Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Interview Q & A for Oracle Golden Gate Part - 4

71. GoldenGate  Architecture

The Manager process must be running on both the source as well as target systems before the Extract or Replicat process can be started and performs a number of functions including monitoring and starting other GoldenGate processes, managing the trail files and also reporting.
The Extract process runs on the source system and is the data capture mechanism of GoldenGate. It can be configured both for initial loading of the source data as well as to synchronize the changed data on the source with the target. This can be configured to also propagate any DDL changes on those databases where DDL change support is available.
The Replicat process runs on the target system and reads transactional data changes as well as DDL changes and replicates then to the target database. Like the Extract process, the Replicat process can also be configured for Initial Load as well as Change Synchronization.
The Collector is a background process which runs on the target system and is started automatically by the Manager (Dynamic Collector) or it can be configured to start manually (Static Collector). It receives extracted data changes that are sent via TCP/IP and writes then to the trail files from where they are processed by the Replicat process.
Trails are series of files that GoldenGate temporarily stores on disks and these files are written to and read from by the Extract and Replicat processes as the case may be. Depending on the configuration chosen, these trail files can exist on the source as well as on the target systems. If it exists on the local system, it will be known an Extract Trail or as an Remote Trail if it exists on the target system.
Data Pumps
Data Pumps are secondary extract mechanisms which exist in the source configuration. This is optional component and if Data Pump is not used then Extract sends data via TCP/IP to the remote trail on the target. When Data Pump is configured, the the Primary Extract process will write to the Local Trail and then this trail is read by the Data Pump and data is sent over the network to Remote Trails on the target system.
In the absence of Data Pump, the data that the Extract process extracts resides in memory alone and there is no storage of this data anywhere on the source system. In case of network of target failures, there could be cases where the primary extract process can abort or abend. Data Pump can also be useful in those cases where we are doing complex filtering and transformation of data as well as when we are consolidating data from many sources to a central target.
Data source
When processing transactional data changes, the Extract process can obtain data directly from the database transaction logs (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL etc) or from a GoldenGate Vendor Access Module (VAM) where the database vendor (for example Teradata) will provide the required components that will be used by Extract to extract the data changes.
To differentiate between the number of different Extract and Replicat groups which can potentially co-exist on a system, we can define processing groups. For instance, if we want to replicate different sets of data in parallel, we can create two Replicat groups.
A processing group consisits of a process which could be either a Extract or Replicat process, a corresponding parameter file, checkpoint file or checkpoint table (for Replicat) and other files which could be associated with the process

72. What is the default port for Goldengate manager process ?

73. Information on all GoldenGate processes running on a system
GGSCI (devu007) 21> info all
Program     Status      Group       Lag           Time Since Chkpt
EXTRACT     RUNNING     DPUMP       00:00:00      00:00:04
EXTRACT     RUNNING     EXT1        00:00:00      00:00:09
EXTRACT     RUNNING     EXT2        00:00:00      00:00:07
EXTRACT     ABENDED     GAVIN       00:00:00      73:29:25
EXTRACT     STOPPED     WORKPLAN    00:00:00      191:44:18
REPLICAT    RUNNING     MYLOAD2     00:00:00      00:00:09
REPLICAT    RUNNING     MYREP       00:00:00      00:00:08

74. status of a particular process
GGSCI (devu007) 23> status manager
Manager is running (IP port devu007.7809).
GGSCI (devu007) 24> status extract ext1

Detailed information of a particular process

GGSCI (devu007) 6> info extract ext1, detail
EXTRACT    EXT1      Last Started 2010-02-19 11:19   Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:02 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint  Oracle Redo Logs
                     2010-02-26 10:45:18  Seqno 786, RBA 44710400
  Target Extract Trails:
  Remote Trail Name                                Seqno        RBA     Max MB
  /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirdat/lt            2      55644         10
  Extract Source                          Begin             End
  /u02/oradata/apex/redo03.log            2010-02-19 11:13  2010-02-26 10:45
  /u02/oradata/apex/redo02.log            2010-02-19 11:04  2010-02-19 11:13
  /u02/oradata/apex/redo02.log            2010-02-18 10:42  2010-02-19 11:04
  Not Available                           * Initialized *   2010-02-18 10:42
Current directory    /u01/oracle/software/goldengate
Report file          /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirrpt/EXT1.rpt
Parameter file       /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirprm/ext1.prm
Checkpoint file      /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirchk/EXT1.cpe
Process file         /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirpcs/EXT1.pce
Stdout file          /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirout/EXT1.out
Error log            /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/ggserr.log

75. Monitoring an Extract recovery 
GGSCI (devu007) 35> send extract ext1 status
Sending STATUS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...
  EXTRACT EXT1 (PID 1925238)
  Current status: Recovery complete: At EOF
  Sequence #: 786
  RBA: 40549888
  Timestamp: 2010-02-26 09:59:57.000000
  Output trail #1
  Current write position:
  Sequence #: 2
  RBA: 55644
  Timestamp: 2010-02-26 09:59:54.337574
  Extract Trail: /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirdat/lt

76. Monitoring processing volume - Statistics of the operations processed 
GGSCI (devu007) 33> stats extract ext1
Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...
Start of Statistics at 2010-02-26 09:58:27.
DDL replication statistics (for all trails):
*** Total statistics since extract started     ***
        Operations                                  19.00
        Mapped operations                            2.00
        Unmapped operations                          9.00
        Other operations                             8.00
        Excluded operations                         17.00
Output to /u01/oracle/software/goldengate/dirdat/lt:
*** Total statistics since 2010-02-19 11:21:03 ***
        No database operations have been performed.
*** Total statistics since 2010-02-19 11:21:03 ***
        Total inserts                                4.00
        Total updates                               46.00
        Total deletes                                0.00
        Total discards                               0.00
        Total operations                            50.00
*** Daily statistics since 2010-02-26 00:00:00 ***
        Total inserts                                0.00
        Total updates                               16.00
        Total deletes                                0.00
        Total discards                               0.00
        Total operations                            16.00
*** Hourly statistics since 2010-02-26 09:00:00 ***
        No database operations have been performed.
*** Latest statistics since 2010-02-19 11:21:03 ***
        Total inserts                                4.00
        Total updates                               46.00
        Total deletes                                0.00
        Total discards                               0.00
        Total operations                            50.00
End of Statistics.
View processing rate - can use 'hr','min' or 'sec' as a parameter
GGSCI (devu007) 37> stats extract ext2 reportrate hr
Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT2 ...
Start of Statistics at 2010-02-26 10:04:46.
Output to /u01/oracle/ggs/dirdat/cc:
*** Total statistics since 2010-02-26 09:29:48 ***
        Total inserts/hour:                          0.00
        Total updates/hour:                      95258.62
        Total deletes/hour:                          0.00
        Total discards/hour:                         0.00
        Total operations/hour:                   95258.62
*** Daily statistics since 2010-02-26 09:29:48 ***
        Total inserts/hour:                          0.00
        Total updates/hour:                      95258.62
        Total deletes/hour:                          0.00
        Total discards/hour:                         0.00
        Total operations/hour:                   95258.62
*** Hourly statistics since 2010-02-26 10:00:00 ***
        No database operations have been performed.
*** Latest statistics since 2010-02-26 09:29:48 ***
        Total inserts/hour:                          0.00
        Total updates/hour:                      95258.62
        Total deletes/hour:                          0.00
        Total discards/hour:                         0.00
        Total operations/hour:                   95258.62
End of Statistics.

77. View latency between the records processed by Goldengate and the timestamp in the data source
GGSCI (devu007) 13>  send extract ext2, getlag
Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT2 ...
Last record lag: 3 seconds.
At EOF, no more records to process.

GGSCI (devu007) 15> lag extract ext*

Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT1 ...
Last record lag: 1 seconds.
At EOF, no more records to process.

Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EXT2 ...
Last record lag: 1 seconds.
At EOF, no more records to process.

78. Viewing the GoldenGate error log as well as history of commands executed and other events
We can use the editor depending on operating system – vi on Unix for example to view the ggserr.log file which is located at the top level GoldenGate software installation directory.
We can also use the GGSCI command VIEW GGSEVT as well.

79. View the process report
Every Manager, Extract and Replicat process will generate a report file at the end of each run and this report can be viewed to diagnose any problems or errors as well as view the parameters used, the environment variables is use, memory consumption etc
For example:
GGSCI (devu007) 2> view report ext1
GGSCI (devu007) 2> view report rep1
GGSCI (devu007) 2> view report mgr

80. Information on Child processes started by the Manager
GGSCI (devu007) 8> send manager childstatus
Sending CHILDSTATUS request to MANAGER ...
Child Process Status - 6 Entries
ID     Group     Process    Retry Retry Time            Start Time
----  --------  ----------  ----- ------------------    -----------
   0     EXT1     1925238      0  None                 2010/02/19 11:07:54
   1    DPUMP     2195496      0  None                 2010/02/19 11:08:02
   2   MSSQL1      422034      0  None                 2010/02/22 13:54:59
   4    MYREP     1302702      0  None                 2010/02/23 09:08:34
   6  MYLOAD2     1200242      0  None                 2010/02/23 11:05:01
   7     EXT2     2076844      0  None                 2010/02/26 08:29:22

81. GoldenGate Directory structure

After successfully installing Oracle GoldenGate, you must create the sub-directories structure used by the different components of Oracle GoldenGate.
The directories are the default locations when creating objects and parameter files.
Now, start GGSCI and run the below commands to create the directory structure.

GGSCI (edmr1s35) 1> create subdirs
 Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0
Parameter files                /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirprm: created
Report files                   /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirrpt: created
Checkpoint files               /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirchk: created
Process status files           /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirpcs: created
SQL script files               /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirsql: created
Database definitions files     /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirdef: created
Extract data files             /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirdat: created
Temporary files                /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirtmp: created
Veridata files                 /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver: created
Veridata Lock files            /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/lock: created
Veridata Out-Of-Sync files     /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/oos: created
Veridata Out-Of-Sync XML files /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/oosxml: created
Veridata Parameter files       /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/params: created
Veridata Report files          /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/report: created
Veridata Status files          /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/status: created
Veridata Trace files           /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirver/trace: created
Stdout files                   /u01/app/ogg/10.2.0/dirout: created

Successful installation of Oracle GoldenGate 12c creates the directory structure. Use the GGSCI SHOW command to display the instance directory structure.
The Goldengate dirprm directory
This directory is the default location for parameter files associated with group names. When an object created such as extract, data pump extract and replicat, a parameter file is looked at for the group name. Using non-default location is referenced by the parameter PARAMS <parameter file>.  Regardless of the parameter file location, the parameter file name and the group name must match.
The Goldengate dirrpt directory
This directory is the default location for reports and discarded records. Whenever a process ABENDED, a report file is created on this directory. The report file indicates the reasons for failure, and if the failure is database related, it also indicate the Oracle error code. Using non-default location is referenced by the parameter REPORT <report file>.
The Goldengate dirchk directory
This directory is for storing extract, data pump and replicat checkpoint files. Depending on the object type, a file is created using the group name with proper a relevant extension. For extract process, the checkpoint file name is <group name>.cpe. For replicat process, the checkpoint file name is <group name>.cpr.
The Goldengate dirpcs directory
This directory stores Oracle GoldenGate process identifier (PID). It’s the PID assigned by the operating system to running program, which is associated with an Oracle GoldenGate process. To obtain more details, use the operating system command ps –edf | grep <group name>. 
The Goldengate dirsql directory
This directory is default location to store SQL Script used by Oracle GoldenGate.
The Goldengate dirdef directory
This directory is used to store definition files. Definition files are required when the source and the target tables are not identical. Mostly used for heterogeneous environment when mapping tables across dissimilar platforms.
The Goldengate dirdat directory
This directory is used to start trail files. The trail files are identified by a two character prefix, followed by 6 digits. An extract or replicat processes trail files are designated by the parameter EXTTRAIL followed by the trial file location and name. For example, EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/sa.
The Goldengate dirtmp directory
This directory is the default location for Oracle GoldenGate temporary files due to capturing large transactions that goes beyond default cache size used by the extract process. The location and size is controlled by the CACHEMGR sub-parameters CACHESIZE, CACHEDIRECTORY and CACHEPAGEOUTSIZE. Also, it’s always recommended to dedicate a directory location to host the temporary files, avoiding contention with other type of files.

To confirm the current Oracle GoldenGate environment and subdirectories locations, use the GGSCI SHOW command.
GGSCI (ggs-source) 12> show

Parameter settings:
Current directory: /u01/app/oracle/ggs
Using subdirectories for all process files
Editor:  vi

Reports (.rpt)                 /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirrpt
Parameters (.prm)              /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirprm
Replicat Checkpoints (.cpr)    /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirchk
Extract Checkpoints (.cpe)     /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirchk
Process Status (.pcs)          /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirpcs
SQL Scripts (.sql)             /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirsql
Database Definitions (.def)    /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirdef
Dump files (.dmp)              /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirdmp
Masterkey wallet files (.wlt)  /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dirwlt
Credential store files (.crd)  /u01/app/oracle/ggs/dircrd

82. GoldenGate checkpoint table

GoldenGate maintains its own Checkpoints which is a known position in the trail file from where the Replicat process will start processing after any kind of error or shutdown.
This ensures data integrity and a record of these checkpoints is either maintained in files stored on disk or table in the database which is the preferred option.
Oracle GoldenGate processes extract and replicat processes perform checkpoint operations, in the event of failure, the checkpoint file or database table ensures extract and replicat re-start from the point failure avoiding re-capture and re-apply of transactions.
We can also create a single Checkpoint table which can used by all Replicat groups from the single or many GoldenGate instances.
The default and best-practice checkpoint for the delivery group is a database table, and we use the GGSCI add checkpointtable command to create the checkpoint table.

An alternative is the use of checkpoint file by specifying nocheckpointtble  parameter.

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