181. Starting Cassandra
Cassandra writes several log messages
“ State jump to normal” will be final message at start
182. Installing and starting Cassandra from a tarball requires extensive setup and configuration.
183. You must first obtain a license before using DataStax Enteprise edition for development.
184. What is a repair ?
Repair is a deliberate action to cope with cluster entropy
Entropy can arise from nodes that were down longer than the hint window, dropped mutations, or other causes
A repair operates on all of the nodes in replica set by default
Ensures that all replicas have identical copies of a given partition
Consists of two phases :
Build Markle tree of the data per partition
Replicas then compare the differences between their trees and stream the differences to each other as needed.
185. Markle tree exchange ?
Start with the root of the tree ( a list of one hash value)
The origin sends the list of hashes at the current level
The destination diffs the list of hashes against its own, then requests subtree that are different
If there are no differences, the request can terminate
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until leaf nodes are reached
The origin sends the values of the keys in the resulting set
186. Why is repair necessary ?
A node’s data can get inconsistent over time ( Repair is just a maintenance action in this case)
If a node goes down for some time, it misses writes and will need to catch up
Sometimes it is best to repair a node :
If the node has been down longer than the length specified in MAX_HINT_WINDOW_IN_MS, the node is out of sync.
Depending on amount of data, might be faster to repair
Sometimes it is better to bring the node back as a new node :
If there is a significant amount of data, might be faster just to bring in a new node and stream data just to that node
187. What are incremental repairs?
To avoid the need for constant tree construction, incremental repairs have been introduced
Idea is to persist already repaired data, and only calculate merkle trees for sstables that haven’t previously undergone repairs
This allow the repair process to stay performant and lightweight
188. What are big data systems?
Applications involving the "three V's"
• Volume: gigabytes, growing to terabytes and beyond
• Velocity: sensor data, click streams, financial transactions
• Variety: data must be ingested from many different formats
Characteristics requiring
• multi-region availability
• very fast and reliable response
• no single point of failure
189. What strategies help manage big data?
• Distribute data across nodes
• Relax consistency requirements
• Relax schema requirements
• Optimize data to suit actual needs
190. What is the NoSQL landscape?
Four broad classes of non-relational database
• Graph: data elements each relate to n others in a graph/network
• Key-Value: keys map to arbitrary values of any data type
• Document: document sets (JSON) queryable in whole or part
• Column Family: keys mapped to sets of n-number of typed columns
Three key factors help navigate the landscape
• Consistency: do you get identical results, regardless which node is queried?
• Availability: can the cluster respond to very high write and read volumes?
• Partition Tolerance: is the cluster still available when part of it goes dark?
191. What is Cassandra?
Massively linearly scalable NoSQL database
• Fully distributed, with no single point of failure
• Free and open source, with deep developer support
• Highly performant, with near-linear horizontal scaling in proper use cases
• Fully peer-to-peer—no master/slave architecture
• Data center aware
No single point of failure, due to horizontal scaling
• horizontal scaling: add commodity hardware to a cluster
• vertical scaling: add RAM and CPUs to a specialized high performance box
192. When is Cassandra the best solution?
Cassandra excels when you need
• No single point of failure
• Real-time writes with live operational data analysis
• Flexible, easily altered data models
• Near-linear horizontal scaling across commodity servers
• Reliable replication across distributed data centers
• Clearly defined table schema in a NoSQL environment
193. When is Cassandra not the best solution?
Traditional RDBMS excels when you need
• ACID-compliant transactions, with rollback (e.g., bank transfers)
• Justification for high-end hardware
194. What are Keyspaces?
• A namespace for tables in a cluster
• All data will reside in some keyspace
• Main function: Control replication
• Data with different replication requirements will be in different keyspaces
• Somewhat analogous to a schema in the relational model
Replication Factor (RF) and replication strategy specified when creating a keyspace
• They may be changed later
• Below is the CQL (Cassandra Query Language) to create a keyspace
• It uses SimpleStrategy and has an RF of 1
• You can change the RF using the ALTER KEYSPACE command
{'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
195. What are tables?
Tables store data in a Cassandra database
• Define columns and their metadata (e.g. data type)
• Analogous to a relational table
• Were called Column Families in the Thrift API
• CREATE TABLE is used in CQL to define a table
• A table must reside in a keyspace
• Either selected with USE, or as part of the name of the table, e.g. stockwatcher.user
• A table must specify a primary key
USE stockwatcher; // Execute any time before the CREATE
CREATE TABLE user ( user)
196. What is write operation ?
All writes for a row (including inserts/updates/deletes) are done atomically and in isolation
• Inserting or updating (multiple) columns in a row is one write operation
• An insert with an existing primary key becomes an update
• Cassandra will just write the new column value(s) provided
• Each column inserted will supersede any older values
• For two concurrent writes with the same primary key, the last write wins
• i.e. the last write to finish will be returned in subsequent queries
197. What is a cluster?
• A peer to peer set of nodes
• Node – one Cassandra instance
• Rack – a logical set of nodes
• Data Center – a logical set of racks
• Cluster – a ring of nodes
198. What are Configuration files ?
• cassandra.yaml
• One file per node, must agree with other node’s files • Parameters defined throughout
• cassandra-env.sh • Memory settings • JMX settings
• log4j-server.properties • Error log settings
199. What key properties are set in cassandra.yaml?
• cluster_name (default: 'Test Cluster')
• All nodes in a cluster must have the same value.
• listen_address (default: localhost)
• Defines the network interface for gossip connections
• rpc_address
• Network interface for client connections ( means all interfaces)
• rpc_port (default: 9160)
• port for Thrift client connections
• native_transport_port (default: 9042)
• port on which CQL native transport listens for clients
commitlog_directory (default: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog)
• Best practice to mount on a separate disk in production (unless SSD)
• data_file_directories (default: /var/lib/cassandra/data)
• List of storage directories for data tables (SSTables)
• saved_caches_directory (default: /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches)
• Storage directory for key and row caches
200. What key properties are set in cassandra-env.sh?
• JVM Heap Size settings
• MAX_HEAP_SIZE="value"
• Maximum recommended in production is currently 8G due to current limitations in Java garbage collection
• HEAP_NEWSIZE="value"
• Generally set to 1⁄4 of MAX_HEAP_SIZE
• This file computes the default values, but you can override them as necessary.
201. What key properties are set in log4j-server.properties?
• Cassandra system.log location
• Default location is /var/log/cassandra/system.log
• system.log is numerically renamed as it grows over time
• Cassandra logging level
• Default logging level is INFO
202. What is a node?
• Single node database
• rpc_address—used to setup how clients come into a cluster
• rpc_port (9160)—thrift, how node talks to the application
• native_transport_port (9042)—native connections
• default—localhost which means you are stuck with only local clients
• means clients can come in from anywhere
203. What is a cluster?
• Nodes join a cluster based on the configuration of their own conf/cassandra.yaml file
• Key settings include
• cluster_name – shared name to
logically distinguish a set of nodes
• seeds – IP addresses of initial nodes for a new node to contact and discover the cluster topology (best practice to use the same two per data center)
• listen_address – IP address to determine adaptor through which this particular node communicates to other nodes
204. Where does my data go?
• Cassandra automatically shards your data.
• It will put one or more copies of your data on your nodes.
205. What is consistent hashing?
• Data is stored on nodes in partitions, each identified by a partition key.
• Partition – a storage location on a node (analogous to a "table row")
• Token – 64 bit integer, generated by a hashing algorithm, identifying a partition's location within a cluster
• The 264 value token range for a cluster is used as a single ring
• So, any partition in a cluster is locatable from one consistent set of hash values, regardless of its node
• Specific token range varies by choice of partitioner
• Partitioner options discussed ahead
206. What is the partitioner?
• A system on each node which hashes keys to create a token from designated values in rows being added
• Hash function – converts a variable length value to a corresponding
fixed length value
· Various partitioners available
Imagine a 0 to 100 token range (instead of -263 to +263)
• Each node is assigned a token, just like each of its partitions
• Node tokens are the highest value in the segment owned by that node
• This segment is the primary token range of replicas owned by this node
• Nodes also store replicas keyed to tokens outside this range ("secondary range")
207. How does a partitioner work?
• A node's partitioner hashes a token 100 from the partition key value of a write request
• First replica written to node that owns the primary range for this token
The primary key of a table determines its partition key values
Token 91 'Orange:Oscar'
208. How is data replicated among nodes?
• SimpleStrategy – create replicas on nodes subsequent to the primary range node
CREATE KEYSPACE demo WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':3}
• replication factor of 3 is a recommended minimum
209. is data replicated between data centers?
• NetworkTopologyStrategy – distribute replicas across racks and data centers
CREATE KEYSPACE demo WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
'dc-east':2, 'dc-west’:3}
210. What are virtual nodes?
• Multiple smaller primary range segments – virtual nodes – can be owned by each machine, instead of one larger range
• virtual nodes behave like a regular node
• available in Cassandra 1.2+
• default is 256 per machine
• not available on nodes combining Cassandra with Solr or Hadoop
211. How are virtual nodes helpful?
• token ranges are distributed, so machines bootstrap faster
• impact of virtual node failure is spread across entire cluster
• token range assignment automated
Virtual nodes are enabled in cassandra.yaml
• partitions, regular nodes, and virtual nodes are each identified by a token
• regular or virtual node tokens are the highest value in one segment of the total token range for a cluster, which is the primary range of that node
212. What is a coordinator?
• The node chosen by the client to receive a particular read or write request to its cluster
• Any node can coordinate any request
Each client request may be coordinated by a different node
Coordinator Nodes: Its a node which receive the request from client and send the request to the actual node[hash(key) => token] depending upon the token. So all the nodes acts as coordinator node,because every node can receive a request and proxy that request.
213. What is No single point of failure
This principle is fundamental to Cassandra's architecture
214. How are client requests coordinated?
• The Cassandra driver chooses the node to which each read or write request is sent
• Client library providing APIs to manage client read/write requests
• Round-robin pattern by default
The coordinator manages the Replication Factor (RF)
• Replication factor (RF) – onto how many nodes should a write be copied?
• Possible values range from 1 to the total of planned nodes for the cluster
• RF is set for an entire keyspace, or for each data center, if multiple
· Every write to every node is individually time-stamped
· The coordinator also applies the Consistency Level (CL)
• Consistency level (CL) – how many nodes must acknowledge a read or write request
• CL may vary for each request
• On success, coordinator notifies client
• Possible consistency levels include
• QUORUM(RF/2)+1
215. What is consistency?
Consistency means to synchronize and how up-to-date a row of Cassandra data is on all of its replicas.
• The partition key determines which nodes are sent any given request
• Consistency Level – sets how many of the nodes to be sent a given request must acknowledge that request, for a response to be returned to the client
• The meaning varies by type
• Write request – how many nodes must acknowledge they received and wrote the write request? • Read request – how many nodes must acknowledge by sending their most recent copy of the data?
216. What is immediate vs. eventual consistency?
• For any given read, how likely is it the data may be stale?
• Immediate Consistency – reads always return the most recent data
• Consistency Level ALL guarantees immediate consistency, because all replica nodes are checked and compared before a result is returned
• Highest latency because all replicas are checked and compared
• Eventual Consistency – reads may return stale data
• Consistency Level ONE carries the highest risk of stale data, because the replica from the first node to respond is immediately returned
• Lowest latency because the first replica is immediately returned
217. What does it mean to tune consistency?
• Reads and writes may each be set to a specific consistency level
if (nodes_written + nodes_read) > replication_factor
then immediate consistency
218. How do you choose a consistency level?
• In any given scenario, is the value of immediate consistency worth the latency cost?
• Netflix uses CL ONE and measures its "eventual" consistency in milliseconds
• Consistency Level ONE is your friend ...
Consistency Level ONE | Consistency Level QUORUM | Consistency Level ALL |
Lowest latency | Higher latency (than ONE) | Highest latency |
Highest throughput | Lower throughput | Lowest throughput |
Highest availability | Higher availability (than ALL) | Lowest availability |
Stale read possible | No stale reads | No stale reads |
• If "stale" is measured in milliseconds, how much are those milliseconds worth?
219. What is the Gossip protocol?
• Once per second, each node contacts 1 to 3 others, requesting and sharing updates about
• Known node states ("heartbeats")
• Known node locations
• Requests and acknowledgments are timestamped, so information is continually updated and discarded
220. What is write path
• On a write, Cassandra first appends writes to the commit log on disk
• The write is durable once the data is in the commit log
• Actually - once fsync is called and the OS flushes its own cache to disk
• The commit log is append only, so there is no seek necessary for the append
• Assuming a dedicated disk for the commit log (a recommended practice)
• A write also stores the data in memory
• In a structure called the memtable
• A write is successful once written to the commit log and memory
• Very fast -Very little disk I/O at time of write
221. Details of Memtables and SSTables
• Memtables are organized in sorted order by partition key
• There is one memtable per table per node
• Updates to a column values in the memtable overwrites the existing column values
• Accessing them is very fast since they are in-memory
• Updates are also merged in-memory for a given partition key
• Memtables are eventually flushed to SSTables (Sorted String Tables) on disk
• So they don't grow too large in memory
• Flushed using sequential I/O - no random seeking so it's fast
• SSTables are immutable once they are written to disk
• Updates to data already in an SSTable go into a memtable, then eventually into a different SSTable
• So data for a given partition key may be in several places
After flushing, the memtable is emptied.
222. About SSTables
• SSTable is immutable once it is written
– Mutations to keys already in an SSTable eventually end up in another SSTable – Never any updates to existing data in SSTable
– Meaning no disk seeks on write - speeds up writes
• Reads may need to go to multiple SSTables for a given key
– Because multiple writes may have created fragments in multiple SSTables for a given key
• SSTables contain structures to speed up reads – Bloom filters and indexes
223. What is Compaction
• Compaction: Merges SSTables for a data table into one SSTable - eliminating fragments
• Reduces number of SSTables to be accessed for a read request
• Runs asynchronously in the background
• Uses sequential I/O - fast
• When merging multiple column values, latest timestamped value is used
224. What is data availability & access in Cassandra ?
• Cassandra must access multiple locations to read data
• Across replicas
• Data can be replicated across multiple replicas
• Replicas may not be consistent at any given time (eventual consistency)
• Within a replica, data may be
• In an unflushed memtable
• In multiple SSTables
• In a cache
225. What is Client read requests
• Client requests are made to a coordinator
• The coordinator contacts replicas based on the request CL (1)
• In the request below, we have RF=3 (data on nodes R1, R2, and R3)
• Assume CL=QUORUM - so the coordinator contacts two replicas - in this case R1 and R3
226. What is Merging replica data
• The coordinator may read data from multiple replicas
• The data may not be consistent (a write may not have propagated)
• If multiple replicas are contacted, the rows from each replica are compared for consistency
• If consistent, then the data is just returned
• If not consistent, then the most recent data is used
• Based on the timestamp value that is contained in the internal storage cell
• Cassandra uses a mechanism, read repair, to ensure that all replicas are updated to the latest version of data
227. How Read processing in a node
• To satisfy a read request for a given partition key, a node combines data from
– Any unflushed memtables
– All SSTables on the node that contain data for that partition key
228. how to Optimizing reads by bloom filters
• Cassandra uses Bloom filters to minimize SSTable reads
• Each SSTable read is a disk I/O, so we want to minimize them
• Bloom filters are used to check if an SSTable has data for a particular partition key
• One per SSTable
• Saved on disk, but kept in memory (off heap)
• On a read, the node checks the Bloom filter for each SSTable
• The SSTable is only read from disk if the Bloom filter indicates there is data for the key
• This helps make Cassandra very performant on reads
229. What is Full read path
• Row Cache (off heap): If found here, just return the data, otherwise continue with steps below
• Memtable (on heap): Read current memtable, and memtables awaiting flush. Get row fragments for the given row.
• Bloom Filter (off heap): Check for each SSTable to build list of candidate SS Tables
• Key Cache (on heap): (If enabled) For each SSTable from above, probe the key cache to get position in data file. This may miss.
• SSTable Index summary (on heap): Probe here to find start of range in index file, seek to this position in the index file, then scan until you find the key
• SSTable (on disk): Seek to the row position in the SSTable and get the data
• Merge all row fragments, and reconcile duplicates via timestamp
• Update row cache
• Return results to client
230. Summary of Cassandra terminology
• A Cassandra cluster is comprised of peer-to-peer nodes logically organized into racks within data centers
• Any node may coordinate any request issued by a Cassandra client
• Data is organized into partitions ("rows") identified by tokens in a 2127-1 integer range
• The total token range is treated internally as a ring whose segments are owned by nodes
• Nodes are identified by the highest token in their segment of the total range
• A node's partitioner hashes a token from the partition key of a value being written
• The first replica ("copy") of a partition is written to the node owning the primary range containing its token
• Replication factor (RF) determines how many replicas ("copies") are made of each partition
• Replication strategy determines how replicas are distributed across the cluster
• A per-request consistency level (CL) determines how many nodes must acknowledge
• Nodes continually exchange state and location information via the Gossip protocol
• Each node includes a Snitch which tracks and reports on the current cluster topology
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