Monday, 11 June 2018

Interview Q and A for Oracle Performance Tuning Part - 4

171. In the SQLT report, why is the "Last rows" not "Actual rows"?
"Last rows" is used because those numbers are related to the last execution. If this varies for some reason then this information may be important. The data is the same you can get from RUNSTATS_LAST in DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR,
Document 215187.1 SQLT (SQLTXPLAIN) - Tool That Helps To Diagnose SQL Statements Performing Poorly

172. What is new in this SQLT release?
A summary of recent SQLT changes can be found in file: "sqlt/doc/sqlt_changes.html"

173. How do I make a SQL statement use a plan that I can only achieve by using CBO Hints?
The question assumes you cannot modify the original SQL for whatever reason. You want to "capture" the plan from a modified version of your SQL (the one with CBO Hints) and associate this "good" plan to the original un-modified SQL.
If on 11g consider a SQL Plan Baseline by using "sqlt/utl/coe_load_sql_baseline.sql".
If on 10g consider a custom SQL Profile by using "sqlt/utl/coe_load_sql_profile.sql"

174. ORA-00942: table or view does not exist: Error at line 1: SELECT prev_sql_id, prev_child_number FROM sys.my_v$session
Using XECUTE method and getting error above. It means the "script.sql" passed to this method is bogus. Your script must be able to execute stand-alone without errors.

175. "ORA-07445" or "ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE".
Review alert.log and the trace referenced by this error. If failed SQL uses V$SQL_PLAN, then there is a database bug in your system. You can pursue a fix logging a ticket and providing alert.log and the referenced trace. SQLT can workaround this bug with some loss of functionality:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$d.set_param('predicates_in_plan', 'N');
If alert.log includes error :
BEGIN CTXSYS.CTX_REPORT.CREATE_INDEX_SCRIPT(index_name => :name, report => :report); END;
then try SQLT for a 2nd time. If problem persists, then apply following workaround with minimal loss of functionality:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$d.set_param('domain_index_metadata', 'Y');

176. How do I analyze a distributed query?
Install this SQLT tool in your local and remote nodes. Then on your local node make SQLT aware of the remote nodes by registering the database links your SQL or the dependent objects referenced:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$i.register_db_link('db_link_name');

177. XTRACT or XECUTE methods are taking too long.
Review corresponding log file. The culprit could be the 11g Test Case Builder TCB and/or the SQL Tuning Advisor STA. These two utilities are usually time consuming. You can sacrifice their functionality and improve the performance of SQLT by disabling SQLT access to the TCB and reducing the threshold time for the STA:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('test_case_builder', 'N');
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('sta_time_limit_secs', '30');
If SQLT still takes a long time, and the schema objects behind your SQL contain a large number of sub-partitions, you can reduce the granularity of the data collected:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('c_gran_segm', 'PARTITION');
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('c_gran_cols', 'PARTITION');
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('c_gran_hgrm', 'PARTITION');

178. How do I register additional SQLT users?
SQLT users must be granted the SQLT_USER_ROLE role. To grant the SQLT_USER_ROLE, execute the following connected as SYS: GRANT SQLT_USER_ROLE TO @Application_User;

179. Can I change the SQLT staging directory?
Yes, use "sqlt/utl/sqltcdirs.sql" passing the full directory path. This path cannot contain the "?" or "*" symbols and it is case sensitive in most systems. This directory must exist in the server and ORACLE must have read/write access to it. The recommended directory is UDUMP. Aliases are not allowed.

180. How to suppress the export of the SQLT repository?
SQLT repository is needed to generate a Test Case TC and to troubleshoot a query performing poorly. If you are sure the exported repository is not needed, use this command to disable its automatic export:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('export_repository', 'N');

181. What is my SQLT tool version?
SELECT sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.get_param('tool_version') FROM DUAL;

182. How to keep the SQLT repository small?
You can purge the SQLT repository periodically by using provided script:

183. How can I expedite "SELECT COUNT(*)" on application Tables?
If you look at the SQLT log file and identify that most time is spent when SQLT is performing a COUNT(*) in all related application tables, then you can suppress this operation with minimum functionality impact:
EXEC sqltxadmin.sqlt$a.set_param('count_star_threshold', '0');

184. How can I expedite "Taking a snapshot of some Data Dictionary objects"?
A snapshot of some Data Dictionary objects takes between a couple of minutes and up to several hours, depending on the size of the data dictionary. This is the last step of the installation. If killed, it will be automatically executed when XECUTE is first used.
To expedite the snapshot time, and with some loss of functionality, you can disable the snapshot of extents by executing these commands connecting as SQLTXPLAIN:
EXEC trca$g.set_param('capture_extents', 'N');
EXEC trca$t.refresh_trca$_dict_from_this;
If still "Taking a snapshot of some Data Dictionary objects" takes longer than several hours, it can be disabled altogether with significant loss of functionality, by executing these commands connecting as SQLTXPLAIN:
EXEC trca$g.set_param('refresh_dict_repository', 'N');
EXEC trca$t.refresh_trca$_dict_from_this;
185. What is the difference between a SPM Baseline, a SQL Profile and a SQL_PATCH?
SPM baselines :
Enforce specific plans and Guarantee plan stability
Contain multiple plans
Can record new plans for potential improvement
Only matches a whole SQL statement in its entirety
Only accepted plans are used
A SQL Profile is generated by SQL Tuning Advisor and:
Does not enforce a specific plan
Does not guarantee plan stability
Does not contains a plan at all, whereas SPM can contain multiple plans
Is a collection of directives (generated by STA based on empirical information) which can be applied across many SQL statements to influence the optimizer to hopefully produce a better plan.
Because no plans are recorded, if there is a change that results in a new, better, plan, then that plan would be lost if the change was backed out.
Can be configured to match part of multiple SQL statement (ie can apply to SQL strings which contain all the same characters)
If there is already a SQL plan baseline in place when a SQL Profile is created, the new plan is added to the baseline
A SQL patch circumvents a failure by causing the query optimizer to choose an alternate execution plan for future executions.
Does not contain a plan - essentially it generates a hint to avoid a problem (in the short term)
Generated as a workaround via the SQL Repair Advisor

With a baseline, a new plan that is better than the one in the baseline will not be applied but with be stored in the history and not lost. You can then manually check and apply the new plan or schedule the API to check to see if the plan in the history is better. This provides the flexibility to evolve if necessary while providing stability in the meantime.
Additionally, with SPM, the plan is applied as a whole or not at all. For example if an index is dropped with a profile, the hint pertaining to the index will just be ignored and all the other hints applied. With a SPM baseline there is verification of whether the plan you want to force has been reproduced or not. If not a new plan will be calculated and no remnants of the previous plan
are used (so you are less likely to get a situation where a nested loops join is used to drive a full table scan like you might get if a partial hint is applied).
You can find more on the differences in the following blog post: What is the difference between SQL Profiles and SQL Plan Baselines?
If a baseline is present for a particular SQL ID, then a profile or a SQL_PATCH will only have an effect if the plan generated by the profile or the SQL_PATCH is Enabled and Accepted within the baseline.

186. Can there be Multiple baselines?
Yes. SPM baselines allow multiple plans to be associated with a particular SQL statement. A baseline is a set of all the plans for a particular query. There can be multiple queries with baselines each with multiple plans.

187. Is there a feature which allows partitioning a baseline for multiple user profiles, for example one for application, one default and another for selected end users?
No, but you can use Adaptive Cursor Sharing (ACS) to differentiate between the different plans for different bind variable values.

188. I ran my SQL with optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines = true but I do not see a baseline in dba_sql_plan_baselines?
In order for a query to be a candidate for capture, it needs to be repeatable. The statement needs to executed more than once in order to be captured. Additionally, it will not capture dictionary SQL. See: Document 788853.1 Sql Plan Baseline Not always created

189. If I have a SPM baseline, how do I find out what SQL_ID it relates to?
There are a few different ways of doing this including: Using the SQL_HANDLE as the identifier for the baseline, join DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES.PLAN_NAME with V$SQL.SQL_PLAN_BASELINE:
SELECT b.plan_name, b.enabled, b.accepted, s.sql_id FROM DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES b, V$SQL s
WHERE b.plan_name=s.sql_plan_baseline AND sql_handle='&SQL_HANDLE'  ORDER BY 1;
190. How can I display the plans for a SQL statement recorded in a SPM baseline?
You can see the execution plan using the same API that you use to look at the plan in memory - dbms_xplan.display. For various different ways of doing this see: Document 235530.1 How to Obtain a Formatted Explain Plan - Recommended Methods

191. Do I need to change my statistics gathering routine having implemented SPM Baselines?
SPM Baselines are not designed to avoid gathering statistics. If you stored baselines for every statement and never added any new statements, then technically you would not need to regather statistics on your application objects. However, this is unlikely to be the case.

192. What is the order of precedence for Baselines, SQL profiles, Outlines, Hints etc?
The first recommendation is to "keep it simple". In other words,try not to mix up different methods if possible.
If you do have to use different methods, then:
Adding a hint changes the SQL and so you will have a new cursor that won't match up with an existing baseline. Once you add a baseline to a query containing a hint then that baseline can override whatever that hint is intended to do.
If you have a stored outline and a baseline then the Stored outline will take precedence. If you have Outlines and you want to use SPM Baselines, then migrate the outlines into the baseline.
When they are migrated they are no longer considered an outline any more so they won't take precedence over the baseline. If you have migrated the stored outline into a baseline then it is just another plan in that baseline.
If a SQL Profile is generated, initially it will not be one of the accepted plans in the baseline so the SQL Profile will be added as as an unaccepted plan to the baseline. The DBA then will have a choice between which different plans to enable and accept.

193. How does SPM decide between the same SQL statement called by two different database users, referencing two different tables with the same name?
All SPM Baselines from different users are created for the same statement, and Oracle will choose the best one for each user based upon its cost. See: Document 1469099.1 SQL Plan Baselines Clarified from a Security Perspective.
Additionally, in terms of baselines, queries using different case and whitespace are also deemed to match as long as the actual SQL is the same.

194. How can I Monitor Plan Evolution?
From 12cR1, it is possible to automatically evolve plans and modify the plan evolution using the SPM Evolve Advisor Task.
Prior to 12cR1 ,there is no monitoring that automatically evolves plans. Evolution is an active action by the DBA that moves the plan to be accepted and enabled. If you want to monitor what has and has not yet been evolved, then there are various views such as dba_sql_plan_baselines that allow the dba to monitor various pieces of information about SPM. For example you could use a select similar to the following to identify whether a particular plan has been enabled / accepted or not within a baseline:
col sql_text format a42
col parsing_schema_name format a14
col sql_handle format a20
SELECT sql_handle, sql_text, parsing_schema_name, plan_name, enabled, accepted
FROM dba_sql_plan_baselines WHERE sql_text LIKE '&Query_Text%';
195. How does a DBA decide which plans to accept and enable?
The choice between which plan to use is that same with or without SPM. SPM does not make the choice for you, it just provides a mechanism for enforcing the choice that has been made. The usual criteria a DBA would use to determine the relative performance
of different plans would be elapsed time or buffer gets.

196. What is the recommended method for plan capture?
Plans can be captured in numerous different ways and the 'best' depends on your application and the access to it. If all the plans you want are already executed and recorded in the cache, then create a baseline from there. If you can run a session which contains all the SQL you want to capture then set OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES to true, capture the plans
and then return it to the default of false when you are done. The cost-based optimizer will continue to capture any new execution plan which it identifies as having a lower cost than the lowest-costed, applicable execution plan already present within
the SQL plan baseline, even after you have turned off OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES. However, the execution plan is unaccepted until you choose to verify and evolve it. You may prevent this from taking place by marking at least one of the execution plans within the SQL plan baseline as FIXED. This is explained further in Document 1520337.1.

197. Is it good to set auto capture to true right after an upgrade of the Database?
No.If you have done no pre-testing then you have no guarantee that the plans will be 'good' right out the box. If you have used Real Application Testing (RAT) or you have stored plans in the previous release then you would likely already have baseline information that you could use or migrate.

198. What if the first captured plan is not the most optimal?
If the first captured plan is non-optimal then the situation is the same as without SPM. You need to investigate why a bad plan is generated.
If the first plan is bad, then that implies that there is something deficient in the statistics or environment that produces a bad plan.
If different bind variable values perform differently with the same plan, then that implies that there is data skew, and column statistics (histograms) may be necessary to reflect that.
Assuming that you are using bind variables, without ACS, you will get a single plan based on the first bind value and all subsequent identical query will use that irrespective of the bind value.
If different bind values give different good plans for each value then that implies that ACS would be helpful.
With ACS and SPM, the first plan will be automatically accepted and enabled, subsequent plans will need to be manually accepted. Once you have generated a good plan, you can then manage subsequent plans picking the good plan and make sure that is accepted and enabled so that the bad plan is not used

199. How can plans be migrated from Oracle 9i?
In Oracle 9i you can create stored outlines and export/import them from 9i to 11, then migrate the outlines in to SPM.
In Oracle 10g you can create a SQL Tuning Set (STS), transport it to 11g and then load it into a baseline.
So the additional steps in 9i over 10g is to create stored outlines and export/import them.

200. Is it possible to load plans from the AWR into SPM?
Yes. You can load a SQL Tuning Set from AWR and load the baselines from there.

201. Is it possible to upload an existing baseline or manually create a baseline?
Baselines can be created manually by
1. Loading plans from the shared SQL area or from a SQL tuning set Using routines in DBMS_SPM
2. Using an Alternative Plan found by SQL Tuning Advisor
While tuning a SQL statement, SQL Tuning Advisor searches real-time and historical performance data for alternative execution plans for the statement. If plans other than the original plan exist, then SQL Tuning Advisor reports an alternative plan finding.
SQL Tuning Advisor validates the alternative execution plans and notes any plans that are not reproducible.
When reproducible alternative plans are found, a SQL plan baseline can be created using DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE
When a baseline is created manually, it is automatically accepted.

202. If a baseline is imported from a "test" database into a "production" database do environment variables that must be set to the same values (e.g. optimizer_mode)?
No. The Goal of SPM baselines is to guarantee the plan regardless to the environment. The structure of the objects must be the same, but the parameters do not have to be.

203. What is the performance impact of setting optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines on a production system?
If you are using the latest patchset the impact is negligible since all you are doing is recording generated plans .

204. How can you calculate additional disk space in the sysaux tablespace for spm?
This is not easy to calculate. It depends on how many queries are being captured and how many plans each generate. The best advice is not to enable the feature systemwide, but for specific SQLs that are critical to the business only. Then monitor and adjust the space as required.

205. How can you verify the performance of different accepted plans stored in a baseline verses non accepted plans?
The evolve API (DBMS_SPM.EVOLVE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE) has a verify option which allows Oracle to compare the performance inside or outside the accepted.

206. Does capturing and use of SPM baselines degrade the database performance?
No. There is a very small overhead, but it is negligable.

207. What is Concurrent statistics gathering?
Concurrent statistics gathering is a new statistics gathering mode introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 2
( This works on both partitioned and non-partioned tables; the database running as many concurrent jobs as
possible, bounded by the job_queue_processes initialization parameter and the available system resources.
If Concurrent Statistics is controlled via the job_queue_processes parameter, the default in is 1000.

208. Would a stats gather job really create 1000 concurrent stats gather processes?
Potentially yes, but this will also be constrained by the available system resources. Concurrent statistics gathering does not use any automated way to determine the maximum number of jobs that can concurrently run based on the system load and resources. Concurrent statistics gathering solely relies on the Job Scheduler and the value of the job_queue_processes parameter.

209. How do I control how many jobs get created using Concurrent Statistics with auto optimizer stats collection?
The number of jobs is constrained by the job_queue_processes initialization parameter. See the following blog entry:

210. How is gathering concurrently different from parallel stats gathering ?
Concurrent Statistics Gathering uses the job queue mechanism to schedule multiple activities at once within the resources available. Parallel statistics gathering splits up a single gathering activity across multiple parallel slave processes. Concurrent jobs can still execute in parallel. If you plan to execute the concurrent statistics gathering jobs in parallel you should disable the parallel adaptive multi-user initialization parameter ("PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER") and enable parallel statement queuing.
211. Does gathering statistics concurrently interfere with parallel stats gathering ?
No. They work alongside one another.

212. Is concurrent object stats gathering automatic or is it parameter controlled ?
Concurrent statistics gathering is controlled by a global preference, CONCURRENT, in the DBMS_STATS package
213. How does Oracle handle locking?
Oracle use enqueues as locking mechanism for managing access to shared resources. A shared resource can be a table definition, a transaction or any type of structure that represent something sharable between sessions Each type of actions performed by Oracle sessions on those shared resources will require a certain type of lock or lock mode (e.g. a 'select on a table' action will require that the executing session has a shared lock on the resource 'table definition' of the selected table). When conflicting actions are occuring, Oracle will serialize the processing by putting a number of sessions in waiting mode until the work of the blocking session has been completed.
Each enqueue represent a sharable resource. Sessions may be acquiring, converting and releasing locks on resources
in function of the work they need to perform.
Releasing locks are performed by the sessions when they issue a commit or a DDL statement (i.e. implicit commit), or by PMON if the sessions have been killed. (Remember this only pertains to row locks. Only TX, TM, and DX enqueues are held until commit. Other locks such as RT enqueues will be held until the instance is shutdown.)
Conversion is the process of changing a lock from the mode we currently hold to a different mode. We are allowed to convert a lock if the mode we require, is a subset of the mode we hold or is compatible with the modes already held by other sessions. Otherwise, we wait on the converters queue of the resource.
Acquiring a lock is the process of getting a lock on a resource on which we currently do not have a lock. We are allowed to acquire a lock, if there are no converters or waiters ahead of us and the mode we require is compatible with the modes already held by others. Otherwise, we wait on the waiters queue of the resource.When a session has a lock on a resource, then it stands in the owner queue of the resource. When a lock is released or converted, the converters and waiters are re-checked to see if they can be acquired. The converters are processed first, then the waiters.
Row locking in Oracle is based on the TX enqueues and is known as transactional locking. When two or more sessions are changing data on one row of a table (DML statements on the same record), the first session will lock the row by putting his transaction reference in the block containing the row header. The other sessions will look at this lock information and will wait on the transaction (i.e. the TX enqueue of the blocking session) of the first session before proceeding. When the first session performs a commit, the TX resource will be released and the waiters will start their own locking. The waiting sessions are thus waiting on an exclusive TX resource, but their TM resources they are holding give the objects they are in fact waiting on.
If a lock has not been acquired or converted, a deadlock check is made by the waiting session after a timeout. For example, following situation generates a deadlock:
User A gets an S lock on resource 1
User B gets an S lock on resource 2
User A request an X lock on resource 2 and waits
User B requests an X lock on resource 1 and waits
A is waiting for B to release resource 2, which is waiting for A to release resource 1
A is indirectly waiting for A. This is a deadlock, generating a tracefile in the user_dump_dest and and ORA-60 in
the detecting session which results in the session being killed.
The lock and resource information stands within the SGA to allow PMON to recover in the event of process failure. The
PMON is responsible for releasing the locks of the crashed/killed process.

214. How to find the resource definitions?
Each resource is represented by an enqueue. An enqueue is identified by a unique name, also known as the resource name. The name has the form: . Type has two characters and represent a resource type (e.g. TM for the table definition type). ID1 and ID2 are positive numbers and identify the resource fully (e.g. ID1 is the object_id of the table if the resource type is "TM"). ID1 and ID2 have different meanings depending on the type of enqueue. The description of most enqueue/resource types can be found in the appendixes of the Oracle Reference Guide. See also: Document 29787.1 VIEW: "V$LOCK" Reference Note
The most commonly known resource types are the TM, TX and UL resources:
1. The TM resource, known as the DML enqueue, is acquired during the execution of a statement when referencing a table so that the table is not dropped or altered during the execution of it.
2. The TX resource, known as the transaction enqueue, is acquired exclusive when a transaction initiates its first change and is held until the transaction does a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Row locking is based on TX enqueues.
PMON will mark a transaction status as dead in the undo segment header. At that point the TX enqueue associated with that transaction is also released. PMON will then attempt to rollback some of the changes associated with the "dead" transaction, but will then pass it to SMON to apply the remainder of the associated undo records.
3. The UL resource represent the user-defined locks defined by the DBMS_LOCK package.

215. Which lock modes are required for which table action?
The following table describes what lock modes on DML enqueues are actually gotten for which table operations in a standard Oracle installation.
Operation Lock Mode LMODE Lock Description
------------------------- --------- ----- ----------------
Select NULL 1 null
Select for update SS 2 sub share
Insert SX 3 sub exclusive
Update SX 3 sub exclusive
Delete SX 3 sub exclusive
Lock For Update SS 2 sub share
Lock Share S 4 share
Lock Exclusive X 6 exclusive
Lock Row Share SS 2 sub share
Lock Row Exclusive SX 3 sub exclusive
Lock Share Row Exclusive SSX 5 share/sub exclusive
Alter table X 6 exclusive
Drop table X 6 exclusive
Create Index S 4 share
Drop Index X 6 exclusive
Truncate table X 6 exclusive

216. How compatibility of locks works
The compatibility of lock modes are normally represented by following matrix:
LMODE Description Name NULL SS SX S SSX X
3 Row-
SX YES YES YES no no no
4 Share S YES YES no YES no no
5 Share Row-
SSX YES YES no no no no
6 Exclusive X YES no no no no no
217. How to detect locking situations?
Different tools can be used to detect locking issues and the identity of a blocking session or sessions. The following
article contains some selects to find blocking locks: Document 729727.1 Detecting blocking Locks in 10.2 and above
A methodology using OEM Top Sessions report is explained in: Document 164760.1 Detecting and Resolving Locking Conflicts using TopSessions

218. Which views can be used to detect locking problems?
A number of Oracle views permits to detect locking problems.
V$SESSION_WAIT  -- When a session is waiting on a resource, it can be found waiting on the enqueue wait event
SID identifier of session holding the lock
P1, P2, P3 determine the resource when event = 'enqueue'
SECONDS_IN_WAIT gives how long the wait did occurs
V$SESSION -- Session information and row locking information
SID, SERIAL# identifier of the session
EVENT event waited on
P1, P2, P3 determine the resource when event = 'enqueue'
# SECONDS_IN_WAIT gives how long the wait did occurs
LOCKWAIT address of the lock waiting, otherwise null
ROW_WAIT_OBJ# object identified of the object we are waiting on (object_id of dba_objects)
file_id , block_id and row location within block of the locked row
V$LOCK -- List of all the locks in the system
SID identifier of session holding the lock
TYPE, ID1 and ID2 determine the resource
LMODE and REQUEST indicate which queue the session is waiting on, as follows:
LMODE > 0, REQUEST = 0 owner
LMODE = 0, REQUEST > 0 acquirer
LMODE > 0, REQUEST > 0 converter
CTIME time since current mode was converted
BLOCK are we blocking another lock
BLOCK = 0 non blocking
BLOCK = 1 blocking others
DBA_LOCK or DBA_LOCKS -- Formatted view on V$LOCK (created via $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql)
LOCK_TYPE, LOCK_ID1, LOCK_ID2 formatted value of TYPE, ID1, ID2 from V$LOCK
MODE_HELD and MODE_REQUESTED formatted value of LMODE and REQUEST from V$LOCK
BLOCKING_OTHERS formatted value of BLOCK from V$LOCK
V$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE -- Subset of V$LOCK for the blocking TX resources only (same description as for the V$LOCK view)
V$ENQUEUE_LOCK -- Subset of V$LOCK for the system resources only and blocked TX resources only. (same description as for the V$LOCK view)
DBA_DML_LOCKS -- Subset of the V$LOCK for the DML (TM) locks only . Created via $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql
Same description as the DBA_LOCK view
V$LOCKED_OBJECT -- Same info as DBA_DML_LOCKS, but linked with the rollback and session information
XIDUSN, XIDSLOT and XIDSQN rollback information to be linked with V$TRANSACTION
OBJECT_ID object being locked
SESSION_ID session id
ORACLE_USERNAME oracle user name
OS_USER_NAME OS user name
PROCESS OS process id
LOCKED_MODE lock mode
V$RESOURCE -- List of all the currently locked resources in the system. Each row can be associated with one or more rows in V$LOCK
TYPE, ID1 and ID2 determine the resource
DBA_DDL_LOCKS -- Has a row for each DDL lock that is being held, and one row for each outstanding request for a DDL lock.
It is subset of DBA_LOCKS   Same description as the DBA_LOCK view
DBA_WAITERS --View that retrieve information for each session waiting on a lock (created via $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql)
WAITING_SESSION waiting session
HOLDING_SESSION holding session
LOCK_TYPE, LOCK_ID1, LOCK_ID2 resource locked
MODE_HELD lock type held
MODE_REQUESTED lock type requested
DBA_BLOCKERS -- View that gives the blocking sessions (created via $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql)
HOLDING_SESSION holding session

219. Which tools are there to diagnostic locking issues?
1. OEM Top Session
OEM Top Session permits to see all the session information. The sessions that are in status ACTIVE can be waiting on locks. By right clicking on those sessions and choosing the 'detail' screen, you can go to the 'lock' leaflet and find blocking sessions.
For more information see Document 164760.1 Detecting and Resolving Locking Conflicts using TopSessions
2. Lock Charts in Performance Manager of Oracle Enterprise Manager
OEM contains a lock graph facility named the Lock Charts in the Performance Manager that is part of the Oracle Diagnostics Pack of OEM. The Performance Manager requires the Oracle Data Gatherer to run. You should select the database from the OEM Console Navigator window. Then launch Performance Manager from the Applications menu bar. When the application comes up, select the 'Lock Charts'. You can use the Performance Manager to kill the session. You just need to right-mouse click on the session you want to kill. Since the Lock Charts are automatically refreshed, you can watch the charts and instantly see locks being released.
3. Scripts for detecting locking
A number of sample scripts exist to retrieve locking information.
4. Using the logminer (Oracle8i onwards)
All locking statements are logged in the redologs. Document 198828.1 Analyzing them permits to understand locking situations

220. How to resolve locking situations?
Most locking issues are application specifics. To resolve locking contention, one needs to free the resource by:
1. Asking the HOLDER to commit or rollback
2. Killing the session which holds the lock, for example:
3. Killing the "shadow" process directly.
Although this may free the resource it is not recommended as it may prevent proper cleanup of a session. Especially avoid killing shared server or dispatcher processes at the OS level in a shared server environment since this may effect more than one session, not only the deadlocked one..
4. If the operation is a 2pc pending transaction: ROLLBACK FORCE or COMMIT FORCE
221. Deadlock Situations
If you are encountering a deadlock situation (which may be accompanied by an "ORA-60 Deadlock Detected" error) this
should generate a deadlock report trace which should enable you to diagnose the cause. ORA-60 is an application error
which usually occurs because a consistent locking strategy has not been followed throughout an application.
Please refer to the following articles for more information:
Document 18251.1 OERR: ORA 60 "deadlock detected while waiting for resource"
Document 62365.1 What to do with "ORA-60 Deadlock Detected" Errors
Document 62354.1 TX Transaction locks - Example wait scenarios

222. Unusual locking problems
1. Some common locking scenarios are explained in:
Document 62354.1TX Transaction and Enq: Tx - Row Lock Contention - Example wait scenarios
2. When your application has referential integrity and attempts to modify the child/parent table, Oracle will get additional locking on the parent/child table when there is NO index on the foreign key. To bypass this problem, the most efficient way is to create indexes for all foreign key defined in the database. See the following notes:
3. When your application is using DBMS_PIPE extensively, your session can wait for CI locks. You should increase your shared pool.
4. When statements like 'CREATE INDEX' and 'ALTER INDEX REBUILD' are issued, Oracle behave differently in Oracle7 compared to Oracle8i. To understand the benefit of the ONLINE option, you can find more information in
Document 70120.1 Locking Behavior During Index Creation or Index Rebuild
5. When a table's INITRANS is set too low , the block is full with data, and there are many concurrent DML's occurring on rows within the block, one may see a Share Lock being requested when doing a DML. To my knowledge, this is only time we grab the SHARED lock. Instead of waiting for a lock, this process is waiting for some extra space or a release of an INITRANS within the transaction layer of the block. See: Document 62354.1 TX Transaction locks - Example wait scenarios
6. There are other systemwide locks that can be held at any given time. See: Document 102925.1 Tracing sessions: waiting on an enqueue
7. Distributed transactions also use locks.See: Document 118219.1 Detecting and Resolving Distributed Locking Conflicts

223. What are 'cursor: ' waits?
Any operation that manipulates or accesses cursors may be subject to waits for access to the structures that support them in the shared pool. In cases of extreme contention, these waits can become a significant bottleneck and can can constrain normal activity. From 10.2 some shared cursor operations started to be implemented by Oracle's Mutex feature and in 11g Librarycache and rowcache components were also implemented with Mutexes.

224. What are the most common waits?
The most commonly seen waits are :
cursor: mutex X
cursor: mutex S
cursor: pin X
cursor: pin S
cursor: pin S wait on X
library cache: mutex X
library cache: mutex S
Note that all these waits are very similar and may all be waited for in the course of an operation. eXclusive operations are those that need to change a particular structure while Share operations can make do without changes but need to briefly lock them for the duration of a change to stop them being changed by something else. The differentiation is not really relevant for diagnosis of problems other than certain waits may be more prevalent for certain problems.

225. What are the most common causes of waits?
Contention on these events is usually a symptom of another problem - an indicator that there is a problem elsewhere as opposed to a problem with the structure or the mechanism itself. To resolve the symptom, the root cause needs to be identified and addressed.
Waits for cursors are parse time waits and involve the loading of cursors into the shared pool or searching for those cursors. Most problems occur either because:
The number of versions of cursors in the shared pool becomes excessive
Excessive hard/soft parsing
Excessive Invalidations/reloads
Enormous objects are loaded
Inappropriately sized shared pool
The holder of the resource being scheduled Off CPU by the OS/Resource Manager
Operating system management of memory (e.g. Very large SGA on Linux x86-64 platform without the implementation of Hugepages)
Code defects
If the sharing of cursors is actively used and child cursors and versions are low in number, then it is unlikely that contention will occur.

226. How can I avoid these waits?
Generally, by adopting a sensible sharing strategy for cursors, using bind variables appropriately and making sure that there an not large numbers of versions, you should be able to avoid most issues of this nature. Useful articles include:
Note:62143.1 Understanding and Tuning the Shared Pool
Note:94036.1 Init.ora Parameter "CURSOR_SHARING" Reference Note
If you find that you have a large number of versions of cursors then the following articles can help:
Note:296377.1 Troubleshooting: High Version Count Issues
Note:438755.1 Formated V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR Report by SQLID or Hash Value

227. Where can I find cause diagnostics and more information about these waits?
Common Diagnostics
Because these waits have similar causes, there are a number of common diagnostics that can be collected :
History of the Issue -- Being aware of and focusing on changes that appear to trigger contention affects can help narrow down areas for examination and where deeper investigation may be merited.
What has recently changed?
Application, database, middle tier changes
OS change
Increased load
Common Patterns
Does something seem to trigger the problem?
Is there a specific period of time the issue is seen?
Diagnostic Evidence
Often a substantial quantity of diagnostics is required to pin-point an issue. This is because the waits are a symptom and the holding session may have nothing to do with the waiting session other than it happens to be blocking it.
AWR (or Statspack) and ASH reports (for the waiting sessions)
These provide a system overview and also a focus on individual sessions where appropriate Stack trace(s)
Stack traces identify the code area where holders are working.
If the holder cannot be identified: Collect Systemstate with short stack dumps
(Collecting information about every session should capture the holder)
If the holder cannot be identified: Collect Errorstacks of the waiter as this may also provide some useful information
Operating System statistics (e.g. OSWatcher)
Operating system statistics are useful for various reasons such as identification of high CPU users, picking out peaks of activity and
identifying 'build up' signs to help trigger early capture of data.
Note that acquiring a systemstate on a busy system with lots of sessions can be expensive.
If this is the case then different dumps can be produced but these will provide reduced information which may not be enough to make progress. So, from the most useful (and expensive) to the least useful please try to acquire these:
Systemstate(s) at level 266 (Systemstate with stacks)
Systemstate(s) at level 258 (less detailed Systemstate with stacks)
Hanganalyze output with stack traces
As an example, if a level 266 systemstate is too expensive then you could try to use level 258. You could also combine the above. E.g., get one level 266 systemstate and multiple hanganalyze dumps. (The hanganalyze dumps should include short stack dumps).
Data Collection Reference:
Note:1363422.1 AWR Reports - Information Center
Note:748642.1 How to Generate an AWR Report and Create Baselines [ID 748642.1]
Note:1364257.1 How to Collect Errorstacks for use in Diagnosing Performance Issues.
Note:452358.1 Database Hangs: What to collect for support.
Note:301137.1 OS Watcher User Guide
Note:1360119.1 FAQ: Database Performance Frequently Asked Questions
cursor: mutex X
Here a cursor is being parsed and is trying to get the cursor mutex in eXclusive mode
cursor: mutex S
Here a cursor is being parsed and is trying to get the cursor mutex in Share mode
Note:9591812.8 Bug 9591812 - Wrong wait events in 11.2 ("cursor: mutex S" instead of "cursor: mutex X")
cursor: pin X
Here a cursor is being parsed and is trying to get the cursor pin in eXclusive mode
cursor: pin S
Here a cursor is being parsed and is trying to get the cursor pin in Share mode. See:
Note:1310764.1 WAITEVENT: "cursor: pin S" Reference Note
If contention is seen on this event, it is better to look for other related waits and investigate them first, as it is likely that this is a symptom of those.
cursor: pin S wait on X
Here a cursor is being parsed and has the cursor pin and is trying to get it in eXclusive mode. If you see 'cursor: pin S wait on X' prominent in the 'Top
Waits' section of AWR, like here for example:
then it would be sensible to initially look at the number of versions of cursors that you have on the system:
and if they are anywhere remotely close to the exceptionally high numbers shown here, reduce them as a matter of priority. See:
Document 296377.1 Troubleshooting: High Version Count Issues
If this is not the case then you can use the following articles to help you debug issues:
Note:1349387.1 Troubleshooting 'cursor: pin S wait on X' waits
Note:1298015.1 WAITEVENT: "cursor: pin S wait on X" Reference Note
Note:786507.1 How to Determine the Blocking Session for Event: 'cursor: pin S wait on X'
Note:742599.1 High 'cursor: pin S wait on X' and/or 'library cache lock' Waits Generated by Frequent Shared Pool/Buffer Cache Resize Activity
Note:1268724.1 "Cursor: Pin S Wait On X" Contention Mutex Sleep Reason Primarily ' kkslce [KKSCHLPIN2]'
Note:402027.1 Bug:5653007; 5485914: SELF DEADLOCK PROCESS WAITS ON ''Cursor: Pin S Wait On X'' with SQL_TRACE enabled.
Note:9472669.8 Bug 9472669 - 'cursor: pin S wait on X' waits for invalid SQL over DB link
library cache: mutex X
Here a library cache operation is being performed and is trying to get the library cache mutex in eXclusive mode.
The "library cache: mutex X" symptom is very common and can be caused by a number of issues, so it is very important to fully understand the root cause in order to determine the right action. In numerous cases, the problem can be alleviated by a change to the application (preventing logon or logoff storms is an example). Also it is possible that a known Oracle bug is being encountered (this includes both mutex-related issues and non-mutex issues that had mutex waits as a symptom).
Note:1357946.1 Troubleshooting 'library cache: mutex X' waits.
Note:727400.1 WAITEVENT: "library cache: mutex X"
Note:758674.1 " Library Cache: Mutex X " On Koka Cursors (LOBs) Non-Shared :
Note:9530750.8 Bug 9530750 - High waits for 'library cache: mutex X' for cursor Build lock library cache: mutex S
Here a library cache operation is being performed and is trying to get the library cache mutex in Share mode
228. What kind of statistics do the Automated tasks collect
The statistics jobs automatically gather Missing and Stale statistics for the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO). The Automatic Statistics Gathering Job was built to assist with the collection of statistics from the start with newly created databases so that there are accurate statistics to use rather than relying on defaults. The statistics collected are generic one and not customized; however since they use "AUTO" by default, a number of decisions are automatically tailored to the data.
For many database these automatic statistics are adequate, however, since these provide basic and general statistics it may be possible to collect better statistics by customizing the statistics collection. The flexibility is there to allow you to gathers stats daily for some tables, collect hourly statistics for others and just once for static data. You can decide to collect more accurate statistics depending on the data volatility and the performance of the current statistics.

229. How do I revert to a previous set of statistics?
From Oracle 10g, Oracle retains collected statistics for 31 days after they are changed.
Refer to: Document 452011.1 * Restoring Table Statistics (Oracle 10G Onwards)

230. Does the automatic statistic collection jobs populate CHAIN_CNT?
No. Chain count is not a statistic used as by the Optimizer and as such the job does not populate the chained rows information. Historically the legacy analyze command could be used to capture chain count but this functionality was not included in the DBMS_STATS package and is not collected by the automated jobs.

You can use the Automatic segment advisor for the purpose; it provides Chained row analysis .

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