Sunday, 1 July 2018

Interview Q and A for Oracle Installation, Patching, Cloning and Upgrade Part - 6

166. What versions of what packages is it that Oracle 11gR2 requires, that come on the Solaris 10 Update 6 and greater releases?
According to Oracle Development in Bug 9152554, the Oracle Database 11gR2 product is built and tested on the Solaris 10 U6 OS update level. So Oracle Global Software Support cannot support anything level. The runtime environments for running 11gr2 Database need to be at Solaris 10 U6 or higher OS update levels.

167. Must the OS kernel must be patched via Sun Updates or is applying the kernel patches sufficient?:
According to Oracle/Sun, applying individual Solaris patches or the appropriate MU (Maintenance Update) patch bundle (MU6 or later) to upgrade to U6 only updates existing packages. The additional packages come with Solaris 10 and were introduced after the install of the update level that you have applied are not updated in such an upgrade. So the environment required to run Oracle Database 11gR2 is not Reference Oracle Development in Bug 9152554

168. Our kernel level is current. However, the /etc/release file shows update 3 level. Is this going to present a problem?
According to Oracle/Sun, applying individual Solaris patches or the appropriate patch bundle (MU6 or later) to upgrade to U6 only updates existing packages. The additional packages that come with Solaris not updated in such an upgrade. So the environment required to run Oracle Database 11gR2 is not met.
The /etc/release file is updated to reflect the new update level e.g. U6 during either a fresh install, or during the application of an OS upgrade to an update release. The MU (Maintenance Update) patch bundle NOT amend /etc/release. Since the MU is not the same as a fresh install or OS upgrade, the original update level data in /etc/release is maintained.

169. Is Oracle 11gR2 certified on less than "update 6" if the newest patches are installed? If not, why not?
According to Oracle Development in Bug 9152554, the Oracle Database 11gR2 product is built and tested on the Solaris 10 U6 OS update level. So Oracle Global Software Support cannot support anything level. The runtime environments for running 11gr2 Database need to be at Solaris 10 U6 or higher OS update levels.

170. Why is the /etc/release file is not reflecting the fact that additional Solaris patch bundle(s) are installed?
When a Solaris system is first installed, it creates the /etc/release file based on the release version of the media the system was installed from. The purpose of this is to document a baseline patch level and all packages installed on the system.
The /etc/release file doesn't get updated with the kernel updates. You can find the kernel patch level installed by use of the "uname -a" command. If you just apply the kernel patch and no other patches, your kernel is up to date, not the whole release. This is why the /etc/release will reflect what was initially installed and not the current kernel version or patch level you have.
Oracle's Solaris maintenance team verifies that applying a MU (Maintenance Update) Patch Bundle does not modify the update release version that the system reports. Applying the MU does however amend
/etc/release to advise you of the latest MU revision installed.

171. Is applying a kernel patch or a Solaris patch bundle the equivalent to installing the specific Solaris 10 "update 6" image?
No, it is not. The OS kernel can be updated to U6 levels (or later) with MU (Maintenance Update) patch bundles, or with the individual kernel patch. However, according to Oracle's Solaris team, this is not the update level that Oracle Development built and certified 11gR2 with.
Oracle/Sun has specifically started that "installing patches will not bring it to Update 6".
Oracle 11gR2 software is NOT certified for:
a.) Solaris 10 "less than update 6" with individual patches.
b.) Solaris 10 "less than update 6" with a certified MU (Maintenance Update) Solaris update method
It is only certified for a base install image of Solaris 10 Update 6 or greater, or an upgraded image of an earlier Solaris 10 update to at least Update 6 or greater.

172. Instead of installing Solaris 10 update 6 or greater, could I upgrade my "update 4" non-global zone from it's "update 6" global zone host, and then copy over the /etc/file?
No, you'll need to update the non-global zones to a level of at least Solaris 10 Update 6.

173. Okay, you have convinced me. What is it that I need to do to get my Solaris 10 system to be a true and full "update 6" base image?
You can upgrade the Solaris OS by using two upgrade methods: standard and Solaris Live Upgrade.
a.) Standard Upgrade is a full re-install of Solaris 10 from an "update 6" media kit.
1.) Pros - known, more familiar to Solaris customers
2.) Cons - harder, inconvenient, larger downtime
b.) Solaris Live Upgrade lets you keep your system running while you upgrade, and you can switch back and forth between Solaris OS releases by a simple reboot.
1.) Pros - very little downtime
2.) Cons - potentially more complicated, can infrequently fail to boot because not all configurations can be properly duplicated with Live Upgrade

174. How can I determine what "update" level of Solaris 10 was installed on my system?
Although not included in the Installation Guide, the correct output from the "cat /etc/release" command for a Solaris 10 update 6 system is:
Solaris 10 10/08 s10s_u6wos_07b SPARC
It is the "u6" in the line "Solaris 10 10/08 s10s_u6wos_07b SPARC" that shows that this is the minimum required Solaris 10, update 6. A value of "u3" (for example) would indicate an unacceptable "update Other acceptable outputs would be (for example):
Solaris 10 10/08 s10s_u6
Solaris 10 5/09 s10s_u7
Solaris 10 10/09 s10s_u8
Solaris 10 9/10 s10s_u9

175. How and where does the 11gR2 OUI retrieve its values?
According to Oracle Development in Bug 9152554, the "Actual Value" reported by the OUI comes from the output of the following:
(/usr/bin/pkginfo -l SUNWsolnm | /usr/bin/nawk -F= '/VERSION/ {"/usr/bin/uname -r" | getline uname; print uname "-" $2}' ) > /var/tmp/CVU_11. 2>&1
You can manually execute the main part of that on your system as follows:
/usr/bin/pkginfo -l SUNWsolnm | /usr/bin/nawk -F= '/VERSION/ {"/usr/bin/uname -r" | getline uname; print uname "-" $2}'

176. Can I just copy over an /etc/release file from another Solaris 10 system that really is "update 6"?
The /etc/release file is a validated file. Even if you did manage to copy, edit, or otherwise simulate it, you would have an unsupported configuration and as such Oracle would reserve the right to ask you to the correct version in the correct manner before proceeding with your support case.

177. Does the 11gR2 OUI read the /etc/release file, or use the /usr/bin/pkginfo -l SUNWsolnm command ?
It does both. For example, if you were to copy or edit your way around the OUI's check of /etc/release, you would still be stopped by the incorrect kernel message that results from the SUNWsolnm command.
you were to simply ignore the OUI's messages, the linking portion of the 11gR2 install would fail.

178.What's included in a GI PSU ?
Unlike other Grid Infrastructure patches, 11gR2 GI PSUs contains both GI PSU and Database PSU
(YES, both GI and DB PSU) for a particular quarter. For example, GI PSU contains both the GI PSU and the Database PSU.
You are able to take note of this when you extract a GI PSU, you will see 2 directories (named with the Patch number) one for the GI PSU and one for the RDBMS PSU.

179.How do I find out whether a bug is fixed in a Clusterware or Grid Infrastructure PSU ?
 To find out, check the patch readme and "opatch lsinventory -bugs_fixed" will list each individual bugs that have been fixed by all installed patches

180. How to apply a Clusterware or Grid Infrastructure patch manually?
It's recommended to use OPatch auto when applicable; but in the case that OPatch auto does not apply or fails to apply the patch, refer to patch README and the following notes for manual patch instructions. The following notes may also be of use when in this situation:

OPatch Auto Example to Apply a GI PSU (includes Database PSU)
Platform is Linux 64-bit
All Homes (GI and Database) are not shared
All Homes are
The Grid Infrastructure owner is grid
The Database owner is oracle
The Grid Infrastructure Home is /ocw/grid
Database Home1 is /db/11.2/db1
Database Home2 is /db/11.2/db2
The GI PSU will be applied to in this example
ACFS is NOT in use on this cluster
Note: This example only covers the application of the patch iteslf. It does NOT cover the additional database,
ACFS or any other component specific steps required for the PSU installation. That said you must ALWAYS consult
the patch README prior to attempting to install any patch.
1. Create an EMPTY directory to stage the GI PSU as the GI software owner (our example uses a directory named
% mkdir /u01/stage/gipsu3
Note: The directory must be readable, writable by root, grid and all database users.
2. Extract the GI PSU into the empty stage directory as the GI software owner:
% unzip -d /u01/stage/gipsu3
3. Verify that opatch in ALL homes that will be patched meet minimum version requirement documented in the
PSU README (see "How to find out the opatch version?"). If the version of OPatch in any one (or all) of the homes
does not meet the minimum version required for the patch, OPatch must be upgraded in this/these homes prior to
continuing (see "How do I install the latest OPatch release?").
4. As grid user repeat the following to validate inventory for ALL applicable homes on ALL nodes:
% $GI_HOME/OPatch/opatchlsinventory -detail -oh <home-path>
Note: If any errors or inconsistencies are returned corrective action MUST be taken prior to applying the patch.
5. As the user root, execute OPatch auto to apply GI PSU to all Grid Infrastructure and Database
# cd /u01/stage/gipsu3
# export GI_HOME=/ocw/grid
# $GI_HOME/OPatch/opatch auto /u01/stage/gipsu3
Note: You can optionally apply the patch to an individual home by specifying the -oh <home path> to the
opatch auto command:
# $GI_HOME/OPatch/opatch auto /u01/stage/gipsu3 -oh /u01/stage/gipsu3
This would apply the GI PSU to ONLY the GI Home.
6. As the grid user repeat validate inventory for all patched homes:
% $GI_HOME/OPatch/opatchlsinventory -detail -oh <home-path>
7. Repeat steps 1-6 on each of the remaining cluster nodes, 1 node at a time.
8. If you applied the Databse PSU to the Database Homes (as shown in this example), you must now load the Modified
SQL Files into the Database(s) as follows:
Note: The patch README should be consulted for additional instructions!
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
% sqlplus /nolog
SQL> @catbundle.sqlpsu apply
EXAMPLE: Apply a CRS patch manually
The example assumes the following:
Platform is Solaris SPARC 64-bit
All homes (CRS, ASM and DB) are non-shared
All homes are version
The Clusterware Home is /ocw/crs
The Clusterware, ASM and Database owner is oracle
The ASM Home is /db/11.2/asm
Database Home 1 is /db/11.1/db1
Database Home 2 is /db/11.1/db2
Note: This example only covers the application of the patch iteslf. It does NOT cover the additional databaseor any
other component specific steps required for the patch installation. That said you must ALWAYS consult the patch
README prior to attempting to install any patch.
1. Create an EMPTY directory to stage the CRS PSU as the CRS software owner (our example uses a
directory named crspsu7):
% mkdir /u01/stage/crspsu7
2. Extract the CRS PSU into the empty stage directory as the CRS software owner:
% unzip -d /u01/stage/crspsu7
3. Verify that opatch in ALL homes (for the Database homes there is a Database compnent to CRS patches)
meet minimum version requirement documented in the PSU README (see "How to find out the opatch version?"). If the
version of OPatch in any one (or all) of the homes does not meet the minimum version required for the patch, OPatch
must be upgraded in this/these homes prior to continuing (see "How do I install the latest OPatch release?").
4. As oracle repeat the following to validate inventory for ALL applicable homes:
% $CRS_HOME/OPatch/opatchlsinventory -detail -oh <home-path>
5. On the local node, stop all instances, listeners, ASM and CRS:
root", it is the software install owner, this is a commonly made mistake
7. As the oracle user execute the prepatch script for the CRS Home:
% /u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/scripts/ -crshome /ocw/crs
8. As the oracle user execute the prepatch script for the Database/ASM Homes:
% /u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/server/11724953/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% /u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/server/11724953/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% /u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/server/11724953/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
9. As oracle apply the CRS PSU to the CRS Home using opatchnapply:
% export ORACLE_HOME=/ocw/crs
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local /u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953
10. As the oracle user apply the database compnent of CRS PSU to the Database/ASM Homes using opatchnapply:
% export ORACLE_HOME=/db/11.1/asm
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local
% export ORACLE_HOME=/db/11.1/db1
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local
% export ORACLE_HOME=/db/11.1/db2
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local
11. As the oracle user execute the postpatch script for the CRS Home:

% /u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/scripts/ -crshome /ocw/crs
12. As the oracle user execute the postpatch script for the Database/ASM Homes:
% u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/server/11724953/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/server/11724953/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/server/11724953/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
13. As root execute the postrootpatch script (this script will start the CRS stack):
# u01/stage/crspsu7/11724953/custom/scripts/ -crshome /ocw/crs
14. As the oracle user repeat the following to validate inventory for ALL applicable homes:
% $CRS_HOME/OPatch/opatchlsinventory -detail -oh <home-path>
15. Start all instances, listeners and ASM on local node (CRS was started with the postrootpatch script):
% $ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl start instance -i<local instance name> -d <db name>
% $ASM_HOME/bin/srvctl start asm -n <local node>
% $CRS_HOME/bin/srvctl start nodeapps -n <local node>
16. Repeat steps 1-15 on each node in the cluster, one node at a time.

EXAMPLE: Applying a GI PSU patch manually
The example assumes the following:
Platform is Linux 64-bit
All Homes (GI and Database) are not shared
The Grid Infrastructure owner is grid
The Database owner is oracle
The Grid Infrastructure Home is /ocw/grid
Database Home1 is /db/11.2/db1
Database Home2 is /db/11.2/db2
All Homes are
ACFS is NOT in use on this cluster
Note: This example only covers the application of the patch iteslf. It does NOT cover the additional databaseor any
other component specific steps required for the patch installation. That said you must ALWAYS consult the patch
README prior to attempting to install any patch.
1. Create an EMPTY directory to stage the GI PSU as the GI software owner (our example uses a directory named

% mkdir /u01/stage/gipsu3
Note: The directory must be readable, writable by root, grid and all database users.
2. Extract the GI PSU into the empty stage directory as the GI software owner:
% unzip -d /u01/stage/gipsu3
3. Verify that opatch in ALL homes that will be patched meet minimum version requirement documented in the
PSU README (see "How to find out the opatch version?"). If the version of OPatch in any one (or all) of the homes does
not meet the minimum version required for the patch, OPatch must be upgraded in this/these homes prior to
continuing (see "How do I install the latest OPatch release?").
4. As grid user repeat the following to validate inventory for ALL applicable homes on ALL nodes:
% $GI_HOME/OPatch/opatchlsinventory -detail -oh <home-path>
Note: If any errors or inconsistencies are returned corrective action MUST be taken prior to applying the patch.
5. On the local node, use the "srvctl stop home" command to stop the database resources:
% $GI_HOME/bin/srvctl stop home -o /db/11.2/db1 -s /tmp/statefile_db1.out -n <local node>
% $GI_HOME/bin/srvctl stop home -o /db/11.2/db2 -s /tmp/statefile_db2.out -n <local node>
6. As root unlock the Grid Infrastructure Home as follows:
# export ORACLE_HOME=/ocw/grid
# $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -unlock ## execute this in
Grid Infrastructure cluster, for Oracle Restart see the note below.
Note: If you are in a Oracle Restart environment, you will need to use the script instead of the script as follows:
# $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -unlock
7. Execute the prepatch script for the Database Homes as the oracle user:
% /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419353/custom/server/12419353/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419353/custom/server/12419353/custom/scripts/ -dbhome

8. As the grid user apply the patch to the local GI Home using opatchnapply:
% export ORACLE_HOME=/ocw/grid
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419353
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419331
9. As the oracle user apply the patch to the local Database Homes using opatchnapply:
% export ORACLE_HOME=/db/11.2/db1
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419331
% export ORACLE_HOME=/db/11.2/db2
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local
% $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatchnapply -oh $ORACLE_HOME -local /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419331
10. Execute the postpatch script for the Database Homes as the oracle user:
% /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419353/custom/server/12419353/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
% /u01/stage/gipsu3/12419353/custom/server/12419353/custom/scripts/ -dbhome
11. At the root user execute the rootadd_rdbms script from the GI Home:
# export ORACLE_HOME=/ocw/grid
# $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/install/
12. As root relock the Grid Infrastructure Home as follows (this will also start the GI stack):
# export ORACLE_HOME=/ocw/grid
# $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -patch ## execute this in
Grid Infrastructure cluster, for Oracle Restart see the note below.
Note: If you are in a Oracle Restart environment, you will need to use the script instead of the
script as follows:
# $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -patch
13. Restart the database resources on the local node using the "srvctl start home" command:
# $GI_HOME/bin/srvctl start home -o /db/11.2/db1 -s /tmp/statefile_db1.out -n <local node>
# $GI_HOME/bin/srvctl start home -o /db/11.2/db2 -s /tmp/statefile_db2.out -n <local node>
14. As grid user repeat the following to validate inventory for ALL patched homes:
% $GI_HOME/OPatch/opatchlsinventory -detail -oh <home-path>
15. Repeat steps 1-14 on each node in the cluster, one node at a time.
16. If you applied the Databse PSU to the Database Homes (as shown in this example), you must now load the Modified
SQL Files into the Database(s) as follows:
Note: The patch README should be consulted for additional instructions!
% cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
% sqlplus /nolog
SQL> @catbundle.sqlpsu apply

181. Is there an easy way to verify the inventory for all remote nodes

You can run the opatch lsinventory -all_nodes command from a single node to look at the inventory details for all nodes in the cluster.

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