created. The global database
name is identified by setting these parameters (DB_NAME & DB_DOMAIN)
control filenames of the database. If name is not mentioned then default name
will be used. DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS - To determine the no of buffers in the buffer cache
in SGA.
PROCESSES - To determine
number of operating system processes that can be connected to ORACLE
concurrently. The value should be 5 (background process) and additional 1 for
each user.
ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS - List of rollback segments
an ORACLE instance acquires at database startup.
Also optionally
146. What is a trace
file and how is it created ?
Each server and background
process can write an associated trace file. When an internal error is detected
by a process or user process, it dumps information about the error to its
trace. This can be used for tuning the database.
147. What are roles ?
How can we implement roles ?
Roles are the easiest way to
grant and manage common privileges needed by different groups of database
users. Creating roles and assigning provies to roles. Assign each role to group
of users. This will simplify the job of assigning privileges to individual
148. How can you enable
automatic archiving ?
Shut the database. Backup the
database. Modify/Include LOG_ARCHIVE_START_TRUE in init.ora file. Start up the database.
149. How can we specify
the Archived log file name format and destination ?
By setting the following
values in init.ora file. LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch %S/s/T/tarc (%S - Log
sequence number and is zero left paded, %s - Log sequence number not padded. %T
- Thread number lef-zero-paded and %t - Thread number not padded). The file
name created is arch 0001 are if %S is used. LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST = path.
150. What is the use of
ANALYZE command ?
To perform one of these
function on an index,table, or cluster: - to collect statisties about object
used by the optimizer and store them in the data dictionary. - to delete
statistics about the object used by object from the data dictionary. - to
validate the structure of the object. - to identify migrated and chained rows
of the table or cluster.
151. What are the
benefits of distributed options in databases ?
Database on other servers can
be updated and those transactions can be grouped together with others in a
logical unit. Database uses a two phase commit.
152. How do you switch
from an init.ora file to a spfile?
Issue the create spfile from
pfile command.
153. Explain the
difference between a data block, an extent and a segment.
A data block is the smallest
unit of logical storage for a database object. As objects grow they take chunks
of additional storage that are composed of contiguous data blocks. These
groupings of contiguous data blocks are called extents. All the extents that an
object takes when grouped together are considered the segment of the database
154. Give two examples
of how you might determine the structure of the table DEPT.
Use the describe command or
use the dbms_metadata.get_ddl package.
156. Where would you
look for errors from the database engine?
In the alert log.
157. Explain the
difference between ARCHIVELOG mode and NOARCHIVELOG mode and the benefits and
disadvantages to each.
ARCHIVELOG mode is a mode
that you can put the database in for creating a backup of all transactions that
have occurred in the database so that you can recover to any point in time.
NOARCHIVELOG mode is basically the absence of ARCHIVELOG mode
and has the disadvantage of
not being able to recover to any point in time. NOARCHIVELOG mode does have the
advantage of not having to write transactions to an archive log and thus
increases the performance of the database slightly.
158. Give the stages of
instance startup to a usable state where normal users may access it.
STARTUP MOUNT - The database
is mounted
STARTUP OPEN - The database
is opened
159. What column
differentiates the V$ views to the GV$ views and how?
The INST_ID column which
indicates the instance in a RAC environment the information came from.
160. How would you go
about generating an EXPLAIN plan?
Create a plan table with
Use the explain plan set
statement_id = 'tst1' into plan_table for a SQL statement
Look at the explain plan with
utlxplp.sql or utlxpls.sql
161. How would you go
about increasing the buffer cache hit ratio?
Use the buffer cache advisory
over a given workload and then query the v$db_cache_advice table. If a change
was necessary then I would use the alter system set db_cache_size command.
162. Explain an
You get this error when you
get a snapshot too old within rollback. It can usually be solved by increasing
the undo retention or increasing the size of rollbacks. You should also look at
the logic involved in the application getting the error message.
163. Explain the
difference between $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_BASE.
ORACLE_BASE is the root
directory for oracle.
is where the oracle products reside.
164. How would you
determine the time zone under which a database was operating?
select DBTIMEZONE from dual;
165. Explain the use of
setting GLOBAL_NAMES equal to TRUE.
Setting GLOBAL_NAMES dictates
how you might connect to a database. This variable is either TRUE or FALSE and
if it is set to TRUE it enforces database links to have the same name as the
remote database to which they are linking.
166. Name three advisory
statistics you can collect.
Buffer Cache Advice, Segment
Level Statistics, & Timed Statistics
Database Cache Advisory
Shared Pool Advisory
PGA Advisory
167. Where in the Oracle
directory tree structure are audit traces placed?
In unix
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit, in Windows the event viewer
168. Explain
materialized views and how they are used.
Materialized views are
objects that are reduced sets of information that have been summarized,
grouped, or aggregated from base tables. They are typically used in data warehouse
or decision support systems.
169. When a user process
fails, what background process cleans up after it?
170. What background
process refreshes materialized views?
The Job Queue Processes.
171. How would you determine
what sessions are connected and what resources they are waiting for?
Use of V$SESSION and
172. How would you force
a log switch?
173. Give two methods
you could use to determine what DDL changes have been made.
You could use Logminer or
174. What does
coalescing a tablespace do?
Coalescing is only valid for
dictionary-managed tablespaces and de-fragments space by combining neighboring
free extents into large single extents.
175. What is the
difference between a TEMPORARY tablespace and a PERMANENT tablespace?
A temporary tablespace is
used for temporary objects such as sort structures while permanent tablespaces
are used to store those objects meant to be used as the true objects of the database.
176. Name a tablespace
automatically created when you create a database.
The SYSTEM tablespace.
177. When creating a
user, what permissions must you grant to allow them to connect to the database?
Grant the CONNECT to the
178. How do you add a
data file to a tablespace?
<tablespace_name> ADD DATAFILE <datafile_name> SIZE <size>
179. How do you resize a
data file?
<datafile_name> RESIZE <new_size>;
180. What view would you
use to look at the size of a data file?
181. What view would you
use to determine free space in a tablespace?
182. How would you
determine who has added a row to a table?
Turn on fine grain auditing
for the table.
183. How can you rebuild
an index?
<index_name> REBUILD;
184. Explain what
partitioning is and what its benefit is.
Partitioning is a method of
taking large tables and indexes and splitting them into smaller, more
manageable pieces.
185. How can you gather
statistics on a table?
The ANALYZE command.
186. How can you enable
a trace for a session?
Use the
187. What is the difference
between the SQL*Loader and IMPORT utilities?
These two Oracle utilities
are used for loading data into the database. The difference is that the import
utility relies on the data being produced by another Oracle utility EXPORT
while the SQL*Loader utility allows data to be loaded that has been produced by
other utilities from different data sources just so long as it conforms to
ASCII formatted or delimited files.
188. Name two files used
for network connection to a database.
189. What are the four
Oracle system processes that must always be up and running for the database to
be useable
The four Oracle system
processes that must always be up and running for the database to be useable
include DBWR (Database Writer), LGWR (Log Writer), SMON (System Monitor), and
PMON (Process Monitor).
190. What are database
files, control files and log files. How many of these files should a database
have at least? Why?
Database Files. The
database files hold the actual data and are typically the largest in size.
Depending on their sizes, the tables (and other objects) for all the user
accounts can go in one database file—but that's not an ideal situation because
it does not make
the database structure very
flexible for controlling access to storage for different users, putting the
database on different disk drives, or backing up and restoring just part of the
You must have at least one
database file but usually, more than one files are used. In terms of accessing
and using the data in the tables and other objects, the number (or location) of
the files is immaterial. The database files are fixed in size and never grow bigger
than the size at which they were created.
Control Files :The
control files and redo logs support the rest of the architecture. Any database
must have at least one control file, although you typically have more than one
to guard against loss. The control file records the name of the database, the
date and time it was created, the location of the database and redo logs, and
the synchronization information to ensure that all three sets of files are
always in step. Every time you add a new database or redo log file to the
database, the information is recorded in the control files.
Redo Logs: Any
database must have at least two redo logs. These are the journals for the
database; the redo logs record all changes to the user objects or system
objects. If any type of failure occurs, the changes recorded in the redo logs
can be used to bring the database to a consistent state without losing any
committed transactions. In the case of non-data loss failure, Oracle can apply
the information in the redo logs automatically without intervention from the
DBA. The redo log files are fixed in size and never grow dynamically from the
size at which they were created.
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