171. Using multiple schemas
Schemas can be created
easily by using the following:
We can then create
objects directly within those schemas by using "fully qualified"
names, for example:
CREATE TABLE finance.month_end_snapshot (….)
The default schema
into which an object is created is known as the current schema. We can find out
which is our current schema by using the following query:
postgres=# select
(1 row)
When we access
database objects, we use the user-settable parameter search_path
to identify which schemas to search. The
current schema is the first schema in the search_ path—there is no separate parameter for the current schema.
So, if we want to have only a specific user look at certain sets of tables,
we can modify his/her search_path. The parameter can be set for each user, so that the value will
be set when he/she connects. The SQL for this would be something like the
SET search_path = 'finance';
SET search_path = 'sales';
Note that the "public" schema is not
mentioned on the search_path, and so would not be
searched. All tables created
by fiona would go into the
finance schema by default, whereas all tables created by sally
would go into the sales schema by default.
The users for finance
and sales would be able to see that the other schema existed, though we would
be able to grant/revoke privileges such that they could neither create objects
nor read data in the others' schema.
SCHEMA finance FROM public;
SCHEMA finance TO fiona; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA sales FROM public;
SCHEMA sales TO sally;
An alternate technique
would be to allow one user to create privileges on only one schema, but usage
rights on all other schemas. We would set up that arrangement like the
SCHEMA finance FROM public;
SCHEMA finance TO public;
SCHEMA finance TO fiona; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA sales FROM public;
SCHEMA sales TO sally;
SCHEMA sales TO sally;
Note that you need to
grant the privileges for usage on the schema, as well as specific rights on the
objects in the schema. So, you will also need to issue specific grants for
objects, such as:
month_end_snapshot TO public;
or set default
privileges so that they are picked up when objects are created using:
172. Giving users
their own private database
As a superuser, these
actions would be as follows:
postgres=# create
user fred;
postgres=# create
database fred owner = fred;
As the database owner:
Users have login
privilege, so can connect to any database by default. There is a command named ALTER
DEFAULT PRIVILEGES though, that does not
currently apply to databases, tablespaces, or languages. ALTER
DEFAULT PRIVILEGES also currently applies
only to roles (that is, users) that already exist.
So, we need to revoke
privilege to connect to our new database from everybody except the designated
user. There isn't a REVOKE … FROM
PUBLIC EXCEPT command, so we need to
revoke everything, and then just re-grant everything we need all in one
transaction, such as the following:
postgres=# BEGIN;
postgres=# REVOKE
connect ON DATABASE fred FROM public;
postgres=# GRANT
connect ON DATABASE fred TO fred;
postgres=# create
user bob;
Then, try to connect
as bob to the fred
os $ psql -U bob
psql: FATAL:
permission denied for database "fred"
DETAIL: User does
not have CONNECT privilege.
which is exactly what
we wanted.
If you didn't catch it before, PostgreSQL allows transactional DDL
in most places, so the REVOKE and GRANT in the preceding either both work or neither actions take place.
So user fred
never at any point loses the ability to connect to the database.
Note that CREATE
DATABASE cannot be performed as part of a transaction, though nothing
serious happens as a result.
Note that
superusers can still connect to the new database, and there is no way to
prevent them from doing so. No other users can see tables created in the new
database, nor can they find out the names of any of the objects. The new
database can be seen to exist by other users, and they can also see the name of
the user who owns the database.
173. Set up a Connection Pool (pgbouncer)
A Connection Pool is the term used for a
collection of already connected sessions that can be used to reduce the
overhead of connection and reconnection.
There are various ways that connection pools can be provided,
depending upon the software stack in use. Probably the best option is to look
at "server side" connection pool software, because that works for all
connection types, not just within a single software stack.
Here we're going to look at pgbouncer, which is designed as a very
lightweight connection pool. The name comes from the idea that the pool can be
paused/resumed to allow the server to be restarted or bounced.
First of all, decide where you're going to store the pgbouncer
parameter files, log files, and pid files.
pgbouncer can manage more than one database server's connections
at same time, though that probably isn't wise. If you keep pgbouncer files
associated with the database server, then it should be easy to manage.
Carry out the following steps to configure pgbouncer:
Create a pgbouncer.ini file
; pgbouncer configuration example
postgres = port=5432 dbname=postgres
listen_port = 6543
listen_addr =
admin_users = postgres
;stats_users = monitoring userid
auth_type = trust
; put these files somewhere sensible
auth_file = users.txt
logfile = pgbouncer.log
pidfile = pgbouncer.pid
; required for 9.0
= application_name
default values
= session
= 20
= 0
2. Create a users.txt file. This must exist, and must contain at
least the minimum users mentioned in admin_users and stats_users. For example:
"postgres" ""
pgbouncer also supports md5 authentication. To use that
effectively, you need to copy the encrypted passwords from the database server.
You may wish to create the users.txt file by directly
copying the details from the server. That can be done using the following psql
\o users.txt
SELECT ‹»›||rolname||›» «›||rolpassword||›»› postgres-> FROM pg_authid;
3. Launch pgbouncer:
-d pgbouncer.ini
4. Test the connection—it should respond reload:
-p 6543 -U postgres pgbouncer -c "reload"
Also, check that
pgbouncer›s max_client_conn parameter does not exceed max_connections parameter
on PostgreSQL.
pgbouncer is a great
piece of software. It's feature set is very carefully defined to ensure that it
is simple, robust, and very fast. pgbouncer is not multi-threaded, so it runs
in a single process, and thus on a single CPU. It is very efficient, though
very large data transfers will tie up more time and reduce concurrency, so make
those data dumps using a direct connection.
pgbouncer doesn't
support SSL connections. If it did, then all of the encryption/decryption would
need to take place in the single process, which would make that solution
perform poorly. If you need secure communications, then you should use stunnel.
pgbouncer provides
connection pooling. If you set:
= transaction
then pgbouncer will also provide connection concentration. This
allows hundreds or thousands of incoming connections to be managed while only a
few server connections are made.
As new connections/transactions/statements arrive, the pool will
increase in size up to the defined user maximums. Those connections will stay
around for at most server_idle_timeout before the pool releases those
pgbouncer also releases sessions every server_lifetime. This allows the
server to free backends in rotation to avoid issues with very long-lived
session connections.
It's possible to connect to pgbouncer itself to issue commands.
This can be done interactively as if you were entering psql, or it can be done
using single commands or scripts.
To shut down the server, we can just type SHUTDOWN, or enter a single
command as follows:
psql -p 6543 pgbouncer -c
You can also use the command RELOAD to make the server
reload (that means reread) the parameter files.
If you are using pool_mode = transaction or
pool_mode = statement,
then you can use the PAUSE command.
This allows the current transaction to complete before holding further work on
that session. This allows you to perform DDL more easily or restart the server.
pbouncer also allows you to use SUSPEND
mode. This waits for all server-side buffers to flush.
SUSPEND should
eventually be followed by RESUME
when the work is done.
In addition to the pgbouncer control commands, there are also a
selection of SHOW commands:
Show command
Result set
Traffic stats. Total and avg requests, query duration, bytes
One row per connection to database server
One row per connection from client
One user per pool of users
Gives a good summary of resource totals
Lists uses in user.txt
Lists databases in pgbouncer.ini
Lists configuration parameters
Show file descriptors
Show file sockets
pgbouncer version
174. Planning a new database
Write a document that covers the following items:
ffDatabase design:
Plan your database design.
the initial database sizing
ffTransaction analysis:
How will we access the database?
at the most frequent access paths
are the requirements for response times?
ffHardware configuration
performance thoughts—will all data fit into RAM?
ffLocalization plan
server encoding, locale, and time zone
ffAccess and security
..Identify client systems and specify
required drivers
..Create roles according to a plan for access
ffMaintenance plan:
Who will keep it working? How?
ffAvailability plan:
Consider the Availability requirements
..Plan your
backup mechanism, and test them
ffHigh-availability plan
.Decide what form of replication you'll need, if any
175. Changing parameters in your programs
PostgreSQL allows you
to set some parameter settings for each session or for each transaction.
You can change the
value of a setting during your session, such as the following:
SET work_mem =
This value will then
be used for every future transaction. You can also change it only for the
duration of the "current transaction"
work_mem = '16MB';
The setting will last
until or if you issue the following:
RESET work_mem;
are SQL commands that can be issued from
any interface. They apply only to PostgreSQL server parameters, by which
we mean parameters that affect the server, but not necessarily the whole
server. There may be other parameters, such as JDBC driver parameters, that
cannot be set in this way
When you change the
value of a setting during your session, such as:
SET work_mem =
Then this will show up
in the catalog view pg_settings as follows:
postgres=# SELECT
name, setting, reset_val, source FROM pg_settings WHERE source = 'session';
name | setting |
reset_val | source
work_mem | 16384
| 1024 | session
until you issue:
RESET work_mem;
after which the
setting returns to the reset_val, and the source returns to default.
name | setting |
reset_val | source
work_mem | 1024 |
1024 | default
You can change the
value of a setting during your transaction as well, as follows:
work_mem = '16MB';
then this will show up
in the catalog view pg_settings as follows:
postgres=# SELECT
name, setting, reset_val FROM pg_settings WHERE source = 'session';
name | setting |
reset_val | source
work_mem | 1024 |
1024 | session
Huh? What happened to
my parameter setting? SET LOCAL takes effect only for the transaction in which
it was executed, which, in our case, was just the SET
LOCAL command. We need to
execute it inside a transaction block to be able to see the setting take hold
as follows:
SET LOCAL work_mem = '16MB';
Then this will show up
in the catalog view pg_settings as follows:
postgres=# SELECT
name, setting, reset_val, source FROM pg_settings WHERE source = 'session';
name | setting |
reset_val | source
work_mem | 16384
| 1024 | session
You should also note
that the value of source is "session" rather than
"transaction", as you might have been expecting.
176. Which parameters are at non-default
Often, we need to check which parameters have been changed already
or whether our changes have correctly taken effect.
postgres=# SELECT name, source, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE
source != 'default AND source != 'override' ORDER by 2, 1;
application_name | client |
log_timezone | command line |
TimeZone | command line | GB
timezone_abbreviations |
command line | Default
archive_command | configuration
file | (disabled)
archive_mode | configuration
file | off
archive_timeout | configuration
file | 5
bgwriter_delay | configuration
file | 10
checkpoint_timeout |
configuration file | 30
log_checkpoints | configuration
file | on
log_destination | configuration
file | stderr
log_filename | configuration
file | log%Y
logging_collector |
configuration file | on
log_line_prefix | configuration
file | %t[%p]
log_min_messages |
configuration file | log
max_prepared_transactions |
configuration file | 5
max_standby_delay |
configuration file | 90
port | configuration file |
max_stack_depth | environment
variable | 2048
work_mem | session | 204800
(29 rows)
('Override' is excluded just
for display purposes.)
You can see from pg_settings
which values have non-default values, and
what the source of the current value is.
command doesn't tell you whether a
parameter is set at a non-default value. It just tells you the value, which
isn't much help if you're trying to understand what is set and why.
If the source is a
configuration file, then the two columns sourcefile and sourceline are also set. These
can be useful in understanding where the configuration came from.
The setting
column of pg_settings shows the current value, though you can also look at boot_val
and reset_val; boot-val, which show the value
assigned when the PostgreSQL database cluster was initialized
("initdb"), while reset_val shows the value that the parameter will return to if you issue the
RESET command.
is an exception because pg_settings says it is set by the environment variable, though it is actually
set by ulimit
-s on Linux/Unix systems. max_stack_depth only needs to be set directly on Windows.
The timezone settings are also picked up from the OS environment,
so you shouldn't need to set those directly. pg_settings shows this as a
"command-line" setting.
Another way of finding current settings is to access a PostgreSQL
catalog view named pg_settings.
postgres=# \x
Expanded display is on.
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'work_mem';
[ RECORD 1 ]
-------------------------------------------------------- ----
name | work_mem
setting | 1024
| kB
| Resource Usage / Memory
| Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces.
| This much memory can be used by each internal sort operation and hash table
before switching to temporary disk files.
| user
| integer
| default
min_val | 64
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 1024
reset_val | 1024
sourcefile |
So, you can use the SHOW command to retrieve
the value for a setting, or you can access the full detail via the catalog
177. Setting
parameters for particular groups of users
PostgreSQL supports a
variety of ways of defining parameter settings for various user groups.
For all users in
database saas:
saas SET configuration_parameter = value1;
For a user named simon
connected to any database, use the
SET configuration_parameter = value2;
or set a parameter for
a user only when connected to a specific database, as follows:
IN DATABASE saas SET configuration_parameter = value3;
The user won't know
that these have been executed specifically for him. These are default settings,
and in most cases can be overridden if the user requires non-default values.
You can set parameters
for each of the following:
ffUser (named
"Roles" by PostgreSQL)
ffDatabase / User
Each of the parameter
defaults is overridden by the one below it.
In the preceding three
SQL statements if:
ffuser hannu connects to database saas, then value1 will apply
ffuser simon connects to a database other than saas, then value2
will apply
ffuser simon connects to database saas, then value3 will apply
PostgreSQL implements
this in exactly the same way as if the user had manually issued the equivalent SET
statements immediately after connecting.
178. Basic server configuration checklist
PostgreSQL arrives
configured for use on a shared system, though many people want to run dedicated
database systems. The PostgreSQL project wishes to ensure that PostgreSQL will
play nicely with other server software, and should not assume it has access to
the full server resources.
Before we start, we
need to know two sets of information:
First, we need to know
the size of the physical RAM that will be dedicated to PostgreSQL.
Second, we need to
know something about the types of applications for which PostgreSQL will be
If your database is
larger than 32MB, then you'll probably benefit from increasing shared_buffers. You can increase this to much larger values, though remember
that on Linux systems this memory can be swapped out if not in use, so it's
better to be conservative. A new value can be set in your postgresql.conf
and incremented slowly to ensure you get
benefits from each change.
If you increase shared_buffers, and you're running on a non-Windows server, you will almost
certainly need to increase the value of the OS parameter SHMMAX
(and on some platforms others as well).
On Linux/Mac
OS/FreeBSD, you will need to either edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file or use sysctl -w with the following values:
ffLinux: kernel.shmmax=value
ffMac OS: kern.sysv.shmmax=value
ffFreeBSD kern.ipc.shmmax=value
For example on Linux,
add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:
Don't worry about
setting effective_cache_size. It is much less important a parameter than you might think; no
need for too much fuss selecting the value.
If you're doing heavy write activity, then you may want to set wal_buffers to a much higher value
than the default.
If you're doing heavy write activity and/or large data loads, you
then may want to set checkpoint_segments
higher than the default.
If your database has many large queries, you may wish to set work_mem to a value higher than
the default.
Make sure autovacuum
is turned on, unless you have a very good
reason to turn it off.
You can change most of
them later, so you can take an iterative approach to improving things.
179. Running server in power saving mode
If your PostgreSQL server is only used very sporadically, or has
periods of total inactivity, then you may be able to benefit from some of the
advice given here. That could be a laptop, or it could be a somewhat inactive
virtual server.
PostgreSQL is a server-based database, so it mostly does nothing
at all if there are no active clients. To minimize server activity, set the
following parameters in the postgresql.conf
= off
= 10000
ffbgwriter_delay =
These settings are not optimal for many uses and should only be
used when it is known that the server will be quiet. They should be reset to
previous values when the server becomes busy again.
There are a
couple of processes that stay active continually,
on the expectation that they will be needed should clients become active. These
processes are as follows:
ffWriter process (also known as the
"Background writer")
ffWAL writer process
ffArchiver, which will be active if WAL
archiving is enabled.
ffWAL receiver process, which will be active
if streaming replication is in use.
Background writer process wakes up by default every 200ms to do its work.
The maximum setting is 10s, which isn't very long, though the Background writer
can be disabled by the setting, bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 0.
WAL writer process wakes up by default every 200ms.
The maximum setting is also 10s. This cannot be disabled. If there is no write
activity, then no work will be performed, other than the wakeup and check.
Archiver process will wake up every 15s and check whether any new WAL files
have been written. This will cause some activity against the filesystem
directory. That time cannot be changed by a parameter.
The WAL receiver process will wake up every 100ms to check if new
replication data has arrived. If no new data has arrived, it will sleep again.
That time cannot be changed by a parameter.
will wake up every 60s by default. This can be changed
by altering the setting of autovacuum_naptime.
Autovacuum can be disabled completely by setting autovacuum = off.
So, if you are using Streaming Replication, then the server will
wake up every 100ms.
180. Enabling access for network/remote
PostgreSQL comes in a
variety of distributions. In many of these, you will find that remote access is
initially disabled as a security measure.
ffAdd/edit the following
line in your postgresql.conf:
= '*'
ffAdd the following line
as the first line of pg_hba.conf, to allow access to all databases for all users with an encrypted
host all all md5
The listen_addresses
parameter specifies on which IP addresses
to listen. This allows you to have more than one network card (NICs) per
system. In most cases, we want to accept connections on all NICs, so we use
"*", meaning "all IP addresses".
The pg_hba.conf
contains a set of host-based authentication
rules. Each rule is considered in sequence until one rule fires, or the attempt
is specifically rejected with a reject method.
The preceding rule
means a remote connection that specifies any user, or any database, on any IP
address will be asked to authenticate using an md5 encrypted password.
= host means a remote
Database =
all means "for all
databases". Other names match exactly, except when prefixed with a plus
(+) symbol, in which case we mean a "group role" rather than a single
user. You can also specify a comma-separated list of users, or use the @ symbol
to include a file with a list of users. You can also specify
"sameuser", so that the rule matches when we specify the same name
for the username and database name.
= all means "for all
users." Other names match exactly, except when prefixed with a plus (+)
symbol, in which case we mean a "group role" rather than a single
user. You can also specify a comma-separated list of users or use the @ symbol
to include a file with a list of users.
consists of two parts: IP-address/sub-net
mask. The subnet mask is specified as the number of leading bits of the
IP-address that make up the mask. Thus /0 means 0 bits of the IP address, so that all IP addresses will be
matched For example, would mean match the first 24 bits, so any
IP address of the form 192.168.0.x would match. You can also use
"samenet" or "samehost".
Don't use the setting "password", as this allows a
password in plain text.
181. Changing your password securely
If you are using
password authentication, then you may wish to change your password from time to
The most basic method
is to use psql. The \password command will prompt
you for a new password, and then again to confirm. Connect to psql, and type
the following:
Enter new password.
This causes psql to
send an SQL statement to the PostgreSQL server containing an already encrypted
password string. An example of the SQL statement sent is as follows:
postgres PASSWORD ' md53175bce1d3201d16594cebf9d7eb3f9d';
182. Explain password file in postgres?
A password file
contains the usual five fields that we need to connect, so that we can use file
permissions to make the password more secure:
such as
The password file is
located using an environment variable named PGPASSFILE. If PGPASSFILE is not set, then a
default filename and location is searched, which:
ffOn *nix systems, check
for ~/.pgpass.
ffOn Windows systems, check %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf, where %APPDATA% is the Application
Data subdirectory in the path. (For me, that would be C:\)
Don't forget: Set the file
permissions on the file, so that security is maintained. The file permissions
are not enforced on Windows, though the default location is secure. On *nix
systems, you must issue the following:
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
If you forget to do this, the PostgreSQL client will ignore the
.pgpass file silently. So don't forget!
Many people name the password file as .pgpass, whether or not they
are on Windows, so don't get confused if they do this.
The password file can contain multiple
lines. Each line is matched against the requested host:port:dbname:user combination
until we find a line that matches, and then we use that password.
Each item can be a literal value or * a wildcard that
matches anything. There is no support for partial matching. With appropriate
permissions, a user could potentially connect to any database. Using the
wildcard in the dbname and port fields makes sense, though is less useful in
other fields.
Here are a few examples:
183. Explain connection service file in
When the number of connection options gets too much, you may want
to think about using a connection service
The connection service file allows you to give a single name to a
set of connection parameters. This can be accessed centrally to avoid the need
for individual users to know the host and port of the database, and is more
resistant to future change.
First, create a file
named pg_service.conf
with the following contents:
host=postgres1 port=5432 dbname=postgres
You can then either
copy it into place at /etc/pg_service.conf
or another agreed central location. You can
then set the environment variable PGSYSCONFDIR to that directory location.
Now, you can then
specify a connection string like the following:
The service can also
be set using an environment variable named PGSERVICE.
This applies to libpq
connections only, so does not apply to JDBC.
The connection service
file can also be used to specify the user, though that would mean that the
username would be shared.
pg_service.conf and .pgpass can work together, or
you can use just onr or the other, as you
choose. Note that the pg_service.conf file is shared, and so is not a suitable place for passwords.
184. Troubleshooting a
failed connection
Bear in mind that 90%
of problems are just misunderstandings, and you'll be on track again fairly
ffCheck whether the database name and username are accurate:
You may be requesting
a service on one system when the database you require is on another system.
Recheck your credentials. Check especially that you haven't mixed things up so
that you are using the database name as the username and/or the username as the
database name. If you receive "too many connections", then you may
need to disconnect another session before you can connect, or wait for the
administrator to re-enable the connections.
ffCheck for explicit rejections:
If you receive the
following error message: pg_hba.conf rejects connection
for host …
then your connection
attempt has been explicitly rejected by the database administrator for that
server. You will not be able to connect from the current client system using
those credentials. There is little point attempting to contact the
administrator, as you are violating an explicit security policy in what you are
attempting to do.
ffCheck for implicit rejections:
If the error message you receive is: no
pg_hba.conf entry for …
then there is no
explicit rule that matches your credentials. This is likely an oversight on the
part of the administrator, and is common in very complex networks. Please
contact the administrator, and request a ruling on whether your connection
should be allowed (hopefully) or explicitly rejected in the future.
ffCheck whether the connection works with psql:
If you're trying to
connect to PostgreSQL from anything other than the psql command-line utility,
switch to that now. If you can make psql connect successfully, yet cannot make
your main connection work correctly, then the problem may be in the
local interface you are using.
ffCheck whether the server is up:
If a server is shut
down, then you cannot connect. The typical problem here is simply mixing up to
which server you are connecting. You need to specify the hostname and port, so
it's possible you are mixing up those details.
ffCheck whether the server is up and accepting new connections:
A server that is
shutting down will not accept new connections, apart from superusers. Also, a
standby server may not have the hot_standby parameter enabled, preventing you from connecting.
ffCheck whether the server is listening correctly.
ffCheck the port on which the server is actually listening:
Confirm that the
incoming request is arriving on interface listed in the listen_addresses
parameter, or whether it is set to *
for remote connections, or localhost
for local connections.
ffCheck whether the database name and username exist:
It's possible the database or user no longer
ffCheck the connection request:
Check whether the
connection request was successful, yet was somehow dropped after connection.
You can confirm this by looking at the server log when the following parameters
are enabled:
log_connections =
= on
ffCheck for other disconnection reasons:
If you are connecting to a standby server, it
is possible that you have been disconnected because of hot standby conflicts.
185. Explain crash recovery of postgres?
Crash recovery is the PostgreSQL subsystem that saves us if the
server should crash, or fail as a part of a system crash.
If PostgreSQL crashes there will be a message
in the server log with severity-level PANIC. PostgreSQL will
immediately restart and attempt to recover using the transaction log or Write Ahead Log (WAL).
The WAL consists of a series of files
written to the pg_xlog subdirectory
of the PostgreSQL data directory. Each change made to the database is recorded
first in WAL, hence the name "write-ahead" log. When a transaction
commits, the default and safe behavior is to force the WAL records to disk. If
PostgreSQL should crash, the WAL will be replayed, which returns the database
to the point of the last committed transaction, and thus ensures the durability
of any database changes.
that the database changes themselves aren't written to disk at transaction
commit. Those changes are written to disk sometime later by the
"background writer" on a well-tuned server.
recovery replays the WAL, though from what point does it start to recover?
Recovery starts from points in the WAL known as
"checkpoints". The duration of crash recovery depends upon the number
of changes in the transaction log since the last checkpoint. A checkpoint is a
known safe starting point for recovery, since at that time we write all
currently outstanding database changes to disk. A checkpoint can become a
performance bottleneck on busy database servers because of the number of writes
required. There are a number of ways of tuning that, though please also
understand the effect on crash recovery that those tuning options may cause.
Two parameters control the amount of WAL that can be written before the next
checkpoint. The first is checkpoint_segments,
which controls the number of 16 MB files that will be written before a
checkpoint is triggered. The second is time-based, known as checkpoint_timeout, and is the number
of seconds until the next checkpoint. A checkpoint is called whenever either of
those two limits is reached.
It's tempting to
banish checkpoints as much as possible by setting the following parameters:
= 1000
= 3600
though if you do you
might give some thought to how long the recovery will be if you do and whether
you want that.
Also, you should make
sure that the pg_xlog directory is mounted
on disks with enough disk space for at least 3 x 16 MB x checkpoint_segments.
Put another way, you need at least 32 GB of disk space for checkpoint_segments
= 1000. If wal_keep_segments > 0 then the server can also use up to
16MB x (wal_keep_segments + checkpoint_segments).
Recovery continues
until the end of the transaction log. We are writing this continually, so there
is no defined end point; it is literally the last correct record. Each WAL
record is individually CRC checked, so we know whether a record is complete and
valid before trying to process it. Each record contains a pointer to the
previous record, so we can tell that the record forms a valid link in the chain
of actions recorded in WAL. As a result of that, recovery always ends
with some kind of error reading the next WAL record. That is normal.
Recovery performance
can be very fast, though it does depend upon the actions being recovered.
186. Explain pg_resetxlog in postgres?
It's possible for a problem to be caused replaying the transaction
log, and for the database server to fail to start.
Some people's response to this is to use a utility named pg_resetxlog,
which removes the current transaction log files and tidies up after that
surgery has taken place.
pg_resetxlog destroys data changes and that means data loss.
If you do decide to run that utility, make sure you take a backup of the pg_xlog directory
first. My advice is to seek immediate assistance rather than do this. You don't
know for certain that doing this will fix a problem, though once you've done
it, you will have difficulty going backwards.
187. What is planning of backups?
The key thing to understand is that you should plan your recovery,
not your backup. The type of backup you take influences the type of recovery
that is possible, so you must give some thought to what you are trying to
achieve beforehand.
If you want to plan your recovery, then you
need to consider the different types of failures that can occur. What type of
recovery do you wish to perform?
You need to consider the following main aspects:
ffFull/Partial database?
ffEverything or just object definitions only?
ffPoint In Time Recovery
188. What are the backup options in
Main backup options are
backup—using pg_dump
backup—file system backup
pg_dump comes in two main flavors: pg_dump and pg_dumpall. pg_dump has a -F option to
produce backups in various file formats. The file format is very important when it comes to restoring from backup,
so you need to pay close attention to that.
Excellent article and this helps to enhance your knowledge regarding new things. Waiting for more updates.
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