1. What were you trying to solve when you
created MongoDB?
were and are trying to build the database that we always wanted as developers.
pure reporting, SQL and relational is nice, but when building data always
wanted something different: something that made coding scaled horizontally.
2. What was a major hurdle in the early days
of MongoDB?
big hurdle for the whole nosql space was that moving to anything from
is a big step for the user. Relational is a great Everyone who graduates from
school already knows it. However, computer architectures are changing, cloud
computing is coming if not already here. We need solutions that run in
fundamentally different environments. Also are interesting -- thus the dynamic
schema nature of the product.
3. What makes Mongodb best? OR Why should use MongoDB ?
performance (Index on any attribute, Auto-Sharding, Fast In-Place Updates )
& High availability
query language
Support By MongoDB
4. If I am using replication, can some members
use journaling and others not?
5. Can I use the journaling feature to perform
safe hot backups?
6. What is a 32 bit nuance?
is extra memory mapped file activity with journaling. This will further
constrain the limited db size of 32 bit builds. Thus, for now journaling by
default is disabled on 32 bit systems.
7. Will the journal replay have problems if
entries are incomplete (like the failure happened in the middle of one)?
journal (group) write is consistent and won't be replayed during recovery
unless it is complete.
8. What is role of Profiler/ analyzer in
includes a database profiler which shows performance characteristics of each
operation against the database. Using the profiler you can find queries (and
write operations) which are slower than they should be; use this information,
for example, to determine when an index is needed
9. What's a "namespace"?
stores BSON objects in collections. The concatenation of the database name and
the collection name (with a period in between) is called a namespace.
A “namespace” is
the concatenation of the database name and the collection names with a period character in between.
Collections are containers for documents that share one or more indexes.
Databases are groups of collections stored
on disk using a
single set of data files. For an example acme.users namespace, acme is the
database name and users is the collection name. Period
characters can
occur in collection names, so that acme.user.history is a valid namespace, with
acme as the database name, and user.history as the collection name.
While data
models like this appear to support nested collections, the collection namespace
is flat, and there is no difference from the perspective of MongoDB between
acme, acme.users, and acme.records.
10. If you remove an object attribute is it
deleted from the storage layer?
you remove the attribute and then re-save() the object.
11. Are null values allowed?
members of an object, yes. You cannot add null to a database collection though
as null isn't an object. You can add {}, though.
12. Does an update fsync to disk immediately?
writes to disk are lazy by default. A write may hit disk a couple of seconds
later. For example, if the database receives a thousand increments to an object
within one second, it will only be flushed to disk once. (Note fsync options
are available though both at the command line and via getLastError_old.)
13. How do I do transactions/locking? OR How do I do
transactions and locking in MongoDB?
MongoDB does
not have support for traditional locking or complex transactions with rollback.
MongoDB aims to be lightweight, fast, and predictable in its performance. This
is similar to the MySQL MyISAM autocommit model. By keeping transaction support
extremely simple, MongoDB can provide greater performance especially for
partitioned or replicated systems with a number of database server processes.
MongoDB does
have support for atomic operations within a single document. Given the
possibilities provided by nested documents, this feature provides support for a
large number of use-cases.
14. Why are my data files so large? OR Why are MongoDB’s data
files so large?
aggressively preallocates data files to reserve space and avoid file system
fragmentation. You can use the storage.smallFiles setting to modify the file
preallocation strategy.
15. How long does replica set failover take?
It varies, but
a replica set will select a new primary within a minute.
It may take
10-30 seconds for the members of a replica set to declare a primary
inaccessible. This triggers an election. During the election, the cluster is
unavailable for writes. The election itself may take another 10-30 seconds.
Eventually consistent reads, like the ones that will return from a replica set
are only possible with a write concern that permits reads from secondary
16. What's a master or primary? OR What do the
terms “primary” and “master” mean?
Primary and
master nodes are the nodes that can accept writes. MongoDB’s replication is
“single-master:” only one node can accept write operations at a time.
In a replica
set, if the current “primary” node fails or becomes inaccessible, the other
members can autonomously elect one of the other members of the set to be the
new “primary”.
By default,
clients send all reads to the primary; however, read preference is configurable
at the client level on a per-connection basis, which makes it possible to send
reads to secondary nodes instead.
17. What's a secondary or slave? OR What do the terms
“secondary” and “slave” mean?
Secondary and
slave nodes are read-only nodes that replicate from the primary.
operates by way of an oplog, from which secondary/slave members apply new
operations to themselves. This replication process is asynchronous, so
secondary/slave nodes may not always reflect the latest writes to the primary.
But usually, the gap between the primary and secondary nodes is just few
milliseconds on a local network connection.
18. Do I have to call getLastError to make a
write durable?
If you don't call getLastError (aka "Safe Mode") the server does
exactly the same behavior as if you had. The getLastError call simply lets one
get confirmation that the write operation was successfully committed. Of
course, often you will want that confirmation, but the safety of the write and
its durability is independent.
19. Should I start out with sharded or with a
non-sharded MongoDB environment? OR Is sharding appropriate for a new
Sometimes. If
your data set fits on a single server, you should begin with an unsharded
deployment. Converting an unsharded database to a sharded cluster is easy and
seamless, so there is little advantage in configuring sharding while your data
set is small.Still, all production deployments should use replica sets to
provide high availability and disaster recovery.
20. How does sharding work with replication?
use replication with sharding, deploy each shard as a replica set. Each shard
is a logical collection of partitioned data. The shard could consist of a
single server or a cluster of replicas.
21. When will data be on more than one shard?
sharding is range based. So all the objects in a collection get put into a
chunk. Only when there is more than 1 chunk is there an option for multiple
shards to get data. Right now, the default chunk size is 64mb, so you need at
least 64mb for a migration to occur.
22. What happens if I try to update a document
on a chunk that is being migrated?
update will go through immediately on the old shard, and then the change will
be replicated to the new shard before ownership transfers.
23. What happens to queries if a shard is
inaccessible or slow?
If a shard is
inaccessible or unavailable, queries will return with an error. However, a
client may set the partial query bit, which will then return results from all
available shards, regardless of whether a given shard is unavailable. If a
shard is responding slowly, mongos will merely wait for the shard to return
24. Can I remove old files in the moveChunk
these files are made as backups during normal shard balancing operations. Once
these migrations are complete, you may delete these files.The cleanup process
is currently manual so please do take care of this to free up space.
25. How can I see the connections used by
mongos? OR
Where does MongoDB report on connections used by mongos?
Connect to the
mongos with the mongo shell, and run the following command:
26. If a moveChunk fails do I need to cleanup
the partially moved docs?
No, chunk moves are consistent and deterministic; the move
will retry and when completed the data will only be on the new shard.
27. What do you understand by NoSQL databases?
Is MongoDB a NoSQL database? explain.
At the present time, the internet is
loaded with big data, big users, big complexity etc. and also becoming more
complex day by day. NoSQL is answer of all these problems, It is not a
traditional database management system, not even a relational database
management system (RDBMS). NoSQL stands for "Not Only SQL". NoSQL is
a type of database that can handle and sort all type of unstructured, messy and
complicated data. It is just a new way to think about the database.
Yes. MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
28. What are the different types of NoSQL databases?
Give some example.
NoSQL database can be classified as
4 basic types:
- Key value store NoSQL database
- Document store NoSQL database
- Column store NoSQL database
- Graph base NoSQL databse
There are many NoSQL databases.
MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchBD, Hypertable, Redis, Riak, Neo4j, HBASE, Couchbase,
MemcacheDB, Voldemort, RevenDB etc. are the examples of NoSQL databases.
29. What type of DBMS is MongoDB?
MongoDB is a document oriented DBMS.
30. What is the difference between MongoDB and
Although MongoDB and MySQL both are
free and open source databases, there is a lot of difference between them in
the term of data representation, relationship, transaction, querying data,
schema design and definition, performance speed, normalization and many more.
To compare MySQL with MongoDB is like a comparison between Relational and
Non-relational databases.
MySQL Term
Mongo Term
BSON document (binary encoded serialization of JSON like
BSON field
Primary Key
Element name "_id" is used
31. What is the difference b/w MongoDB and
MongoDB and CouchDB both are the
great example of open source NoSQL database.
Both are document oriented databases. Although both stores data but
there is a lot of difference between them in terms of implementation of their
data models, interfaces, object storage and replication methods etc
32. In which language MongoDB is written?
MongoDB is
written and implemented in C++. Drivers and client libraries are typically
written in their respective languages, although some drivers use C extensions
for better performance.
33. Does MongoDB need a lot space of Random
Access Memory (RAM)?
necessarily. It’s certainly possible to run MongoDB on a machine with a small
amount of free RAM. MongoDB automatically uses all free memory on the machine
as its cache. System resource monitors show that MongoDB uses a lot of memory,
but its usage is dynamic. If another process suddenly needs half the server’s
MongoDB will yield
cached memory to the other process.
the operating system’s virtual memory subsystem manages MongoDB’s memory. This
means that MongoDB will use as much free memory as it can, swapping to disk as
needed. Deployments with enough memory to fit
the application’s working data set
in RAM will achieve the best performance.
34. What language you can use with MongoDB?
MongoDB client drivers supports all
the popular programming languages so there is no issue of language, you can use
any language that you want.
35. Does MongoDB database have tables for
storing records?
MongoDB databases have tables?
No. Instead of tables, a MongoDB
database stores its data in collections, which are the rough equivalent of
RDBMS tables. A collection holds one or more documents, which corresponds to a
record or a row in a relational database table, and
each document
has one or more fields, which corresponds to a column in a relational database
have important differences from RDBMS tables. Documents in a single collection
may have a unique combination and set of fields. Documents need not have
identical fields. You can add a field to some documents in a collection without
adding that field to all documents in the collection.
36. Do the MongoDB databases have schema?
MongoDB uses
dynamic schemas. You can create collections without defining the structure,
i.e. the fields or the types of their values, of the documents in the
collection. You can change the structure of documents simply by adding new
fields or
deleting existing ones. Documents in a collection need not have an identical
set of fields.
In practice, it
is common for the documents in a collection to have a largely homogeneous
structure; however, this is not a requirement. MongoDB’s flexible schemas mean
that schema migration and augmentation are very easy in practice, and you will
rarely, if ever, need to write scripts that perform “alter table” type
operations, which simplifies and facilitates iterative software development
with MongoDB.
37. What is the method to configure the cache
size in MongoDB?
MongoDB has no
configurable cache. MongoDB uses all free memory on the system automatically by
way of memory mapped files. Operating systems use the same approach with their
file system caches.
38. Why 32 bit version of MongoDB are not
preferred ? OR
What are the limitations of 32-bit versions of MongoDB?
MongoDB uses
memory-mapped files. When running a 32-bit build of MongoDB, the total storage
size for the server, including data and indexes, is 2 gigabytes. For this
reason, do not deploy MongoDB to production on 32-bit machines.
If you’re
running a 64-bit build of MongoDB, there’s virtually no limit to storage size.
For production deployments, 64-bit builds and operating systems are strongly
Note: 32-bit
builds disable journaling by default because journaling further limits the
maximum amount of data that the database can store.
39. What kind of database is MongoDB?
MongoDB is a
document-oriented DBMS. Think of MySQL but with JSON-like objects comprising
the data model, rather than RDBMS tables. Significantly, MongoDB supports
neither joins nor transactions. However, it features secondary indexes, an
expressive query language, atomic writes on a per-document level, and
fully-consistent reads.
MongoDB features master-slave replication with automated failover and built-in
horizontal scaling via automated range-based partitioning.
Note: MongoDB uses BSON, a binary object
format similar to, but more expressive than JSON.
40. Does MongoDB support SQL?
No. However,
MongoDB does support a rich, ad-hoc query language of its own.
41. What are typical uses for MongoDB? OR Where should use MongoDB?
MongoDB has a
general-purpose design, making it appropriate for a large number of use cases.
Examples : Big Data, content management
systems and Delivery, mobile applications, gaming, e-commerce, analytics,
archiving, and logging, User Data Management.
Do not use MongoDB for systems that require SQL, joins, and
multi-object transactions.
42. Does MongoDB
support ACID transactions?
MongoDB does not support multi-document transactions.
However, MongoDB does provide atomic operations on a single document. Often
these document-level atomic operations are sufficient to solve problems that
would require ACID transactions in a relational database.
For example, in MongoDB, you can embed related data in
nested arrays or nested documents within a single document and update the
entire document in a single atomic operation. Relational databases might
represent the same kind of
data with multiple tables and rows, which would require
transaction support to update the data atomically.
MongoDB allows clients to read documents inserted or
modified before it commits these modifications to disk, regardless of write
concern level or journaling configuration. As a result, applications may
observe two classes of behaviors:
For systems with multiple concurrent readers and writers,
MongoDB will allow clients to read the results of a write operation before the
write operation returns.
• If the mongod terminates before the journal commits, even
if a write returns successfully, queries may have read data that will not exist
after the mongod restarts.
Other database systems refer to these isolation semantics as
read uncommitted. For all inserts and updates, MongoDB modifies each document
in isolation: clients never see documents in intermediate states. For
multi-document operations, MongoDB does not provide any multi-document
transactions or isolation.
When mongod returns a successful journaled write concern,
the data is fully committed to disk and will be available after mongod
For replica sets, write operations are durable only after a
write replicates and commits to the journal of a majority of the members of the
set. MongoDB regularly commits data to the journal regardless of journaled
write concern: use the commitIntervalMs to control how often a mongod commits
the journal.
43. Does MongoDB require a separate caching layer for application-level
No. In MongoDB, a document’s representation in the database
is similar to its representation in application memory.
This means the database already stores the usable form of
data, making the data usable in both the persistent store and in the
application cache. This eliminates the need for a separate caching layer in the
This differs from relational databases, where caching data
is more expensive. Relational databases must transform data into object
representations that applications can read and must store the transformed data
in a separate cache: if
these transformation from data to application objects
require joins, this process increases the overhead related to using the
database which increases the importance of the caching layer.
44. Does MongoDB handle caching?
Yes. MongoDB
keeps all of the most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes
for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all
queries from memory.
MongoDB does not implement a query cache: MongoDB serves all
queries directly from the indexes and/or data files.
45. Are writes written to disk immediately, or lazily?
Writes are
physically written to the journal within 100 milliseconds, by default. At that
point, the write is “durable” in the sense that after a pull-plug-from-wall
event, the data will still be recoverable after a hard restart.
While the
journal commit is nearly instant, MongoDB writes to the data files lazily.
MongoDB may wait to write data to the data files for as much as one minute by
default. This does not affect durability, as the journal has enough information
to ensure crash recovery. To change the interval for writing to the data files,
see syncPeriodSecs.
46. How do you copy all objects from one collection to another?
In the mongo
shell, you can use the following operation to duplicate the entire collection:
Warning: When
using db.collection.copyTo() check field types to ensure that the operation
does not remove type information from documents during the translation from
BSON to JSON. Consider using cloneCollection() to maintain type fidelity.
db.collection.copyTo() method uses the eval command internally. As a result,
the db.collection.copyTo() operation takes a global lock that blocks all other
read and write operations until the db.collection.copyTo() completes.
Also consider the cloneCollection command that may provide
some of this functionality.
47. If you remove a document, does MongoDB remove it from disk?
Yes. When you
use remove(), the object will no longer exist in MongoDB’s on-disk data
48. When does MongoDB write updates to disk?
MongoDB flushes
writes to disk on a regular interval. In the default configuration, MongoDB
writes data to the main data files on disk every 60 seconds and commits the
journal roughly every 100 milliseconds. These values are configurable with the
commitIntervalMs and syncPeriodSecs.
These values
represent the maximum amount of time between the completion of a write operation
and the point when the write is durable in the journal, if enabled, and when
MongoDB flushes data to the disk. In many cases MongoDB and the operating
system flush data to disk more frequently, so that the above values represents
a theoretical maximum.
However, by
default, MongoDB uses a “lazy” strategy to write to disk. This is
advantageous in situations where the database receives a thousand increments to
an object within one second, MongoDB only needs to flush this data to disk
once. In
addition to the aforementioned configuration options, you can also use fsync
and Write Concern to modify this strategy.
49. How do you aggregate data with MongoDB?
In version 2.1
and later, you can use the new aggregation framework, with the aggregate
MongoDB also
supports map-reduce with the mapReduce command, as well as basic aggregation
with the group, count, and distinct. commands.
50. Why does MongoDB log so many “Connection Accepted” events?
If you see a
very large number connection and re-connection messages in your MongoDB log,
then clients are frequently connecting and disconnecting to the MongoDB server.
This is normal behavior for applications that do not use
pooling, such as CGI. Consider using FastCGI, an Apache Module, or some other kind
of persistent application server to decrease the connection overhead.
If these
connections do not impact your performance you can use the run-time quiet
option or the command-line option --quiet to suppress these messages from the
51. Does MongoDB run on Amazon EBS?
Yes. MongoDB
users of all sizes have had a great deal of success using MongoDB on the EC2
platform using EBS disks.
52. How do I optimize storage use for small documents?
Each MongoDB
document contains a certain amount of overhead. This overhead is normally
insignificant but becomes significant if all documents are just a few bytes, as
might be the case if the documents in your collection only have one or two
Consider the
following suggestions and strategies for optimizing storage utilization for
these collections:
• Use the
_id field explicitly.
MongoDB clients
automatically add an _id field to each document and generate a unique 12-byte
ObjectId for the _id field. Furthermore, MongoDB always indexes the _id field. For
smaller documents this may account for a significant amount of space.
To optimize
storage use, users can specify a value for the _id field explicitly when
inserting documents into the collection. This strategy allows applications to
store a value in the _id field that would have occupied space in another
portion of the document.
You can store
any value in the _id field, but because this value serves as a primary key for
documents in the collection, it must uniquely identify them. If the field’s
value is not unique, then it cannot serve as a primary keyas there would be
collisions in the collection.
• Use
shorter field names.
MongoDB stores
all field names in every document. For most documents, this represents a small
fraction of the space used by a document; however, for small documents the
field names may represent a proportionally large amount of space. Consider a
collection of documents that resemble the following:
{ last_name :
"Smith", best_score: 3.9 }
If you shorten
the field named last_name to lname and the field named best_score to score, as
follows, you could save 9 bytes per document.
{ lname :
"Smith", score : 3.9 }
field names reduces expressiveness and does not provide considerable benefit
for larger documents and where document overhead is not of significant concern.
Shorter field names do not reduce the size of indexes, because indexes have a
predefined structure. In general it is not necessary to use short field names.
• Embed
In some cases you may want to embed documents in other
documents and save on the per-document overhead.
53. When should I use GridFS?
For documents
in a MongoDB collection, you should always use GridFS for storing files larger
than 16 MB.
In some
situations, storing large files may be more efficient in a MongoDB database
than on a system-level filesystem.
• If your
filesystem limits the number of files in a directory, you can use GridFS to
store as many files as needed.
• When you want
to keep your files and metadata automatically synced and deployed across a
number of systems and facilities. When using geographically distributed replica
sets MongoDB can distribute files and their metadata automatically to a number
of mongod instances and facilities.
• When you want
to access information from portions of large files without having to load whole
files into memory, you can use GridFS to recall sections of files without
reading the entire file into memory.
Do not use
GridFS if you need to update the content of the entire file atomically. As an
alternative you can store multiple versions of each file and specify the
current version of the file in the metadata. You can update the metadata field
that indicates “latest” status in an atomic update after uploading the new
version of the file, and later remove previous versions if needed.
Furthermore, if
your files are all smaller the 16 MB BSON Document Size limit, consider storing
the file manually within a single document. You may use the BinData data type
to store the binary data.
54. How does MongoDB address SQL or Query injection?
As a client
program assembles a query in MongoDB, it builds a BSON object, not a string.
Thus traditional SQL injection attacks are not a problem. More details and some
nuances are covered below.
represents queries as BSON objects. Typically client libraries provide a
convenient, injection free, process to build these objects. Consider the
following C++ example:
my_query = BSON( "name" << a_name );
cursor = c.query("tutorial.persons", my_query);
Here, my_query
then will have a value such as { name : "Joe" }.
If my_query contained special characters, for example ,, :, and {, the query simply
wouldn’t match any documents. For example, users cannot hijack a
query and
convert it to a delete.
Note: You can
disable all server-side execution of JavaScript, by passing the --noscripting
option on the command line or setting security.javascriptEnabled in a
configuration file.
All of the
following MongoDB operations permit you to run arbitrary JavaScript expressions
directly on the server:
• $where
• db.eval()
• mapReduce
• group
You must
exercise care in these cases to prevent users from submitting malicious
you can express most queries in MongoDB without JavaScript and for queries that
require JavaScript, you can mix JavaScript and non-JavaScript in a single
query. Place all the user-supplied fields directly in a BSON field and
pass JavaScript
code to the $where field.
• If you need
to pass user-supplied values in a $where clause, you may escape these values
with the CodeWScope mechanism. When you set user-submitted values as variables
in the scope document, you can avoid evaluating them on the database server.
• If you need
to use db.eval() with user supplied values, you can either use a CodeWScope or
you can supply extra arguments to your function. For instance:
This will
ensure that your application sends user_value to the database server as data
rather than code.
Dollar Sign Operator Escaping
Field names in
MongoDB’s query language have semantic meaning. The dollar sign (i.e $) is a
reserved character used to represent operators (i.e. $inc.) Thus, you should
ensure that your application’s users cannot inject operators into their inputs.
In some cases,
you may wish to build a BSON object with a user-provided key. In these
situations, keys will need to substitute the reserved $ and . characters. Any
character is sufficient, but consider using the Unicode full width
U+FF04 (i.e. “$”) and U+FF0E (i.e. “.”).
Consider the
following example:
my_object = BSON( a_key << a_name );
The user may
have supplied a $ value in the a_key value. At the same time, my_object might
be { $where : "things" }. Consider the following cases:
• Insert.
Inserting this into the database does no harm. The insert process does not
evaluate the object as a query.
Note: MongoDB
client drivers, if properly implemented, check for reserved characters in keys
on inserts.
• Update. The
update() operation permits $ operators in the update argument but does not
support the $where operator. Still, some users may be able to inject operators
that can manipulate a single document only. Therefore your application should
escape keys, as mentioned above, if reserved characters are possible.
• Query
Generally this is not a problem for queries that resemble { x : user_obj }:
dollar signs are not top level and have no effect. Theoretically it may be
possible for the user to build a query themselves.
But checking
the user-submitted content for $ characters in key names may help protect
against this kind of injection.
55. How does MongoDB provide concurrency?
implements a readers-writer lock. This means that at any one time, only one client
may be writing or any number of clients may be reading, but that reading and
writing cannot occur simultaneously.
In standalone
and replica sets the lock’s scope applies to a single mongod instance or
primary instance. In a sharded cluster, locks apply to each individual shard,
not to the whole cluster.
56. What is the compare order for BSON types?
MongoDB permits
documents within a single collection to have fields with different BSON types.
For instance, the following documents may exist within a single collection.
{ x:
"string" }
{ x: 42 }
When comparing values of different BSON types, MongoDB uses
the following comparison order, from lowest to highest:
1. MinKey (internal type)
2. Null
3. Numbers (ints, longs, doubles)
4. Symbol, String
5. Object
6. Array
7. BinData
8. ObjectId
9. Boolean
10. Date, Timestamp
11. Regular Expression
12. MaxKey (internal type)
MongoDB treats some types as equivalent for comparison
purposes. For instance, numeric types undergo conversion before comparison.
The comparison treats a non-existent field as it would an
empty BSON Object. As such, a sort on the a field in documents { } and {a:
null} would treat the documents as equivalent in sort order.
With arrays, a less-than comparison or an ascending sort
compares the smallest element of arrays, and a greater-than comparison or a
descending sort compares the largest element of the arrays. As such, when
comparing a field whose
value is a single-element array (e.g. [ 1 ]) with non-array
fields (e.g. 2), the comparison is between 1 and 2. A comparison of an empty
array (e.g. [ ]) treats the empty array as less than null or a missing field.
MongoDB sorts BinData in the following order:
1. First, the length or size of the data.
2. Then, by the BSON one-byte subtype.
3. Finally, by the data, performing a byte-by-byte
Consider the following mongo example:
db.test.insert( {x : 3 } );
db.test.insert( {x : 2.9 } );
db.test.insert( {x : new Date() } );
db.test.insert( {x : true } );
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4b03155dce8de6586fb002c7"),
"x" : 2.9 }
{ "_id" :
ObjectId("4b03154cce8de6586fb002c6"), "x" : 3 }
{ "_id" :
ObjectId("4b031566ce8de6586fb002c9"), "x" : true }
{ "_id" :
ObjectId("4b031563ce8de6586fb002c8"), "x" : "Tue Nov
17 2009 16:28:03 GMT-0500 (EST)" }
The $type operator provides access to BSON type comparison
in the MongoDB query syntax.
Storing values of the different types in the same field in a collection is
strongly discouraged.
57. When multiplying
values of mixed types, what type conversion rules apply?
The $mul multiplies the numeric value of a field by a
number. For multiplication with values of mixed numeric types (32-bit integer,
64-bit integer, float), the following type conversion rules apply:
32-bit Integer 64-bit Integer Float
32-bit Integer 32-bit or 64-bit Integer 64-bit Integer Float
64-bit Integer 64-bit Integer 64-bit Integer Float
Float Float Float Float
• If the product of two 32-bit integers exceeds the maximum
value for a 32-bit integer, the result is a 64-bit integer.
• Integer operations of any type that exceed the maximum
value for a 64-bit integer produce an error.
58. How do I query for fields that have null values?
Different query
operators treat null values differently:
• The {
cancelDate : null } query matches documents that either contains the cancelDate
field whose value is null or that do not contain the cancelDate field:
db.test.find( {
cancelDate: null } )
The query
returns both documents:
"_id" : 1, "cancelDate" : null }
"_id" : 2 }
• The {
cancelDate : { $type: 10 } } query matches documents that contains the
cancelDate field whose value is null only; i.e. the value of the cancelDate
field is of BSON Type Null (i.e. 10) :
db.test.find( {
cancelDate : { $type: 10 } } )
The query
returns only the document that contains the null value:
"_id" : 1, "cancelDate" : null }
• The {
cancelDate : { $exists: false } } query matches documents that do not contain
the cancelDate field:
db.test.find( {
cancelDate : Fields in a document may store null values, as in a notional
collection, test, with the following documents:
{ _id: 1,
cancelDate: null }
{ _id: 2 }
{ $exists:
false } } )
query returns only the document that does not contain the cancelDate field:
{ "_id" : 2 }
59. Are there any restrictions on the names of
names can be any UTF-8 string with the following exceptions:
A collection name should begin with a letter or an underscore.
• The empty string ("") is not a valid collection
• Collection names cannot contain the $ character. (version
2.2 only)
• Collection names cannot contain the null character: \0
• Do not name a collection using the system. prefix. MongoDB
reserves system. for system collections, such as the system.indexes collection.
• The maximum size of a collection name is 128 characters,
including the name of the database. However, for maximum flexibility,
collections should have names less than 80 characters.
If your collection name includes
special characters, such as the underscore character, then to access the
collection use the db.getCollection() method or a similar method for your
To create a collection _foo and insert the { a : 1 }
document, use the following operation:
db.getCollection("_foo").insert( { a : 1 } )
To perform a query, use the find() method, in as the
60. How do I isolate cursors from intervening write operations?
MongoDB cursors
can return the same document more than once in some situations.
You can use the
snapshot() method on a cursor to isolate the operation for a very specific
traverses the index on the _id field and guarantees that the query will return
each document (with respect to the value of the _id field) no more than once.
The snapshot()
does not guarantee that the data returned by the query will reflect a single
moment in time nor does it provide isolation from insert or delete operations.
• You cannot
use snapshot() with sharded collections.
• You cannot
use snapshot() with sort() or hint() cursor methods.
As an
alternative, if your collection has a field or fields that are never modified,
you can use a unique index on this field or these fields to achieve a similar
result as the snapshot(). Query with hint() to explicitly force the query to
use that index.
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