26. What
additional standby database mode does Oracle 11g offer?
Oracle 11g has introduced the Oracle Snapshot Standby
Database. In Snapshot Standby Database a physical standby database can easily
open in read-write mode and again you can convert it back to the physical
standby database. This is suitable for test and development environments and
also maintains protection by continuing to receive data from the production
database and archiving it for later use.
27. In Oracle 11g
how can speed up backups on the standby database?
In Oracle 11g, block change tracking is now supported
in the standby database.
28. With the availability of Active Data Guard, what
role does SQL Apply (logical standby) continue to play?
Use SQL Apply for the following requirements: (a) when
you require read-write access to a synchronized standby database but do not
modify primary data, (b) when you wish to add local tables to the standby
database that can also be updated, or (c) when you wish to create additional
indexes to optimize read performance. The ability to handle local writes makes
SQL Apply better suited to packaged reporting applications that often require
write access to local tables that exist only at the target database. SQL Apply
also provides rolling upgrade capability for patchsets and major database
releases. This rolling upgrade functionality can also be used by physical
standby databases beginning with Oracle 11g using Transient Logical Standby.
30. What is Data Guard Broker?
Data guard Broker manage primary and standby databases using the SQL command-line interfaces or the Data Guard broker interfaces, including a command-line interface (DGMGRL) and a graphical user interface that is integrated in Oracle Enterprise Manager. It can be used to perform:
a) Create and enable Data Guard configurations, including setting up redo transport services and apply services
b) Manage an entire Data Guard configuration from any system in the configuration
c) Manage and monitor Data Guard configurations that contain Oracle RAC primary or standby databases
d) Simplify switchovers and failovers by allowing you to invoke them using either a single key click in Oracle Enterprise Manager or a single command in the DGMGRL command-line interface.
e) Enable fast-start failover to fail over automatically when the primary database becomes unavailable. When fast-start failover is enabled, the Data Guard broker determines if a failover is necessary and initiates the failover to the specified target standby database automatically, with no need for DBA intervention.
31. What is apply services?
Apply redo data on the standby database to maintain transactional synchronization with the primary database. Redo data can be applied either from archived redo log files, or, if real-time apply is enabled, directly from the standby redo log files as they are being filled, without requiring the redo data to be archived first at the standby database. It also allows read-only access to the data.
32. What is the difference between Active Dataguard, and the Logical Standby implementation of 10g dataguard?
Active dataguard is mostly about the physical standby.
Use physical standby for testing without compromising protection of the production system. You can open the physical standby read/write - do some destructive things in it (drop tables, change data, whatever - run a test - perhaps with real application testing). While this is happening, redo is still streaming from production, if production fails - you are covered. Use physical standby for reporting while in managed recovery mode. Since physical standby supports all of the datatypes - and logical standby does not (11g added broader support, but not 100%) - there are times when logical standby isn’t sufficient. It also permits fast incremental backups when offloading backups to a physical standby database.
Data guard Broker manage primary and standby databases using the SQL command-line interfaces or the Data Guard broker interfaces, including a command-line interface (DGMGRL) and a graphical user interface that is integrated in Oracle Enterprise Manager. It can be used to perform:
a) Create and enable Data Guard configurations, including setting up redo transport services and apply services
b) Manage an entire Data Guard configuration from any system in the configuration
c) Manage and monitor Data Guard configurations that contain Oracle RAC primary or standby databases
d) Simplify switchovers and failovers by allowing you to invoke them using either a single key click in Oracle Enterprise Manager or a single command in the DGMGRL command-line interface.
e) Enable fast-start failover to fail over automatically when the primary database becomes unavailable. When fast-start failover is enabled, the Data Guard broker determines if a failover is necessary and initiates the failover to the specified target standby database automatically, with no need for DBA intervention.
31. What is apply services?
Apply redo data on the standby database to maintain transactional synchronization with the primary database. Redo data can be applied either from archived redo log files, or, if real-time apply is enabled, directly from the standby redo log files as they are being filled, without requiring the redo data to be archived first at the standby database. It also allows read-only access to the data.
32. What is the difference between Active Dataguard, and the Logical Standby implementation of 10g dataguard?
Active dataguard is mostly about the physical standby.
Use physical standby for testing without compromising protection of the production system. You can open the physical standby read/write - do some destructive things in it (drop tables, change data, whatever - run a test - perhaps with real application testing). While this is happening, redo is still streaming from production, if production fails - you are covered. Use physical standby for reporting while in managed recovery mode. Since physical standby supports all of the datatypes - and logical standby does not (11g added broader support, but not 100%) - there are times when logical standby isn’t sufficient. It also permits fast incremental backups when offloading backups to a physical standby database.
33. Is it possible to open a 10g Physical Standby read-write, perform
application testing on it, and reinstantiate it as Physical Standby using
flashback technologies?
Yes, you need to use version 10g R2.
34. Which is the correct High Availability configuration for tnsnames.ora
when using Data Guard?
There are different approaches to provide application
high availability on a Data Guard Configuration.
The best I think it is to use the DB_ROLE_CHANGE
system event to trigger a service reconfiguration that is managed with
This way the services used by the clients will point
always to the database that is holding the primary role.
35. How I can avoid redo shipping when the standby database is not
First we need to check on the primary database the
actual values for the standby archive log destination
show parameters log_archive_dest_state_2
----------- ------------------------------
string ENABLE
show parameters log_archive_dest_2
----------- ------------------------------
Once we are sure which is the destination to defer we
can execute on the primary database the defer command
show parameters log_archive_dest_state_2
----------- ------------------------------
string DEFER
36. Which are 10g Data Guard Data Type restrictions?
Type and other restrictions do exist for Logical Standby Databases.
standby databases do not support the following data types:
Collections (including VARRAYS and nested tables)
data types (including Spatial, Image, and Context)
Storage Type
standby databases do not support the segment compression storage type.
PL/SQL Supplied Packages
that modify system metadata are not supported by SQL Apply:
support for DBMS_JOB has been provided.
execution is suspended on a logical standby
submitted on the primary database are replicated in the standby database.
the event of a switchover or failover, jobs scheduled on the original primary
database willautomatically begin running on the new primary database.
37. Does Data Guard
require configuration platforms to have identical O/S version?
The Data Guard product recommends
that the configuration platforms use the same operating system version, but this
is not a requirement. The important factor is the copy of the Oracle software
you use and its bit level. You must use the same software media for both the
standby and primary environments. Here are some examples:
Not supported:
primary - 32-bit on Solaris
standby - 64-bit on Solaris
==> Oracle 32-bit vs Oracle
64-bit are separate ports for every platform
primary - 64-bit on HP-UX
standby - 64-bit on Tru64
==> The OS are completely
different ports and thus so is Oracle Supported:
primary - 32-bit on Solaris
standby - 32-bit on Solaris
primary - 64-bit on HP-UX
standby - 64-bit on HP-UX
==> In both of these cases, the
same port of Oracle is certified for the different OS versions from the same
vender and at the same bit level.
38. Does Data Guard
require configuration platforms to have identical O/S patch release?
Different operating system patch
releases can be used on different platforms.
39. Does Data Guard
require platforms to have identical hardware architecture?
The Data Guard product only
operates on homogenous CPU hardware configurations. By this we mean the CPU
type needs to be the same for all environments. For example, both standby and
primary servers should be all Sparc 64bit orall Itanium level processors. The
use of heterogeneous disk hardware configurations if fully supported. So the
standby can have 2x650Mhz processors and 1gig of memory while the primary has
8x2Ghz processors and 8Gig of memory. Hardware configuration should be as close
as possible however to help avoid performance impact.
40. Does Data Guard
require platforms to have identical Oracle versions?
It is recommended that identical
Oracle major versions be used.
41. Can Data Guard
physical or logical standby be used for "rolling upgrades"?
Data Guard does not support rolling
upgrades in Oracle9i but will in a patch release of Oracle10g. Data Guard
physical standby can possibly be used
for operating system upgrades but neither logical or physical can be used for
application upgrades.
42. What is the
maximum data transfer size when using synchronous network I/O?
Synchronous network I/O operations
use a maximum transfer size of 1Mb (2,048 512-byte blocks); however, this maximum
size is seldom achieved. Furthermore, there are no user-defined controls when
using synchronous network I/O. Internal network I/O algorithms utilize
non-deterministic non-blocking I/O operations for best achievable performance
43. What is the
maximum data transfer size when using asynchronous network I/O?
Asynchronous network I/O operations
use a maximum transfer size of 10Mb (20,480 512-byte blocks). The maximum transfer
size can be user-defined on a per-destination basis, so that the potential for
data loss can be minimized.
44. What is the
impact of using additional standby databases?
When using synchronous network I/O,
there is an incremental "cost" associated with each additional
standby database. When using asynchronous network I/O, the incremental cost is
extremely minuscule.
45. When using
asynchronous network I/O, is data buffered?
Asynchronous network I/O is
achieved by buffering the primary database redo data on the primary-side.
46. If network
connection is broken when using asynchronous network I/O, how is standby
database re-synchronized?
The standby database is
automatically re-synchronized with the primary database, as soon as
network-based archival operations resume.
47. Is it possible to
change synchronous mode and asynchronous mode dynamically?
Yes, these attributes can be
specified on a per-destination basis, and can be changed dynamically. The
destination attribute change takes place on the next log switch operation.
48. Is it possible to
transfer redo streams to non-standby instances?
The Data Guard physical standby
product supports cross-instance archival in Oracle9i Release 1. The product
also supports the concept of a non-standby archivelog repository.
49. Is it possible to
combine non-standby transfer with hardware mirror solution for online redo
The Data Guard physical standby
product does not provide integrated hardware mirroring support in Oracle9i.
This includes both host-based and stand-alone hardware support.
50. Is it possible to
configure multiple standby databases for a single primary database?
The Data Guard physical standby
product supports up to nine standby databases per primary database, depending
on other archive log destination requirements and considerations.
51. When using asynchronous network I/O, what background processes are
participating at the primary and standby sites?
When using synchronous network I/O,
the LGWR process itself performs the network I/O operations. When using asynchronous
network I/O, the LGWR network server process (LNS) performs the network I/O
operations. On the standby database, the Remote File Server (RFS) process
consumes the network I/O from the primary database. There is one RFS per network
52.. What methods are available to improve standby database redo apply
There are several methods available
to improve standby redo performance. These include, but are not limited to, the
- Use parallel managed recovery
- Increase standby database cache
buffer size
- Use more datafiles on separate
disk devices
- Use more standby redo logs on
separate disk devices
- Upgrade CPU or use SMP technology
- Use smaller online redo logfiles
for RAC and/or switch logfiles on the primary database more frequently to
provide more linear recovery characteristics and to reduce failover latency
53. When using parallel recovery, what operation is actually performed
in parallel?
The managed recovery process merges
the various archivelog threads and invokes several redo apply processes to apply
the redo change vectors to various datafiles.
54. When does recovery process on standby database apply transferred
The standby managed recovery
process applies each archivelog as it becomes available on the standby
database. Archivelogs are not applied until they are completely received on the
standby database, even when using the LGWR
process to synchronously archive primary database redo.
55. What init.ora parameters need to be synchronized between the
primary and standby databases?
Oracle recommends that to simply
database switchover operations, each database should have a separate init.ora
for each role (primary and standby).
56. How does the primary database detect standby database problems or
The Data Guard physical standby
product is able to detect and report all standby database and network failures.
However, you are responsible for querying the appropriate fixed views to
identify the cause of the problem.
57. Is there any case where data can be lost while using no data loss
are no known issues with standby no-data-loss mode, assuming network
connectivity is available for resynchronization of primary database failure.
This includes crash and instance recovery of primary database. This also includes
re-transmission of archivelogs missed during standby database downtime. However, standby no-data-loss does require the use of
standby redo logs.
58. What is the best method available to synchronize primary and
standby databases (hardware mirror or Oracle9i)?
best method really depends on specific application requirements. However, it
should be noted that hardware mirroring does not protect the primary database
against physical corruption.
59. How long does it take to perform a switchover or switchback
are several considerations that affect the duration of the database switchover
operation. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Active sessions must be terminated prior to starting switchover operation
- Each
database switching roles must be shutdown and restarted
Instance restart can be slightly longer due to standby database network
connectivity requirements
Pending redo apply on standby database may delay switchover to primary role
60. Is it possible to switchover or switchback when using Real
Application Clusters?
There are no known restrictions.
61. Will switchover or switchback fail if other sessions are active?
switchover fails if other sessions are active. In you can issue the
switchover command to include the "with session shutdown" clause
which will disconnect the sessions for you automatically.
62. Are there any methods available to speed up instance shutdown and
startup and shutdown is not influenced by physical standby database
63. What events require a primary to standby database failover
can be averted by instance and/or crash recovery of primary database (re-synchronizes
standby in no data loss mode). If instance and/or crash recovery of the primary
database, then database failover is required. Failover should not be used as a
means of "testing" the standby database, as this operation destroys
the standby database.
64. When database failover has occurred, is there any way to decrease
the time required to re-instantiate the new
standby database?
standby databases MUST be re-instantiated from a backup of the new primary
database, even in no data loss mode. Existing (surviving) standby databases do
NOT need to be re-instantiated when using standby redo logs - this is the
recommended failover model. Existing standby databases not using standby redo
logs MUST be re-instantiated from a
backup of the new primary database.
65. Is there a way to recovery up to the last transaction during a
failover operation?
there are several methods available including, but not limited to, the
Log Apply Services FINISH recovery operation
Using H/W mirrors of online redo logs
Using O/S tools when database is in "hot backup" mode.
66. Does database switchover work with "system parameter
recommends using two separate init.ora files for each database: one for the
primary role and one for the standby
role. This facilitates easy database switchover operations. However, this is
difficult when using system parameter
files. Therefore, Oracle recommends using standby client-side parameter files
in which the corresponding system
parameter file is identified.
67. What is Real-Time Apply ?
Apply is a new feature in 10g that enables the log apply services to apply redo
data (physical standby database) or SQL
(logical standby database) as it is received from Primary database without
waiting for the current standby redo log file to be archived. This results in
faster switchover and failover times because the standby redo log files are applied to the standby database
before failover or switchover begins.
68. How to enable Real-Time
Physical standby, use the following SQL statement:
Logical standby, use the following SQL statement:
69. How to tell if Real-Time
Apply is being used ?
the following query from the primary database:
------- ------------------------
In the
above query, the RECOVERY_MODE column will indicate if Real-Time Apply is being
70. What are the Benefits of
using Real-Time Apply ?
are the benefits of Real Time Apply....
Switchover and Failover Operations.
up-to-date Results after you open a Physical Standby Database READ ONLY
Up to
Date Reporting on a Logical Standby Database and Physical Standby Database
using Active Data Guard (New Feature in Oracle 11g).
Ability to leverage larger Logfiles. Having larger Logfiles with Real Time
Apply is desirable because the Apply
service will stay in a Logfile longer and the overhead of the Switch will have
less Impact on the Real time Apply Processing.
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