Sunday, 1 July 2018

Interview Q and A for Oracle Installation, Patching, Cloning and Upgrade Part - 2

31. Can you migrate data in a database on one operating system to 11gR1 or 11gR2 on another
operating system using DBUA or manual upgrade ?
When using DBUA or when performing a manual upgrade, you cannot migrate data in a database on one operating system to a database on another operating system.
For example:
You cannot migrate data in an Oracle9i database on Solaris to an 11g Release 1 (11.1)
database on Windows 2000 using DBUA.
If you must migrate Oracle Database software to a different operating system, then the best practice is to follow these steps:
Use the Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) cross-platform transportable tablespace feature or the Oracle Data Pump Export and Import

32. What is the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (utlu<xxx>i.sql) and where is it located?
The Pre-Upgrade Information Tool is a SQL script (utlu11ni.sql) that ships with Oracle Database 11gR1 or 11gR2, and must be copied to and run from the environment of the database being upgraded.
After you have installed Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) and any required patches, you should analyze your database before upgrading it to the new release. This is done by running the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool. This is a necessary step if you are upgrading manually. It provides information about the source database and displays warnings and recommendations about possible upgrade issues with the database.  It also records the timezone version which is later used by the actual upgrade script. It is also recommended if you are upgrading with DBUA, so that you can preview the items that DBUA checks.
The location of the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool is a SQL script (utlu11ni.sql) which is located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/rdbms/admin directory.

33. Can you upgrade Oracle Database Express Edition to 11gR1 or 11gR2?
Yes. In order to upgrade Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) to Oracle Database 11g, you need to install Oracle Database 11g on the same system as Oracle Database XE and use the Database Upgrade Assistant to perform the upgrade.

34. What are the different Component Status Values in the dba_registry view?
Following are the STATUS of the database components when querying "STATUS" from DBA_REGISTRY .
INVALID : One or more objects for this component are invalid
VALID : All objects for this component are valid
LOADING : Load script for this component is executing
LOADED : Load script for this component reached the end
UPGRADING : Upgrade script for this component is executing
UPGRADED : Upgrade script for this component reached the end
DOWNGRADING : Downgrade script for this component is executing
DOWNGRADED : Downgrade script for this component reached the end
REMOVING : Components is in the process of being removed
OPTIONOFF : This component was installed, but is not currently enabled
NOSCRIPT : This component is enabled, but there is no upgrade/downgrade script for this component

35. What are the STATUS of the database components ?
Component Status Values Description
NO SCRIPT The component upgrade script was not found in ORACLE_HOME. Check the install logs, install the component software, and then rerun catupgrd.sql.
OPTION OFF The server option required for the component was not installed or was not linked with the server. Check the V$OPTION view as well as the install logs. Install the component or relink the server with the required option, and then rerun catupgrd.sql
REMOVED The component was not upgraded because it was removed from the database.
INVALID Some objects for the component were invalid at the completion of the upgrade. If there were no errors during the component upgrade, then running utlrp.sql might change the status to VALID without rerunning the entire upgrade. Check the DBA_REGISTRY view after running utlrp.sql.
UPGRADING The component upgrade did not complete. Resolve the problem and rerun catupgrd.sql

36. Do you need to disable Oracle Database Vault before upgrade to 11gR1 or 11gR2?
Yes, if you have enabled Oracle Database Vault, then you must disable it before upgrading the database, and enable it again when the upgrade is finished.If Database Vault is enabled, then DBUA will return an error asking you to disable Database Vault prior to upgrade

37. Do you need to upgrade the timezone files before upgrade?
If you are upgrading to 11gR1:
The time zone files that are supplied with Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) are version 4, to reflect changes in transition rules for some time zone regions
If you have not already updated your existing databases to time zone file version 4, you must do so prior to upgrading to Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1).
If your existing databases are already using a time zone file version greater than 4, then after installing Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1), you must patch the ORACLE_HOME with the appropriate 11g patch for the time zone file version in use with the databases you will be upgrading.
If the time zone file version used by the Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) server does not match the time zone file version that was used with the existing database being upgraded, then the upgrade script will terminate without upgrading the database.
If you are upgrading to 11gR2:
The timezone files supplied are TZ version 11 or 14 depending on patch level.
If your source timezone is less then the installed version for 11gR2, you will upgrade the timezone post upgrading using thdbms_dst package
If your source timezone is greater then the installed version for 11gR2, you must patch the 11gR2 version to the same level.

38. During the upgrade you receive ORA-165x errors. How can you avoid these errors?
To avoid these errors, set AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE UNLIMITED for the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces.

39. During the upgrade you receive an ORA-1562 error. How can you avoid this error? OR
ORA-01562: failed to extend rollback segment number string
Typically you get an ora-1562 error if your rollback segment size is insufficient. If you are using rollback segments, then you must have a single large (100 MB) PUBLIC rollback segment online while the upgrade scripts are being run. Smaller public rollback segments should be taken offline during the upgrade.
If you are using an undo tablespace, then be sure it is at least 400 MB.

40. What is a database upgrade?
Database upgrade is the process of changing the data dictionary contents of a database to reflect a particular release of the server. This process transforms an existing Oracle Database system (including associated applications) into different releases of the Oracle Database Server.

41. What type of upgrades are there?
There are two general types of upgrade:
1. Major or Maintenance upgrade
2. Patch set upgrade ( within a release )
In a Major or Maintenance upgrade you are upgrading from one major or maintenance release to another. When you do a Major or Maintenance upgrade, the first and/or second digit of the Oracle release number will be changed to the new database release number.
Example :
Upgrading from 10.2.0 to 11.2.0 is a major release upgrade
Upgrading from 11.1.0 to 11.2.0 is a maintenance release upgrade
In a patch set upgrade, you are upgrading the database within the same major and maintenance release by applying a patch set. When you do a patch set upgrade, the fourth digit of the Oracle release number will be changed.
Example : Upgrading from to is a patch set upgrade.

42. Is upgrade time dependent on the size of the database ?
NO .the upgrade time is independent of the size of the database .

43. What is direct and indirect upgrade ?
Direct upgrade means you can directly upgrade your source database release/version to the target databaserelease/version.
Example : If the source database is or higher, then you can upgrade directly to database 11.2.x. or higher ---> 11.2.x

Indirect upgrade means you cannot directly upgrade the source database release/version to the target database release/version. You first have to upgrade the database to a supported release/version as an interim step, and then you can directly upgrade the database to the target database release/version .
Example : If the source database is, the upgrade path to 11.2.x requires three upgrades as follows --> -->> 11.2.x.

44. Can we estimate the time to upgrade the database ?
Predicting the time of an upgrade is a common question but, unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question due to the differences in environments, platforms, processors, memory, disk storage, options, and many other factors.
Running a test upgrade is the only useful method to approximate the time needed.

45. Does the presence of various database components affect the time to upgrade a database?
YES, the presence of various database components affects the time to upgrade the database. If you have ONLY "Oracle Database Server" component installed then it will take less time compared to other databases in which more components are installed, like 'Oracle Spatial' , 'Oracle XLM database' and 'Oracle Intermedia" etc. The upgrade process has to upgrade all the installed components.

46. Which view can be used to see the current/latest status of the database components ?
You can always use the DBA_REGISTRY view to check the current/latest status of the database components .

47. What setting is recommended for the COMPATIBLE database parameter while doing the upgrade?
Oracle recommends you keep the COMPATIBLE parameter to the minimum required to upgrade the database. Once you are done with the complete testing of the upgraded database, then you can set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter to match the release number of the new release. Doing so enables you to use all of the features of the new release, but prevents you from downgrading.
Oracle recommends increasing the COMPATIBLE parameter only after complete testing of the upgraded database has been performed. After the upgrade is complete, you can increase the setting of the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter to the maximum level for the new Oracle Database release. However, after you increase the COMPATIBLE parameter, the database cannot subsequently be downgraded.

48. Which schema should the AUD$ table exist in while doing the upgrade ?
AUD$ table should exist in SYS schema while doing the upgrade.

49. Can we use DBUA to upgrade a database across servers?
NO, you cannot use DBUA to upgrade the database across servers. DBUA can ONLY be used to upgrade the database on the same server.

50. Can we invoke the DBUA silently?
YES, DBUA can be invoked silently. DBUA supports several command line options. You can specify all valid options from the command line using the following syntax:
dbua [ -silent ] [ -sid SID ] [-oracleHomehome_name] [-oracleBasebase_name]
[-sysDBAUserNameSYSDBA_user] [-sysDBAPasswordSYSDBA_pwd]
[-upgradeASM] [-autoextendFiles] [-newGlobalDbNamedb_name] [-newSidnew_SID]
[-generateMapFile] [-useASM] [-commonFileLocationcommon_files]
[-omfLocationomf_area] [-databaseMapFilemap_file_name]
[-newRecoveryArearecover_area] [-newRecoveryAreaSizerecover_size]
[-apexAdminPasswordapex_pwd] [-disableUpgradeScriptLogging ]
[-backupLocation directory]
[-sysauxTablespace -datafileName name -datafileSize size
-datafileSizeNext size -datafileSizeMax size]
[-postUpgradeScripts script [, script ] ... ]
[-initParam parameter=value [, parameter=value ] ... ]
[-disableArchiveLogMode] [-recompile_invalid_objects true | false]
[-degree_of_parallelismcpu_number] [-emConfiguration {CENTRAL|LOCAL|ALL|NOBACKUP|NOEMAIL|NONE}
-dbsnmpPassword password -sysmanPassword password -asmPassword password
-hostUserName hostname -hostUserPassword password -backupSchedulehh:mm
[-smtpServerserver_name -emailAddress address]
[-centralAgent location] [-localRacSid SID]]
[-recoveryAreaDestination directory] [-h|-help]

51. Where does DBUA get the information of the databases available for upgrade?
DBUA gets the information of the databases available for upgrade from the /etc/oratab file, and other locations in the oraInventory.

52. What is the location of the DBUA logs?
For oracle 10g or higher
For Oracle 9i

53. Can DBUA be invoked multiple times after a failed DBUA upgrade?
NO, DBUA cannot be invoked multiple times after a failed DBUA upgrade.

54. Is it required to run pre-upgrade steps before starting DBUA?
DBUA executes pre-upgrade script checks, so it is not required to execute pre-upgrade scripts, but it is best practice to check whether DB is ready for upgrade prior to invoking DBUA.

55. What is manual upgrade ?
A manual upgrade consists of running SQL scripts and utilities from a command line to upgrade a database to a new release. A manual upgrade gives you finer control over the upgrade process, and is generally easier to debug if there is a problem during the upgrade. It is more susceptible to problems if any of the upgrade or pre-upgrade steps are either not followed or are performed out of order.

56. Can catupgrd.sql be run multiple times while doing a manual upgrade?
YES, the catupgrd.sql script can be run multiple times while doing a manual upgrade.

57. Can a database be upgraded with OFFLINE NORMAL and READONLY user created tablespacesin
the source database?
YES, you can upgrade the database with OFFLINE NORMAL and READONLY user created tablespaces in the source database to minimize downtime during upgrade.

58. What is the location of the catpugrd.sql log when using manual upgrade?
You have to set the system to spool results to a log file for later verification after the upgrade is completed. Unless you specify a directory path, the spool file will be created in the current directory.
You can use following command to spool the output of the catupgrd.sql to the current directory:
SQL> set echo on
SQL> SPOOL upgrade.log
SQL> @catupgrd.sql
SQL> spool off

59. What is the Post-Upgrade Information Tool (utlu<xxx>s.sql)?
The Post-Upgrade Information Tool (utlu<xxx>s.sql) is a SQL script which provides a summary of the upgrade at the end of the spool log. It displays the status of the database components in the upgraded database and the time required to complete each component upgrade, as well as the total database upgrade time. Any errors that occur during the upgrade are listed with each component and must be addressed. Please note that the output from this script will never change unless the upgrade script is run again, as this script only shows the status immediately after the upgrade script was run, which is not necessarily the current status.

60. What is the location of the Pre-Upgrade and Post-Upgrade Information scripts?
Pre-Upgrade Information Tool or script location :
Post-Upgrade Information Tool or script location :

61. Is it recommended to implement all the recommendations suggested by Pre-Upgrade Information
YES, it is recommended to implement all the recommendations suggested by the Pre-Upgrade Information tool. After making the recommended corrections, run the Pre-Upgrade script again to verify.

62. Is it recommended to apply the latest available patch set and PSU/CPU on the target database
before upgrading the source database?
YES, it is recommended to apply the latest available patch set and PSU/CPU on the target ORACLE_HOME before upgrading the database. It will reduce the database downtime.

63. Is it recommended to remove "hidden" parameters before upgrading?
Hidden parameters are not carried to the target database by DBUA. This is expected behavior. Oracle recommends removing all hidden parameters prior to upgrading. Changes will need to be made in the pfile or spfile if you are manually upgrading the database. If you are using DBUA, then it is taken care of by DBUA automatically.

64. Is it recommended to purge the recycle bin objects prior to upgrade?
YES, it is recommended to purge the recycle bin objects prior to upgrade .

65. Is it recommended to remove the Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters prior to upgrade?
YES, you should remove all of the Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters prior to upgrade.

66. Is it recommended to gather statistics on the source database prior to upgrade?
Gathering statistics is highly recommended on the source database prior to upgrading to decrease the downtime and increase the upgrade performance.

67. What is the requirement for the timezone file for successful upgrade?
For Oracle 9i,10gR1, 10gR2, and 11gR1 :
The source home and the target home should have the same timezone version.
If the source timezone version is lower than the default target timezone version then apply the patch on the sourcehome to match the timezone version same as the target .
If the source timezone version is higher than the default target timezone version then apply the patch on the targethome to match the timezone version same as the source.
For 11gR2 and higher :
If the timezone version of the source is lower than the target then you can upgrade the timezone version to the defaultversion shipped with the target using the DBMS_DST package AFTER the upgrade.
If the timezone version of the source is higher than the target then apply the patch on the target home to match thetimezone version same as the source.

68. Applying [PSU] patch takes very long time (hours) after "verifying the update"
opatch or "opatch auto" takes hours to finish after the following message is printed:
[Feb 7, 2013 9:27:18 PM] verifying 1009 copy files.
<<no more display after this, it could stop here for hours, eventually complete
This is due to bug 13963741 which at the time of this writing is still being worked by Development, the workaround is to unset environment variable "JAVA_COMPILER=NONE", refer to note 1541186.1 for more details.

69. opatch auto Reports: The path "<GRID_HOME>/bin/acfsdriverstate" does not exist
"opatch auto" reports the following message:
The path "/ocw/grid/bin/acfsdriverstate" does not exist
The message can be ignored

70. Common causes of "patch <patch-loc> apply failed for home <ORACLE_HOME>"
dbconsole is not down - it needs to be stopped prior to patching, as database home owner, execute " <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop dbconsole" to stop it
OUI-67124:Copy failed from '/ocw/grid/.patch_storage/13540563_Jan_16_2012_03_31_27/files/bin/crsctl.bin' to
OUI-67124:ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'Copy failed from
'/ocw/grid/.patch_storage/13540563_Jan_16_2012_03_31_27/files/bin/crsctl.bin' to '/ocw/grid/bin/crsctl.bin'...
OUI-67124:NApply restored the home. Please check your ORACLE_HOME to make sure: dbconsole is not down
opatch bug 12732495, refer to note 1472242.1 for more details.
opatch bug 14308442 which is closed as duplicate of bug 14358407, affects AIX only, refer to note 1518022.1
for more details.
other opatch bug - use latest opatch to avoid known issues.
For other potential causes, review opatch logfile. The OPatch log file can be found in

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